Ghost Task Force

Chapter 425 Need Help

Chapter 425 Need Help

The crocodile monster was pissed off, but Deng Xuan had already been pissed off. If given the chance, he would definitely kill this monster without hesitation.

Liang Ye didn't kill him at the beginning because this monster hadn't posed any threat to Shenzhou.But it is different now, the crocodile monster came to the side of the Hercules, and attacked the drone released by Deng Xuan, and also launched an attack on Deng Xuan.

This is not just a threat to Deng Xuan personally, it is a threat to the entire Ghost Task Force, affecting the Ghost Task Force, as opposed to challenging the entire Strategic Defense Bureau.

Deng Xuan was fighting monsters, while in the factory, Liang Ye had already left the underground research room with Zhou Yuying and others, and took the elevator to the entrance.

The blizzard was still going on, and Liang Ye and others who returned to the ground hurriedly put on goggles to avoid being affected by the blizzard.

Fang Siyu escorted the ashen-faced Victoria, while Zhou Yuying took out the tablet and looked at the satellite map displayed on the screen.

On the satellite map, dozens of moving points are moving towards Area B, but due to the interference of the snowstorm, their moving speed is very slow.

Liang Ye didn't carry a pistol. He used his ability to form two wind arrows in the air, and then attacked the guards in front.

These two wind arrows will not penetrate the human body, but they can knock people into the air.Severe injuries can range from mild to fatal.

Liang Ye had demonstrated the power of the Wind Arrow in his mission in Brazil last time. This long-range attack method was comparable to bullets. If it wasn't for the heavy snowstorm at the scene, Liang Ye would definitely be able to kill the enemy directly.

The scale of the blizzard has reached the point where Liang Ye can't control it. Although his ability can create hurricanes and even typhoons, this kind of blizzard contains more than just wind, so the current situation is beyond Liang Ye's control; he can at most Take back the strength you have strengthened, and then slightly weaken the power of the blizzard, but if you let the blizzard disappear, it is completely impossible.

After knocking down the two guards, Liang Ye looked at the tormenting snowflakes in the air, then pressed the communicator and said, "I can no longer control the weather, the enemy is still approaching, we have to evacuate as soon as possible."

"Sorry Captain, it's not very convenient for me!" Deng Xuan's gasping voice came from the intercom.

Liang Ye frowned, and Lei Yu hurriedly explained to Deng Xuan: "The crocodile monster is still there."

"Then we can only rely on ourselves." Liang Ye knelt down slowly, put on gloves on himself, and said, "Fang Siyu, look at Victoria first, I'll go get some weapons and goggles back."

Without goggles, acting in a blizzard is undoubtedly a crime for one's own eyes. Although Victoria is a prisoner, she has a lot of information on her, and Liang Ye can only treat her favorably now.

Lei Yu changed a magazine for the pistol and said, "I'll cover you."

The enemy is still approaching, although there is still a distance, but no one knows if something unexpected will happen.To operate in the enemy's territory, one must be fully prepared.

After loading the bullets, Lei Yu threw a pistol to Zhou Yuying, telling her to get ready too.

Operation Thunderstorm will carry at least two pistols, and may even carry four.As long as the situation permits, he will also carry enough ammunition. In the past, Lei Yu not only had the title of the number one sniper in China, but also the title of a humanoid ammunition depot.

Before everyone was ready, Liang Ye put on the hood. After taking a deep breath, he disappeared instantly.

Liang Ye's actions have always been swift and resolute, and his ability can best reflect his speed. By the time Lei Yu and others reacted, Liang Ye had already approached the positions of the killed corpses.

There were still a few guards left, but they had long since given up the fight, dropped their guns and fled.

Dozens of people, but were killed by two people, this scene is really embarrassing.

Many people are afraid of death. Those who are not afraid of death are those who have nothing and look down on everything. The guards here are all hired. The money for hiring them is not enough to make them pay their lives to guard this factory. The rest are not killed. The dead guards all tried their best to escape.

Liang Ye came to the side of those corpses. What made Liang Ye frown was that many corpses were charred and black. Although the blizzard continued, there was still a burnt smell in Liang Ye's nose.

These are the guards who were killed by bombs and grenades just now. Before they had time to dodge, they were already engulfed by the power of the explosion.

The strong wind blew against Liang Ye's body, causing the cloak on his back to flutter continuously.But now that there were still enemies approaching, Liang Ye didn't dare to waste too much time. He found a relatively intact corpse, and took off all the goggles, guns and ammunition from the opponent's body.

In just ten seconds, Liang Ye had finished searching, and then returned in the direction of Lei Yu and the others.

But just as Liang Ye turned around, the bullet flew past him and almost hit his body.

Then, dense gunshots reached Liang Ye's ears.

Because of the blizzard, it was difficult for the task force to capture the exact location of the enemy, but Zhou Yuying looked at the tablet and pressed the communicator and said loudly: "Captain, the enemy may be carrying a thermal detector in the direction of one o'clock in the back. "

In fact, the guards who came to support did carry thermal detectors, otherwise they would not have opened fire from a kilometer away.

And those who shoot are all snipers.

Using a sniper rifle in a snowstorm environment is a test of the sniper's marksmanship, and the reason why the guards launched intensive attacks is to try their luck, thinking that they can hit one or two people by firing casually.

The total number of guards who died in battle was equivalent to the number of a company, and a company was wiped out by two people. This can be called a legendary story.

The guards who came to support now, they dare not get too close, for fear that they will die here.

If they had a choice, they would definitely not set foot in Area B again, because enough people died here.

Bullets kept flying by Liang Ye's side. Liang Ye used his speed advantage to return to the station, and then distributed the weapons and ammunition to Lei Yu and the others.

Although they have weapons, the expressions of Lei Yu and others are not very optimistic.

"Our range is not enough, and there is also the impact of the blizzard, we can't fight back." Lei Yu said with a frown.

"I know." Liang Ye lay on the ground, and after loading the rifle bullet in his hand, he pressed the communicator and said, "Magician, we need your help."

In the current situation, it is difficult for the guards to shoot and hit the task force members, and the task force members cannot fight back. Now it is time-consuming for both sides.

The guards only needed to advance a few hundred meters to get a better aim, but they didn't have the guts to keep going.

As for the task force members, they cannot leave for the time being, unless Deng Xuan drives the Hercules to come to support.

(End of this chapter)

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