Chapter 419
Alden jumped into the air, but failed to catch Liang Ye in embarrassment; when he fell to the ground, Liang Ye stretched out his right hand and aimed his hidden gun at Alden who was falling towards the ground.

This time, Liang Ye successfully locked onto Alden's head; as long as he fired the bullet, he would die instantly.

However, things often do not go as smoothly as expected.Just when Liang Ye was about to shoot, the vertical computer that had been placed on the ground suddenly flew towards him!
A modified mercenary forcibly dismantled the vertical computer and threw it at Liang Ye who was in the air.

Liang Ye was aiming, but when he noticed that the computer was flying towards him, it was too late to dodge. Even if he used the ability, there was not enough time for it to take effect.


The 1.6-meter-high vertical computer just hit Liang Ye's body abruptly, causing Liang Ye to fall from the air.

The body was hit hard, and Liang Ye's left arm hurt for a while. While enduring the severe pain, he adjusted his falling posture, trying to minimize his body injury as much as possible.

Under the watchful eyes of all the mercenaries, Liang Ye's body fell to the ground in embarrassment. His arm touched the ground first, slowing down a small part of the impact force.

Liang Ye has Hidden Blade wrist guards on his arms, which can even withstand grenade attacks, so letting his arms touch the ground first is the best choice for Liang Ye.

The Hidden Blade wrist guard will offset some of the strength, which can ensure that Liang Ye's arm will not be injured.

But even so, the pain caused by the collision between his body and the ground still made Liang Ye grin his teeth for a while. He took a breath and got up from the ground enduring the pain.

Now is not the time to catch your breath or take a break. Adding Alden, there are a total of 24 genetically modified mercenaries staring at Liang Ye. From their eyes, it can be seen that now in their minds All thoughts of murder.

If Liang Ye slacked off a bit now, he might be torn in half the next moment.

Even if he is a supernatural user, at this time, he must not be taken lightly.

Liang Ye, who had experienced countless battles, had never faced so many killing machines at once.

Every mercenary after genetic modification, they are like killing machines, without any emotion, without any thought, they can only kill blindly.

Although such people live a sad life, what they bring to the world is not beauty, but terror and blood.

Liang Ye clenched his fists, he was going to go all out.

He won't back down in the slightest, not to mention that now, he still has anger in his heart that needs to be vented.

Regardless of whether these mercenaries were good or bad, whether they voluntarily participated in this research or not, Liang Ye had to do something, otherwise it would be difficult for him to guarantee his own safety.

After all, now he was facing these killing machines alone.

Victoria was holding the tablet, and after she gave Liang Ye a few cold glances, she quickly gave the command to attack.

Except for Alden, she can control all the rest of the modified mercenaries.

The research team in Victoria is not proficient in brain technology, they can barely control the 23 relatively weak mercenaries, as for Alden Hood, they tried all the methods to no avail, implanted in Alden Hood The chip in his head will burn out automatically in a short time, and Alden's thoughts have been resisting the control of the outside world.

So Victoria and her team can only completely erase Alden's memory. Although Alden is resisting control, it also proves that he is the strongest of all.

This is not surprising, after all, he is the captain of this mercenary team.

As soon as the attack command was issued, all the mercenaries roared and rushed towards Liang Ye, including Alden Hood.

Although he was not under control, there was only one thought in his mind now, and that was to kill Liang Ye.

When the others started to sprint, he couldn't bear to follow suit.

They were all very fast, and Liang Ye used the trick just now to fly into the air again with the help of the wind.

This time, there were no other items in the hall to attack the air, so Liang Ye could stay in the air with confidence.

It was impossible for him to face so many giant-like enemies at once, no matter how strong he was, Liang Ye was very confident in his own strength, but he also knew exactly how strong he was.

He could single-handedly challenge everyone present, but like this, if everyone rushed up together, even if Tang Hao came, he would not be able to withstand it.

After flying into the air, Liang Ye did not stay as before, but let a tornado revolve around his body.

The reason he does this is to interfere with the enemy's attack during melee combat, and when the tornado expands, it can also affect the enemy's actions.

Liang Ye looked down at the mercenaries on the ground in the air. He lowered his cloak slightly, and then his whole body fell from the air towards the ground like a cannonball.

This sudden move startled Victoria who was standing in the distance. It was too late for her to disperse the mercenaries. Liang Ye's speed was so fast that she couldn't even see it with naked eyes.

At this time, Liang Ye seemed to have wind on his feet, bursting out at an unprecedented speed.

There happened to be a mercenary standing where he landed, and now the ground was densely packed with people, all of them looked up at Liang Ye, and none of them had time to dodge.


When Liang Ye landed, he clenched his fist with his right hand and hit a mercenary hard on the head.

This punch was like a boulder falling from the sky and hitting the person's head. The sound and damage caused were astonishing.

The sound spread throughout the hall, and a crack appeared on the mercenary's skull.

The skull was damaged, and the mercenary lost the ability to continue fighting.

Even if he is very strong, no matter how strong he is, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to bear the blow to his vitals.

After defeating an enemy, Liang Ye didn't stop there. He stretched out the Hidden Blades in both hands, turned around twice in a row, and stabbed two mercenaries in the abdomen respectively.

Just when he was about to move his position, Alden suddenly came in front of him and grabbed his hands with the Hidden Blade wrist guards.

The tornado swirling around Liang Ye's body affected Alden, but Alden's ability to withstand it was stronger, so it had little effect.

The arm with the weapon was controlled, Liang Ye gritted his teeth, raised his right knee, and slammed into Alden's abdomen hard.

This blow didn't cause too much damage, it just made Alden's body shrink back slightly, and his steps didn't even leave the position he was standing on.

Liang Ye gritted his teeth, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Alden's grip was very strong, and he was smart enough not to grab Liang Ye's wrist guard, but grabbed the position close to the joint.

The mercenaries behind had already started to surround him. Once Liang Ye was surrounded, what awaited him was ruthless fists and kicks.

In terms of strength, it was really difficult for Liang Ye to compete with Alden.But when people are full of anger and need to explode, they can always generate unprecedented potential.

Liang Ye gave a low snort, and forced his right hand to turn half a circle.

Then, the Hidden Blade retracted, the Hidden Gun stretched out, and the infrared rays aimed at Alden's head.

The sleeve gun in Liang Ye's right hand has always been equipped with a rifle bullet, and he had no chance to use it before, but now that it finally comes in handy, Liang Ye certainly will not miss this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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