Ghost Task Force

Chapter 389 Suspicion

Chapter 389 Suspicion
"Remember that blank email I mentioned back then?" Liang Ye finally began to talk about the matter, "I have always been curious about the content of that blank email, but even Zhou Yuying, she didn't I was able to find out some useful information, because I couldn’t open it at all. Later, we used many methods to track it down, only to find out that the email was sent by Qin Yun, but she had already sacrificed at that time, so I used my authority to check her Mission records, but only found that she died in an undercover mission, and everything seemed normal. Later, we just let it go, and we still haven’t been able to know what is in this blank email.”

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye fixed his eyes on Zhou Yuying.

At that time, the person who cracked the email was Zhou Yuying. She exhausted all means, but she couldn't figure out what the email was trying to express.

Liang Ye thought about sending it to someone from the technical department to investigate, but he didn't do it later, because his curiosity had disappeared by then.

What he never expected was that everything that happened now could be connected with that blank email back then.

"It turns out that you were the high-level person that Nightingale contacted at the time." Fang Siyu was also surprised, and she said, "She didn't know who to trust at the time."

"I can only say that I am very honored. I didn't expect her to trust me. Can you tell me now, what is the content of that email?" Liang Ye asked.

Fang Siyu shook his head and replied, "Nothing specific, just to remind you that there are traitors in the Security Bureau."

Now that things have developed, the original blank email doesn't have much meaning anymore, the only meaning is that it connects everything together, at least letting Liang Ye know the ins and outs of the matter.

The appearance of a traitor in the Strategic Security Bureau is really not a joke, and who is the traitor and what organization does it belong to? Liang Ye needs to spend time investigating these.

"The matter finally has an explanation." Zhou Yuying let out a long sigh of relief.

It took her a lot of time and energy to decipher that blank email back then, but in the end she couldn't find anything. This has always been a failure for her, and she also felt that she had failed Liang Ye's expectations.

Now things have finally made some progress, and it has also proved that there are traitors in the Strategic Defense Bureau. This result is very important to the ghost task force, to the Security Bureau, and even the entire Shenzhou.

Historically, traitors have been one of the greatest threats to an institution, capable of passing information on to hostile organizations and destroying the institution from within.

This was also the reason why Liang Ye's reaction was so big, he would never allow such a situation to happen.

"It's no wonder that Nightingale refused to report the situation, and even contacted people from the National Security Bureau to help." Lei Yu looked enlightened.

Fang Siyu nodded, and she said: "Although the National Security Bureau and the Strategic Security Bureau exchange information, they still keep their operations secret, unless it is a cooperative operation. Because I am also carrying out the task of investigating Weixi Medicine, and we have been working together for many years. Nightingale, my good friend, came to me for help. She carried out the arrangements of the Security Bureau on the bright side, while I continued to investigate in secret, looking for useful information."

"Did you find anything?" Liang Ye asked.

"Half of the information in that USB flash drive was collected by me, and I also have some illegal evidence of Weixi Medicine, but not much."

With that said, Fang Siyu took out a black memory card from his pocket.

"Let's make a backup, we can use all of these," Liang Ye said.

Of course, Fang Siyu would not have any objections. After all, when Nightingale found out that there was a traitor, the only high-level Security Bureau official she wanted to contact was Liang Ye, so of course Fang Siyu would trust Liang Ye unconditionally.

Zhou Yuying stepped forward and took the memory card in her hand, and copied it to her own mobile phone.

"I really didn't expect there to be so many things." Lei Yu sighed, with a hint of irritability in his expression.

What he dislikes the most is engaging in so many intrigues, and what he dislikes the most is traitors.

"No way, this is what the intelligence agencies need to be on guard against the most. We all overestimate the Strategic Security Bureau." Liang Ye sat back on his seat and said with a gloomy face: "It's good to let us know about these things at present. , I will find a suitable opportunity to talk to the director.”

The reason why Liang Ye chose Fang Siyu to talk about this in his office was that his office was the safest, and no one could enter without his permission.

As for Li Shan's office, this may not be possible.

And Liang Ye couldn't call Li Shan to talk about this, even if it was a safe line, it might not be 100% safe, so Liang Ye couldn't report to Li Shan immediately.

"What about the USB flash drive, shall we get it back right away?" Zhou Yuying asked.

What she was asking about was the USB flash drive that was handed over to the intelligence department. It contained all the information that Nightingale investigated, and half of it was found by Fang Siyu.

The above are some factory locations and some hidden coordinates of Weixi Pharmaceutical, which are very useful information.

"No need for now." Liang Ye shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "We don't know who the traitor is yet, and we will only scare the snake by doing this."

"It makes sense." Zhou Yuying thought for a while, and finally said nothing.

At this time, Lei Yu, who had been standing aside, asked, "Then what should we do now, boss?"

Knowing so much, it's time to take action. Whether it's dealing with traitors or investigating Weixi Medicine, it's what the Ghost Task Force needs to do now.

As the captain, Liang Ye had to give crucial orders.

Liang Ye exhaled slowly, then fixed his eyes on Zhou Yuying, and said, "You contact Zhao Long and ask him to continue the original mission, investigate the suite where Anthony Lawton lives, and see if you can find What."

Now Liang Ye didn't have any doubts about Zhao Long. Although he couldn't fully trust him, at least he wasn't suspicious.

"Let's not rush to scare the snake right now. After all, we still don't know who the traitor is." Liang Ye stroked his chin and thought for a while before saying, "Not long after Nightingale reported the situation, her actions were discovered; see It can be concluded that the authority of this agent must not be low, and it is very likely that he is a member of the headquarters."

Liang Ye's small guess immediately narrowed the scope down to the headquarters.

The headquarters manages the operations of the entire Strategic Security Bureau, and all the operations or situation reports of the agents will be handled by them, so it is the easiest place to obtain information.

The members of the special task force nodded one after another. Liang Ye's guess is very reasonable. Judging from the current situation, the people in the headquarters are also the most suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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