Ghost Task Force

Chapter 445 What the hell is that?

Chapter 445 What the hell is that?
Liang Ye really attached great importance to his experience this time, because he couldn't guarantee whether he would meet again next time.

Even if it is really an illusion, it will seriously affect his actions; therefore, he has to pay attention to it.

Moreover, Liang Ye really didn't want to encounter such a scene again.

No matter how strong his receptivity is, he still can't help his heartbeat speeding up when he encounters it.

The person who was clearly dead appeared before his eyes again, and he still appeared in the same appearance as when he died. The wound was still clearly visible, and even the cut blood vessel could be seen.Anyone would find this shocking and unacceptable. No matter how powerful Liang Ye was, he would still be horrified.

There must be an explanation for this situation. If it can be confirmed that the woman is a supernatural person, then Liang Ye will definitely put the woman in red on the danger list.

Her existence can scare people to death every minute, and people with a bad heart can be scared to death directly.

After a while, Deng Xuan followed Tang Hao to the cabin. He had already set the autopilot of the plane. Even if he didn't need to control it, the plane could return to Shenzhou smoothly.

"What happened, Captain?" Deng Xuan looked at Liang Ye and asked.

At this time, Liang Ye's expression looked a little dignified, which made everyone feel puzzled.They were even a little worried that something might have gone wrong with the mission.

After all, Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were the last to evacuate, so they couldn't tell what happened.

Zhou Yuying also looked at Liang Ye, she was waiting for Liang Ye to tell the truth.

Zhou Yuying couldn't wait to find out exactly what he saw just now.

Liang Ye took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Yueling, do you still remember the woman in red I asked you to investigate?"

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Zhou Yuying froze for a moment, subconsciously remembered something, and quickly asked, "Is that the woman who committed suicide in front of you at the subway station?"


After the woman committed suicide, Liang Ye asked Zhou Yuying to help investigate, so Zhou Yuying knew something about it.

"Could it be...Captain, did you see that woman just now?" Zhou Yuying asked with a surprised face.

Liang Ye nodded vigorously.

Lei Yu and the others standing aside knew that Liang Ye met a woman who committed suicide when he was riding the subway, but they didn't pay too much attention to this matter, they just felt that Liang Ye was unlucky to encounter such a thing.

But the conversation between Zhou Yuying and Liang Ye made everyone feel a little strange.

What does it mean to see that woman just now, that woman is obviously dead.

"Just now, that woman reappeared in front of me in the same dead appearance. I had seen it before in the community where I lived. At that time, I thought it was my illusion, but tonight I saw it very real. "Liang Ye said word by word, frowning slightly, "I can see her, but Zhou Yuying can't."

"What does it mean that she appeared in front of you in a dead appearance?" Lei Yu asked with a strange expression.

Liang Ye glanced at him and said, "It's what she looked like when she committed suicide. There was a bloodstain on her throat. Although there was no blood flowing out, I could see her cut blood vessels."


Including Zhou Yuying, everyone present couldn't help but gasped.

This sounds, it can be said to be very scary.

To put it in a very superstitious word, Liang Ye will see a ghost tonight.

But the people present are all highly educated. Even Tang Hao, who only studied in a vocational college, firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world.Therefore, they all began to doubt the origin of the woman in red.

"I shot her in the head, but the bullet didn't hurt her, as if it passed through the air." Liang Ye continued: "It wasn't until I used my ability that her body began to disappear. Before that, she kept moving in my direction."

"So that's why you shot into the air, captain," Tang Hao said.

Before Liang Ye shot towards the empty front, Tang Hao was still puzzled, but now all this finally has an explanation.

If these words hadn't come from Liang Ye's mouth, they would never have believed them.

As supernatural beings, they didn't think that what Liang Ye encountered was a hallucination for the time being.Although they couldn't explain what happened tonight, they just subconsciously felt that it wasn't an illusion.

"Did you really see me shooting into the air?" Liang Ye looked at Tang Hao and asked.

Tang Hao nodded firmly. At that time, he had been staring at the computer screen and didn't see anything suspicious.

Liang Ye thought for a while, then took off the contact lens for his left eye, handed it to Zhou Yuying and said, "Go and retrieve everything captured by my contact lens."

"Boss, the camera function of the contact lens is synchronized with the aircraft's computer, and the images captured by the glasses will be intuitively transmitted to the computer, and the images are all the same," Lei Yu said.

"Of course I know!" Liang Ye's tone became a little heavy, and he said, "But I always feel that something is wrong. All this needs an explanation, and I don't want to let go of any clues."

He subconsciously felt that contact lenses had captured something, so he insisted on doing so.

Of course, Zhou Yuying would not disobey Liang Ye's order. She quickly walked to the instrument and began to use the scanning instrument to export the data in the contact lens.

Although this contact lens is very small, the memory of this lens is a full 8T, which can store enough video images.

When Zhou Yuying exported the data, Liang Ye continued: "After Yueling exports the video, I will report everything I encountered to the director. If nothing is captured in the video, then I think I It is necessary to undergo examination and treatment."


Lei Yu and the others were stunned for a while, they didn't know what to say to what Liang Ye said.

The matter seemed serious, and Liang Ye himself took it very seriously.

When people are under too much pressure, their emotions will change somewhat, and hallucinations are not impossible.

As the captain of the task force, Liang Ye was also a level nine agent, so the pressure on him was far greater than that of other agents.

If he's hallucinating from the stress, that's at least understandable.

Now Lei Yu hopes that the woman in red is real, because based on his understanding of Liang Ye, Liang Ye's endurance is many times higher than that of ordinary people, and it is impossible for excessive pressure to occur.

While Liang Ye and the others were still talking, Zhou Yuying had already finished exporting the video and played it on the big screen in the cabin.

She was the first to see the video, and when she saw it, the first thing she said was: "Damn, what the hell is that!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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