Ghost Task Force

Chapter 462 Very Naughty

Chapter 462 Very Naughty

At three o'clock in the morning, the ghost plane slowly landed at the airport of the Strategic Security Bureau. The engineer quickly stepped forward to overhaul the plane, and Liang Ye brought Zhou Yuying and Lei Yu back to the office.

Li Shan was not at the headquarters, Liang Ye sent his action report to his mailbox, and then sat on the sofa and swiped his phone.

The follow-up work has been carried out, and the spy branch of Bangzi Kingdom has begun to trace the remaining information, and it will not take long to have results.Zhou Yuying wanted to follow up in person, but what Liang Ye meant was that these things could be done by other agents, so there was no need to waste her time.

Zhou Yuying also chose to agree after thinking about it for a long time. Liang Ye's point of view is not wrong. After all, there are so many things in the Security Bureau, and other agents can do it very well.

In the living room of the lounge, Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye who was playing with her mobile phone, and asked, "Captain, what kind of experience is it like to fight Annabelle?"

Liang Ye looked at her as if, put down the phone and said, "Didn't you fight her before?"

"It's not the same. The vice-captain and I just caught her off guard that time, and we haven't confronted her head-on."

"It's nothing. When fighting her, the most important thing is to pay attention to her unfathomable ability." Speaking of this, Liang Ye's eyes flashed a chill, "Her ability is too weird, and I can't figure it out, but At least so far, I can still suppress her, and in the future... I don't know."

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Zhou Yuying was obviously taken aback.

When mentioning the enemy, Liang Ye rarely had such an expression and tone.This also proved that Annabelle's growth had already made Liang Ye feel a little afraid.

But soon, Liang Ye's face showed a smile again, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, the fear is the fear, I am growing while she is growing up, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future."

At this time, Lei Yu came over with three hamburgers. After arriving in the lounge, the three of them agreed that they should have some supper. Lei Yu volunteered that he could make hamburgers.

Lei Yu put the burgers in front of Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying respectively, and then asked: "Boss, what do you say about the parents, should you take a break and go back with Xiao Xiao?"

His question instantly aroused Zhou Yuying's interest, and the two stared at Liang Ye at the same time, waiting for his answer.

Liang Ye smiled awkwardly, he was really not sure about meeting his parents.But meeting is definitely a must. He himself is very clear that Xiao Xiao is a celebrity, and his and Xiao Xiao's affairs have blown up the Internet, and various media are also scrambling to report, and his own identity is a bright spot It is normal for Xiao Xiao's parents to want to see him.

Xiao Xiao's father, Xiao Hao, is the mayor of H City. It is not difficult to know Liang Ye's true identity. So far, Liang Ye has not heard that Xiao Hao has any objections, so the situation is still good.

"That's exactly what I meant. I'll take a vacation these two days, and Xiao Xiao just happens to be fine." Liang Ye said.

Lei Yu nodded and said: "Don't worry, boss, I will take care of the work here when you are on vacation."

"Does Xiao Xiao know you're back?" Zhou Yuying asked curiously.

A smirk flashed across Liang Ye's face, and he said, "No, she thought I was still abroad."

Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying looked at each other and said at the same time, "Interesting."


In the early morning, the warm sun shines on the city shrouded in winter.Because it was Saturday, most people chose to sleep in, so the streets were not very lively.

Liang Ye returned to Vanke Washington early, but this time he did not return to his own house, but took out the key and walked to the opposite door.

Both of them have the key to each other's room, so they just live together.

Xiao Xiao hadn't woken up at this point, Liang Ye smiled and opened the door, and walked into Xiao Xiao's room.

The moment the door opened, two sharp gazes swept across his body, but soon, the two gazes disappeared, and they seemed a little flustered.

Liang Ye didn't care because this was the bodyguard he arranged for Xiao Xiao.

As in the past, the house Xiao Xiao lives in always feels clean and tidy, with a faint fragrance of flowers in the air; the only difference is that there is an extra painting on the wall of the living room, which is when Liang Ye went to Rome. I brought it back from time to time.

Liang Ye walked to Xiao Xiao's bedroom door, stretched out his hand and gently pushed it open.

Xiao Xiao is not a soldier, she does not have such a powerful perception ability as Liang Ye, not to mention Liang Ye is an assassin, he has deliberately concealed his whereabouts since he entered the door, and even the Ghost Task Force members may not be able to find out, let alone Liang Ye is an assassin. Don't talk about Xiao Xiao.

In the bedroom, the closed curtains made the room look a bit dark and quiet. The fragrance wafting in the air made people couldn't help but speed up their breathing, and the light blue wallpaper gave people a very relaxing feeling.

There was no heating in the room, and Xiao Xiao lay on her side curled up in the quilt, looking like a docile kitten.

Gently, Liang Ye walked to the side of the bed, slowly squatted down, staring at his beloved, Liang Ye felt that his heart was going to melt instantly.

At this time, Xiao Xiao's eyelashes moved slightly, but when Liang Ye was about to wake up, she stretched her hand out of the quilt.

Liang Ye quickly held her hand and put it back under the quilt.

It was still very early, Liang Ye couldn't bear to wake her up, after covering her with the quilt, Liang Ye was about to get up and leave the bedroom.

But at this moment, Xiao Xiao, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes, and they were intertwined with his eyes.

...Three seconds passed.

With a sound of "咻", Xiao Xiao suddenly sat up from the bed, staring at Liang Ye with two big eyes, as if she wanted to see through him.

She was wearing a white nightdress, while Liang Ye was still wearing a black combat uniform. He hadn't changed his clothes since he came back from Bangzi Country, until now.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's trembling eyes, Liang Ye opened his arms and said with a smile, "Good morning."

Xiao Xiao bit her lip, and threw herself into Liang Ye's arms with red eyes.

In fact, it has only been a few days since they parted, but for Xiao Xiao and Liang Ye who are in love, it feels like several months have passed without seeing each other.

Feeling Xiao Xiao's breathing and heartbeat, Liang Ye put his arms around her waist, patted her on the back, and said softly, "Should we discuss meeting the parents?"

"Puchi..." Xiao Xiao, who was a little excited at first, laughed out loud when she heard this, and then pinched his waist vigorously.

This moment immediately pinched Liang Ye's teeth and grinned. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Xiao's voice rang in his ears.

"I will definitely see you, no matter what, just wait until you have time."

Listen, Liang Ye let go of Xiao Xiao's hand, then held her beautiful cheeks, and said with a smile: "I have time now, but can I make some preparations, such as changing clothes, having breakfast or something? .”

Xiao Xiao was amused by Liang Ye's joke, she grabbed Liang Ye's ear, tilted her head and said, "You are so naughty, you sneaked in while I was sleeping."

"After all, this is also my home. If you didn't wake up, I would still sleep."

His words made Xiao Xiao's cheeks blushed, and she asked with a blushing face, "Where are you going to sleep?"

As soon as this problem came up, Liang Ye took off his combat coat and shoes repeatedly, and jumped onto the bed with Xiao Xiao in his arms, covering his head with the quilt. His movements were so smooth.

Liang Ye put his arms around Xiao Xiao's waist and said with a smirk: "Where can I sleep, of course it is my big bed."

His actions caught Xiao Xiao by surprise, but she didn't resist either, she just blushed and didn't dare to look directly into Liang Ye's eyes.

It was the first time that the two had been so intimate since they were together.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's flushed face, Liang Ye held her hand tightly, and then whispered: "Let me sleep with you in my arms, just for a while."

Liang Ye's gentle tone made Xiao Xiao's body tremble slightly, this time she was no longer shy, but slipped into Liang Ye's arms and hugged him actively.

The two hugged each other like this, and fell asleep again.

Sunlight shines into the bedroom through the gaps in the curtains, bringing warmth to the already warm bedroom.

For the two of them, this rare tranquility is hard-won, and it is worth cherishing.

(End of this chapter)

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