Ghost Task Force

Chapter 449 I'll Pick You Up

Chapter 449 I'll Pick You Up
At [-]:[-] a.m. China time, the Hercules landed slowly at the headquarters airport of the Strategic Security Bureau. The ground staff at the airport waved their batons on the ground and guided the plane to land.

Liang Ye checked the time, and Lan Siqi hadn't replied to Liang Ye's message before, so it was obvious that she had already rested.

Although it was early morning, the Strategic Security Bureau had agents on standby around the clock. After the plane landed, a team of combat agents quickly entered the cabin.

With Liang Ye's permission, they transferred the captured Victoria to the detention area.

When Victoria left the plane, she gave Liang Ye a deep look. Her eyes made Liang Ye very helpless.

When she was in Siberia, Victoria showed great interest in Liang Ye, but she never thought that Liang Ye was a spy.

"She hates you very much." Lei Yu looked at Victoria's back and said with a smile, "I guess she will hate you for the rest of her life, or she will cling to you forever."

Hearing Lei Yu's words, Liang Ye shrugged helplessly and said, "What can I do? I can only do this for the sake of the task. If she wants to hate, she can hate me. There are many people who hate me in this world. I'm used to it." .”

In the past, when Liang Ye went out to perform missions, he always attracted many girls. This was not only because of Liang Ye's perfect appearance, but also because of the temperament he exuded.

If you don't control it deliberately, Liang Ye will give people the impression of a very elegant gentleman.Only under deliberate circumstances, Liang Ye would give off a military atmosphere.

Although he has undergone countless trainings, the gentlemanly temperament in Liang Ye's body is indelible.

Victoria was drawn, and because of that.At first glance, people like Liang Ye may think he is strong, but it is difficult to make people think that he is a fighter.

At this time, the medical personnel also picked up the injured agents, and all of them will undergo a comprehensive physical examination to ensure that the injuries suffered will not leave sequelae.

Some technicians also began to board the plane, check the aircraft engine, and prepare for the next flight.

Liang Ye and the task force members got off the plane with their respective equipment. Everyone was tired from this operation, and they had already written the mission report; Other agents go to clean up the aftermath.

"I'm going home. I'll come back in the morning. The director may talk to our team, so everyone should be prepared." Liang Ye said as he walked.

There were many accidents in this incident. As the director, Li Shan might even talk to Liang Anguo. It can be said that it is normal to talk to the ghost task force.

"Why don't we have a late-night snack together, now is just the time for a late-night snack." Lei Yu suggested.

The task force hadn't gone out for a supper together for a while. Hearing Lei Yu's proposal, Liang Ye quickly said, "Okay, let's go."

"Boss, don't you want to go back and look for Xiao Xiao?" Lei Yu had a smirk on his face, "Why did you change your mind now?"

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll ask Xiao Xiao if she's asleep, and bring her out if she's not asleep."

The task force members: "..."


Zhou Yuying slapped Lei Yu on the head from behind, and cursed: "You talk too much, look, you'll have to eat dog food later!"

Lei Yu pressed the place where he was photographed, with a grievance on his face, expressing his despair.

Liang Ye didn't think about calling Xiao Xiao, because he was worried that Xiao Xiao would fall asleep, and calling her by himself would affect her rest.If she fell asleep, Liang Ye would of course go to have supper alone with the task force.

While waiting for Xiao Xiao's reply, Liang Ye and the task force members returned to the lounge, put away all the equipment, and changed into a set of casual clothes.

Liang Ye had been wearing combat uniforms before, looking majestic, but now he was going out for supper, so of course he had to change into more ordinary clothes, so as not to cause misunderstandings.

After changing his clothes, Liang Ye received a text message from Xiao Xiao. The content of the text message was: "I'm still revising the manuscript, I can't sleep."

Seeing her reply, Liang Ye quickly called.

"Hello... good morning!" Xiao Xiao's voice sounded very energetic, without a trace of sleepiness.

Liang Ye sat on the bed, looked at the photo of himself and Xiao Xiao on the bedside table, and then said with a smile: "Don't you know that I will feel sorry for you sleeping so late?"

"I guarantee that I have insomnia today. In other times, I go to bed around eleven o'clock. I can wear a wristband to sleep. The sleep time is recorded. I sleep for more than ten hours every day. "

Listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Liang Ye's heart trembled uncontrollably when he thought of her cute appearance when he said these words.

Even through the phone, Liang Ye can imagine how cute Xiao Xiao is.

"Then do you have time, do you want to come out for a late-night snack?" Liang Ye asked with a smile.

Xiao Xiao has a physique that won't get fat no matter what she eats, so she basically doesn't control too much when it comes to eating, drinking and having fun. She eats and plays when she wants.

"Okay, are you with your teammates?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Liang Yeen let out a sigh, and said: "You know, we just came back from our mission and we are a little tired, but we all want to go out for fun."

"Where to eat, I'm going to drive now."

"No, no, I'm going to pick you up. I invited you. Of course, the pick-up and drop-off are all included."

At this point in time, even though there were bodyguards secretly protecting him, Liang Ye was still worried that Xiao Xiao would drive out alone.He cared for Xiao Xiao meticulously, so he was always thinking of Xiao Xiao.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you at home."

Xiao Xiao knew Liang Ye's character, so she didn't refuse, and she also enjoyed Liang Ye's meticulous care for her.

Liang Ye's goodness in every detail made Xiao Xiao always feel that she did not love the wrong person.

Xiao Xiao first proposed being together. She subconsciously felt that Liang Ye would definitely be a perfect boyfriend. Even though he would not be by her side often, Xiao Xiao still took the initiative to express her feelings.

Now it seems that Xiao Xiao really did not choose the wrong person.

Xiao Xiao has many suitors, outstanding elites from all walks of life are pursuing her.But she finally chose Liang Ye, a man who was still in the army.

She doesn't care about Liang Ye's family background, what she likes is Liang Ye, his meticulous care, and his occasional arrogance.

There are not so many reasons to like someone, a smiling face and a look are enough.

After finishing talking with Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye took his car keys and left the room.

In the lounge hall, the task force members had already changed their clothes and got their car keys ready to go out.

"You come to set up a place for supper, I will pick up Xiao Xiao, and you can just send me the location when you arrive." Liang Ye looked at the crowd and said.

Everyone made an OK gesture one after another. Although this supper will eat dog food, they all sincerely wish Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao, so they have no objections.

(End of this chapter)

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