Ghost Task Force

Chapter 459 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 459 The Uninvited Guest

The man who was hit in the abdomen bent down subconsciously, while Zhou Yuying took advantage of the victory to pursue, and pushed her right knee up hard, hitting the man's head.


With a muffled sound, accompanied by a crackling sound, the man's body hit the wall again as his head was thrown back, and then slowly fell to the ground, leaving only the faint sound of breathing.

Zhou Yuying found a hard drive in the man's pocket, but she didn't feel joy, because there are always five data transfers, which also means that there are five people in total, and she only got one of them now.

"Yueling, we are about to evacuate, Bangziguo's agents are entering the building." Liang Ye's voice rang through the intercom.

Zhou Yuying did not leave immediately, but said: "Captain, there are five data sets, and there are four more people."

"I know, leave the rest to other agents, we retreat first, this is an order."

Liang Ye's tone was very firm. He didn't want to cause diplomatic problems, so he asked Zhou Yuying to withdraw immediately.

To track down the remaining data, there is no need to use the Ghost Task Force. This is not a difficult task, and other special agent teams can also complete it.

What Ghost Task Force needs to do has been done, and all they need to do is leave immediately.

Zhou Yuying didn't insist any longer. A soldier takes obedience to orders as her bounden duty. Now, as a second lieutenant in the navy, she certainly would not disobey orders, and Liang Ye's choices often have his reasons.

Two minutes later, Bangzi State National Security Bureau agents took over the building, while a stealth fighter jet flew from the roof into the sky.

In the cabin, Liang Ye sent the action order to the agents stationed in Bangzi Kingdom, and they will complete the investigation of the remaining four documents.

Zhou Yuying set the plane to autopilot mode, then turned around and came to the cabin, and began to read the information on the hard drive.

"The hard disk is encrypted, I need some time to crack it." Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time now."

The mission of Weixi Medicine has come to an end, and it is only a matter of time before all the data are collected.

As for Nightingale, she also needs time to recover.

Liang Ye can take a breath for a while, and Liang Anguo will handle the business matters. He is thinking about meeting his parents next.

Xiao Xiao's parents, Liang Ye, don't know much about them. They only know that one is in politics and the other is a teacher, and they belong to a family of intellectuals.

"We should continue to pursue other clues." Lei Yu held the sniper rifle, looked at Liang Ye and said, "We can't delay those viruses any longer."

Lei Yu's worries are not without reason. Although other agents are chasing him, he still wants to participate in the operation himself.

"I understand, but there's no rush." ​​Liang Ye said.

Lei Yu, who has no worries, just wants to finish the matter as soon as possible, which can save more lives and give Liang Ye more free time.As Liang Ye's good brother and comrade-in-arms who went through life and death, Lei Yu can understand Liang Ye's feelings.

The current Liang Ye is incapable of splitting up, he wants to accompany Xiao Xiao and participate in the action.

"Everything that needs to be adjusted must be adjusted. There are too many tasks and it is difficult for us to act as a team." Liang Ye frowned and said: "I will plan the next action when I go back this time. At the same time, we have to spare time for training. Enhance your own capabilities and teamwork.”

For a strong special forces team, its own capabilities are of course important, and the cooperation of the team can exert a stronger combat effectiveness.The reason why the Dragon Eagle commando team can become the top is precisely because they have never been idle, even if they are on vacation, they will also train on their own, focusing on improving their own abilities and team combat capabilities.

Although the set of the Dragon Eagle Commando is not very suitable for the Ghost Task Force, it will be more or less effective.

Liang Ye mentioned the training camp many times, but it couldn't be realized due to time constraints.It's not because he thinks that the teamwork of the task force is not good, but that he can continue to improve.

No matter what industry you are in, you can't be complacent and feel good about yourself just because of your current achievements.There is no end to learning, and there is no limit to improvement.

"This is no problem, I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Lei Yu nodded and said.

Zhou Yuying, who was busy at first, poked her head out at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "However, I still recommend that the captain go to see the parents first, and then don't make Xiao Xiao wait too long, the family members are so fast. I am willing to see you, it must be because I am satisfied with you."

Zhou Yuying's words made Liang Ye embarrassed, and Lei Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Liang Ye scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Well, I don't know what her parents think of me. I was thinking that if I don't have any plans these days, I will go."

Lei Yu quickly patted Liang Ye on the shoulder, and encouraged him: "That's right, don't worry, the matter of Weixi Medicine has come to an end, you can take a leave of absence, I will watch over the team and guarantee the problem."

Liang Ye was a little contradictory, but his heart began to get excited and nervous.He really didn't want Xiao Xiao to wait too long, and he didn't want Xiao Xiao's parents to be disappointed with him.

"Seeing things like parents... Cough, we have no experience, boss, take it easy." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye smiled bitterly. He really didn't know what to do. Although he could face all kinds of dangerous situations without fear, he was easily flustered when it came to matters related to Xiao Xiao.

As the saying goes, people who fall in love will have zero IQ and will be very blind. Liang Ye is like this.

The plane was still flying smoothly, and it was less than an hour away from S City.

At this time, Lei Yu's watch vibrated twice. He looked down, and then said to Liang Ye: "The weather report shows that there is a cloud ahead, with lightning and heavy rain."

"On the sea, it's normal." Liang Ye didn't worry, he sat on the seat and played with his phone with his head down, and sent a message to Xiao Xiao, telling her that he had returned safely.

Lei Yu looked at the map displayed on his watch, and said, "Uh...we are no longer on the sea, and now we have entered the northern part of Shenzhou, and there are mountains below."

Not long after, the plane entered the cloud, lightning flashed outside the window, and rain slapped on the fuselage, as if to penetrate the fuselage.

Everyone is no stranger to this situation, and Lei Yu just reported the truth to Liang Ye just now, without any worries.

This kind of cloud can be passed through by ordinary civil aviation airliners, let alone ghost planes.

Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance, a slender figure passed through the clouds and lightning and landed on the top of the fuselage.


The sudden collision sound startled everyone in the cabin.

"What's the situation?" Lei Yu raised his head in confusion.

Liang Ye stood up suddenly, the sudden voice was mixed with danger, which made him very uncomfortable.

Obviously, an unexpected guest came on the plane!
 Unknowingly, I have been away for more than half a year, and this book has also been stopped for half a year. Although I occasionally find time to update it, it cannot be compared with the past.Thanks to the friends who are still with me, and I hope that the new friends can understand that there is still more than a year, and it will be very soon.

(End of this chapter)

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