Ghost Task Force

Chapter 387 Weixi Pharmaceutical Group

Chapter 387 Weixi Pharmaceutical Group
In the medical department, Fang Siyu was talking softly with Nightingale. Nightingale's face was pale, but at least she could communicate normally.

But if she was asked to recall her previous experience, it would make Nightingale's emotions a little out of control, and she would feel flustered and even fearful.

No one knows what happened to her on the plane except herself.

After dinner, Liang Ye came to the medical department in person. He looked at Nightingale on the hospital bed through the glass window, frowning slightly.

I saw Nightingale sitting on the hospital bed while Fang Siyu was feeding her soup.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good, and Nightingale used to be an agent of the National Security Bureau; she is familiar with many national security agents, so it is normal to get acquainted with Fang Siyu.

"She doesn't dare to recall what happened on the plane?" Liang Ye asked with a frown.

A doctor nodded, and she said: "What she experienced has become her shadow, as long as she doesn't mention it, she will slowly recover."

"We don't have time." Liang Ye said, and opened the door first and walked in.

He couldn't waste any more time, the team led by Zhao Long was already on the move; as the ace unit of the Strategic Security Bureau, Liang Ye and the task force members couldn't stay in the headquarters all the time.

As trump cards, they should pay more of course.

Seeing Liang Ye walk in, except for Nightingale who was sitting on the hospital bed, everyone stood up straight and paid respects to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye nodded slightly towards them, then walked to the hospital bed, and fixed his eyes on Nightingale.

Fang Siyu had already thought that she was going to report to Liang Ye, but she had been with Nightingale all along and did not report to Liang Ye.

Now that Liang Ye came in person, she also knew that it was time for her to focus on the task.

Nightingale was injured, and Fang Siyu was the only one who knew all the details.Although she doesn't know what happened on the plane, at least she can provide some useful information.

Liang Ye glanced at Fang Siyu, then at Nightingale.

Nightingale also guessed what Liang Ye came here for, and she also knew that Liang Ye happened to save her.If Liang Ye hadn't taken Xiao Xiao and Claire out for a picnic at that time, she would have died at sea.

Being able to meet comrades-in-arms under such circumstances, this luck cannot be fully described with good words.

As the doctor described, Nightingale began to recall what she had experienced, and her expression seemed a little flustered again.

"You know what I'm going to ask." Liang Ye looked at Nightingale and said word by word: "I know you don't want to mention it, but for the sake of the overall situation, you must recall it. We need your help, Nightingale, you must Tell me what happened to you on the plane."

He didn't make any euphemisms, and got straight to the point.

Nightingale's mood began to fluctuate, and she covered her head with her hands, as if she was experiencing a terrible headache.

Fang Siyu, who was standing aside, seemed distressed, but she didn't dare to speak, after all, only Liang Ye was present at the highest level.

"The Strategic Defense Bureau does not do meaningless work. I need sufficient intelligence to launch an action; Nightingale, I need to know what you saw on the plane!" Liang Ye said again.

Nightingale's condition began to deteriorate, her facial muscles twitched constantly, and her whole body seemed to be plunged into boundless darkness, struggling crazily.

As a doctor, Zhou Yuying saw what kind of state Nightingale was in, and she quickly said to Liang Ye: "Captain, if this continues, her spirit will collapse."

Nightingale still covered her head with both hands, shaking her head constantly, as if trying to get rid of something.

"Give her a tranquilizer." Liang Ye finally said.

The doctor standing next to him quickly understood, and quickly injected Nightingale with a sedative.

It is true that Nightingale's current situation cannot reveal any useful information, and her current situation also proves that there are some unknown secrets on the plane.

"She can't help." Fang Siyu said.

Liang Ye glanced at her, and Fang Siyu understood something, nodded quickly, and walked out of the medical room first.

She was the only one besides Nightingale who knew the details of the mission, and Nightingale had let her participate in the mission without reporting; obviously, there was some important reason for this.

After Fang Siyu left, Liang Ye turned to the doctor in charge and said, "Take care of her, report any emergencies immediately, and at the same time cannot release her from control; security must follow at all times until she can be guaranteed to return to normal."

The doctor in charge nodded repeatedly, even if Liang Ye didn't say anything, they knew what to do.

As a sixth-level field agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, Nightingale has a strong combat power, especially when she is in a frenzy, she can knock Zhou Yuying into the air, which already shows how strong her combat power is when she is out of control.

After giving instructions, Liang Ye led the task force out of the medical room.

There was really no way to deal with Nightingale's situation. Even if Liang Ye thought about it, it would be useless even if he wanted to use coercion against Nightingale's situation, it would only have the opposite effect.

When people are extremely afraid of something, not only will their emotions lose control, they may even have a mental breakdown or schizophrenia.

These are very serious consequences, and Zhou Yuying is also very aware of this, so she took the initiative to mention it to Liang Ye just now.

Outside the medical room, Fang Siyu stood a little uneasy. When she saw Liang Ye coming out, she calmed down and stood up straight.

"I think it's time for you to confess to me, what exactly is Weixi Pharmaceutical Group hiding, why Nightingale would let you participate in the operation without reporting it, she needs support, obviously it should be an agent from our Security Bureau. "

Liang Ye asked a lot of questions, which he wanted to know urgently.

Fang Siyu understood Liang Ye's question. After all, Liang Ye was the commander-in-chief; he had the right to know everything, and he had to know the ins and outs of the matter before making a decision.

"Mr. Liang, I will answer everything you want to know." Fang Siyu brushed the hair next to her ear, and under the watchful eyes of the task force members, she began to tell slowly: "When Nightingale started this mission, I It is already collecting information related to this company. It is worth mentioning that, Mr. Liang, you may not know that Weixi Pharmaceutical Group has a strong influence in the whole world. They may not be well-known, but most of them They provide raw materials for high-priced medicines. They not only make medicines, but also produce raw materials for medicines.”

Listening to Fang Siyu's narration, Liang Ye crossed his arms with great interest and listened carefully.

"It's just that this company has been engaged in some illegal transactions since two years ago." As she spoke, Fang Siyu's expression became cold, as if she remembered something worthy of her hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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