Ghost Task Force

Chapter 469 Lectures

Chapter 469 Lectures
"From the gate of university to the gate of the battlefield, our flight students must master not only specific skills, but also the thinking methods and innovative abilities required for comprehensive career development."

In the auditorium of the Air Force Flight Academy, all the students of the academy are listening to Deng Xuan's lecture.Although an hour and a half had passed, none of the students in the auditorium dozed off or thought of leaving.

Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were also sitting in the auditorium, they were hidden in the corner, unobtrusive.

The reason why the two of them are here is because Deng Xuan sent a message to Liang Ye when he set off in the ghost fighter.

Liang Ye said before that he would listen to Deng Xuan's lectures when he went to the academy. After asking Xiao Xiao's opinion, Liang Ye took her to the flight academy with her on a ghost fighter.

Although in such an academy, Liang Ye's military rank is not dazzling, but relying on his reputation, he also received courtesy from the academy's management.

However, Liang Ye didn't have any special requirements. He only asked the academy to provide him and Xiao Xiao with two seats so that they could listen to Deng Xuan's lecture quietly.

Deng Xuan was in the team, and like Tang Hao, he didn't talk much. He was slightly shorter than Liang Ye and Lei Yu, and he was the least conspicuous one in the team except for his ability.But in Liang Ye's words, the most inconspicuous is often the scariest. The combination of his flying skills and superpowers is enough to become the backbone of the task force.

At the beginning, Deng Xuan agreed to join the task force without hesitation, which really surprised Liang Ye. He always thought that the ace pilot of the Air Force would be very proud, and he specially prepared some words to persuade him, but he didn't expect a single word Useless.

"Under the dome, every second is extremely precious to us. I hope that comrades-in-arms will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, continue to learn, develop excellent skills, and protect the blue sky of the motherland. Thank you!"

After finishing speaking, Deng Xuan paid a military salute.

After his words fell, the audience burst into warm applause, and every student applauded with all their strength, cheering for his wonderful speech.

Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao also clapped their hands. They both learned a lot from Deng Xuan's lecture.

"Actual combat often accumulates the richest experience. Deng Xuan is the one who has experienced the most combat experience among the pilots who graduated from the Falcon Project. I believe his lecture today can inspire the pilot students." Liang Ye put his palm on the Xiao Xiao's hair, smiled and said: "The theory contained in it should also help you write books in the future."

"For sure." Xiao Xiao picked up the notebook on her lap, shook it in front of Liang Ye, and said, "Look, I've been taking notes all the time."

"Yes, very good." Liang Ye smiled, then took Xiao Xiao's hand and stood up.

Deng Xuan was still chatting with the college management in the audience, and Liang Ye planned to wait for him outside the auditorium with Xiao Xiao.

Outside the auditorium, the students lined up to leave in an orderly manner. When they saw Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao, they couldn't help but shine.

Most people were amazed by Xiao Xiao's beauty, while a small number of people had heard about Liang Ye and were surprised by his sudden appearance here.

There were quite a few female students in the team, Xiao Xiao pointed to their figures, and said to Liang Ye, "I thought about going to a military academy before."

"Oh?" Liang Ye turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and asked, "I really don't know about this, what happened later?"

"But if I join the army, I won't be able to concentrate on writing, so I can only choose to give up." As he spoke, Xiao Xiao shrank her neck, feeling a little embarrassed by the reason she said.

"Hahahahaha." Liang Ye laughed a few times, reached out and patted her on the head lightly.

At this time, Deng Xuan walked out of the auditorium accompanied by the management of the college.As one of the graduates with the most military exploits in the academy, the story of Deng Xuan has been circulating on campus, and he is also the object that many students want to surpass.

Seeing Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao standing aside, Deng Xuan greeted the generals beside him, and then walked towards Liang Ye.

"team leader."

"Hello, magician."

The two shook hands in respect.

Liang Ye glanced at the waiting college management, patted Deng Xuan on the shoulder and said, "We won't take the Wraith fighter plane later, the dean and the others will definitely keep you here for dinner, I will let you My family’s plane can come and pick you up.”

When boarding the plane, Liang Ye didn't bring his own car, because the city where the flight academy is located is [-] kilometers away from S city, and no matter how fast he drives, he can't get there until the next day.

His words made Deng Xuan a little embarrassed, and Liang Ye also saw his difficulty, and continued: "My family has a lot of private jets, and I asked them to prepare them before, so you take care of these things, don't worry about it." We, Xiao Xiao and I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Deng Xuan to express his opinion, Liang Ye walked towards the management of the academy, saluted and shook hands with them one by one.

When they walked out of the college gate, a Lincoln SUV was already parked outside, and two men in black suits stood beside the car to open the door for Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.

One is the driver and the other is the bodyguard, both are employees of the Yeshen Group.The Yeshen Group has branches in major cities, and this kind of equipment can be said to be quite normal.

When both Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao boarded the car, the driver hurriedly asked, "Master, the plane is ready. Are you heading to the airport now?"

Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao looked at each other, and then said, "Let's go to the airport."

"Actually, I'm curious if you have given a speech in school." Liang Ye asked suddenly.

He doesn't know much about Xiao Xiao's campus life, he only knows that Xiao Xiao is almost omnipotent on campus.No. [-] in long-distance running in the sports meeting, black belt in Taekwondo, national championship in the Campus Singing Contest...

"Yes, but very few, and I don't like to participate in speeches." Xiao Xiao pouted and said, "I didn't even participate in the literature club at school."

Just as Liang Ye was about to say something, his phone received a message from the Strategic Security Bureau.

The information shows that the agents of the Security Bureau have recovered one copy of the core information of Weixi Medicine, and three more copies are still being hunted down.

In the just-concluded Weixi Medical Operation, a total of four core documents were taken away. Zhou Yuying wanted to continue the hunt, but was stopped by Liang Ye.Liang Ye handed over these tasks to the secret agents.

Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and replied four words on the message: "Speed ​​up."

Afterwards, he called Zhou Yuying.

The call was quickly connected, and Liang Ye quickly said: "The agents have recovered one copy of the core information of Weixi Medicine, and three more are still being tracked. The operation of Weixi Medicine has come to an end. Take time to connect with the intelligence department. After all the information is in hand, it will be handed over to the Yeshen Group."

"Also, pay more attention to Nightingale's situation and report her situation to me at ten o'clock in the evening."

"Yes!" Zhou Yuying responded.

(End of this chapter)

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