Chapter 453

Liang Ye was mainly joking, and he didn't intend to actually ask Zhou Yuying to do two hundred push-ups.

Zhou Yuying has undergone rigorous training as a special agent. Two hundred push-ups are nothing to her, but she is a girl, and her appearance also gives people a very fragile feeling. No one would think that she is a fighter Very strong agent.

"I'm not cowardly, I can embarrass the captain so much, don't say two hundred, two thousand!"

Zhou Yuying's mischievous appearance made everyone present burst out laughing, and Lei Yu and the others secretly gave Zhou Yuying a thumbs up, expressing their admiration for her ability to kill.

It's not good to mess with anyone, and ran to mess with Liang Ye, the leader of the team, Lei Yu felt that Zhou Yuying was absolutely crazy tonight.

As for Zhou Yuying's two thousand, since she was so enthusiastic, Liang Ye would certainly not refuse.

"I've never seen anyone make such a request. You said it yourself, two thousand. Do it after you go back."

Zhou Yuying: "..."

The atmosphere calmed down for a while, and everyone was watching the changes in Zhou Yuying's facial expressions, expecting her reaction.

After a while, Zhou Yuying swallowed and said, "Well, captain, can you install it in installments?"

"You still want to pay in installments after doing something? If you think too much, I will refuse."

Xiao Xiao has been watching Liang Ye, Zhou Yuying and others arguing, and she also likes to see this scene. Although she is not very familiar with the team members, every time she sits with them, her emotions are also will follow.

Lei Yu patted Zhou Yuying on the shoulder, and said with a sigh: "Yueling, my younger brother admires you for making such a killing tonight. I will simply let you take the title of King of Death."

"Woooo..." Zhou Yuying pushed Lei Yu's hand away, then looked at Xiao Xiao with an aggrieved face, and said, "Xiao Xiao, look, can you tell the captain to be tolerant."

Zhou Yuying's appearance made Xiao Xiao laugh out loud, she covered her mouth and smiled, "I don't want it."


Zhou Yuying patted her forehead, closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat. That appearance made everyone laugh again.

"Look, if you do it yourself, you have to do it even on your knees." Lei Yu patted Zhou Yuying's shoulder again.

"Get up, let me calm down." Zhou Yuying pushed Lei Yu away again, she looked suspicious of life, "Two thousand push-ups, really want to kill me."

At this time, Lei Yu couldn't help but continue to pick things up. He pointed at Zhou Yuying and said, "Look, a person with a high education doesn't necessarily have a high IQ. Fortunately, you still have seven degrees, two of which are Ph.D. The same is still like me, love to death......"

However, before he finished speaking, Zhou Yuying grabbed a handful of peppers and stuffed them into his mouth.

This speed can be said to be as fast as lightning, making the thunderstorm unprepared.

At first, Lei Yu didn't know what was in his mouth, so he chewed subconsciously.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, anticipating the thunderstorm's reaction.

half a second later...


Lei Yu jumped up from the seat, quickly took out two tissues, and spit out all the peppers in his mouth.

Not many people in the task force ate spicy food, Liang Ye and Lei Yu didn't eat it, Tang Hao ate it most, followed by Zhou Yuying and Deng Xuan.

Like Liang Ye, Lei Yu is a native of S City, and basically can't eat too much spicy food. In the past, he insisted on eating it no matter how spicy it was, but now that life is better, they don't force themselves anymore.

After spitting out all the peppers in his mouth, Lei Yu took the cup on the table and drank the iced juice inside in one go.

"Damn it!" After Lei Yu finished drinking, he quickly poured himself another glass, and he still hasn't recovered after drinking three glasses.

Everyone looked like they were watching a show, and Deng Xuan simply took out his mobile phone to shoot.

Lei Yu's face was flushed now, and he was panting heavily. The pepper just now was too strong, and he almost jumped into the sea.

"Big brother, do you want to go into the sea and calm down?" Tang Hao said calmly.

He can eat spicy food best here, those chili peppers just now are like stuffing between his teeth.

"To be honest, I really have this idea now." Lei Yu said panting.

And Zhou Yuying shook her body, looking like a winner, "The title of king of death is still yours."

Xiao Xiao covered her mouth and smiled, then lightly touched Liang Ye's arm, and asked, "Do the two of them often do this?"

"That's right, the two live treasures in our team never stop bickering when they are free." Liang Ye laughed.

Xiao Xiao carefully observed Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying, and then asked in a low voice, "It's a good match."


Xiao Xiao's words made Liang Ye laugh twice, but at this moment everyone's attention was focused on Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying, and they didn't pay much attention to Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.

Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying were bickering, and Lei Yu's face was not only flushed, but his lips were also swollen, but he was still very strong in arguing with Zhou Yuying.

"No, the two of them won't." Liang Ye held Xiao Xiao's hand and whispered in her ear: "The two of them are good friends. , but both of them are very clear, they are just comrades-in-arms. More than friendship, the relationship between them can reach the level of family affection at most, but it will not be love."

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Xiao Xiao nodded after thinking for a while. She is a writer, so how could she not understand these things.

There is pure friendship between men and women, which is reflected in the members of Ghost Task Force.

There is only one girl, Zhou Yuying, in the team, but they all know very well that their relationship is just friendship or family affection.

The same is true for Lei Yu, he doesn't have the slightest idea about Zhou Yuying, he just wants to make trouble, it's normal for friends to have trouble.

"They look so cute." Xiao Xiao smiled.

Zhou Yuying and Lei Yu were bickering, but to their embarrassment, Lei Yu's lips were already swollen, like two sausages.Moreover, Zhou Yuying has a high degree of education and knows how to use the simplest language to make the other party speechless.

It was a bit inconvenient for Lei Yu to speak, and Zhou Yuying teased her in various ways, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Liang Ye and the melon eaters were eating hairy crabs while watching the farce.

"You can't call it cute, but it's true to be funny." Liang Ye put his arms around Xiao Xiao's shoulders, and said with a smile, "We are all serious when we should be serious, and when we should play, like now, it's fun."

After arguing for a long time, Lei Yu still insisted on the battlefield and refused to back down, although he was basically out of words.

"Okay, let's eat something before arguing." Liang Ye finally stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for my lack of food, I'm sure you won't be able to hate anyone." Lei Yu said, sat back on the seat and started eating hairy crabs.

Zhou Yuying blinked her eyes, first looked at herself and then at Lei Yu, and then said with a strange expression: "This is the first time I have seen this way of exiting."

(End of this chapter)

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