Ghost Task Force

Chapter 514 1 Days

Chapter 514 One Day

Liang Anguo dared to make such an arrangement, because he naturally believed that Liang Ye would not make excessive demands on the group; what's more, he always wanted to hand over the entire Yeshen Group to Liang Ye.

Liang Anguo didn't mention this idea in front of Liang Ye. He knew that Liang Ye had no plans to take off his military uniform. As a father, he naturally supported his son's decision.

"My dad is so awesome." Liang Ye said with a smile.

Li Han looked at the crowded crowd inside and outside the coffee shop, turned his head and said to Liang Ye: "Master, after all, this is a coffee shop opened by the young lady. I want to send some bodyguards to protect the surrounding area."

Her suggestion immediately resonated with Liang Ye. In fact, Liang Ye really had this idea, but Li Han said it first.

"Arrange it now, use my bodyguard." Liang Ye said.

What he and Li Han said made Xiao Xiao dumbfounded, and made the task force members look confused.

"Sure enough, it's different to have money." Lei Yu said with emotion.

At this moment, Lan Siqi, who had been silent all this time, said, "Miss Xiao Xiao is a public figure after all, and Lieutenant Colonel is very considerate."

Although both Liang Ye and Li Han wanted to arrange bodyguards for the coffee shop, their original intentions were different.

Liang Ye felt that Xiao Xiao was so famous, and he was worried that some people who were jealous of her would come to the coffee shop to make trouble, while Li Han was worried that Liang Ye's enemies would come to make trouble for Xiao Xiao.

The coffee shop opened today, journalists were taking pictures, and Liang Ye appeared in the public eye with Xiao Xiao, so the two are now the focus of public opinion.

Xiao Xiao gently squeezed Liang Ye's arm, and whispered, "Why are you getting more and more exaggerated."

But Liang Ye didn't take it seriously, he said: "To be honest, this is already a very low-key approach."

After the Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe officially opened at [-]:[-] in the morning, it was very popular from morning to night, and the baristas were busy from morning to night. In just one day, all the coffee beans in the cafe were used up. Xiao Xiao hurriedly A new batch of coffee beans has been purchased.

These coffee bean reserves can be used for at least a month, but they are all used up in one day, which is beyond Xiao Xiao's imagination.

And all the supplies of the coffee shop were contacted by Liang Ye. The supplier was his friend. He knew that Liang Ye's girlfriend opened the coffee shop. The supplier provided the best source of goods at the most favorable price. .

Because of the opening, Xiao Xiao didn't leave all day, and Liang Ye also canceled the dinner with the task force members. During the day, he accompanied Xiao Xiao in the coffee shop, and even helped serve coffee and clear the table.

Liang Ye took the initiative to do these tasks, which made Xiao Xiao feel very sorry. As Liang Ye, he had never done this before, but for her, Liang Ye willingly did it, and she couldn't stop her at all.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe finally closed after a day of business. Some customers who were still queuing outside reluctantly left, and the baristas and waiters who had been busy all day finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At Liang Ye's request, the task force members went to eat dinner by themselves, and brought another portion back when they finished eating.

Xiao Xiao sat on the chair, her face was a little tired.The popularity of the business was beyond her imagination. She presided over the overall situation in the coffee shop all day today, and the customers who came to buy coffee were very polite, not impatient or cutting in line, and the order was very stable throughout the day.

"Thank you." Liang Ye walked behind Xiao Xiao, gently pinching her shoulder.

"You're the one who worked hard, you didn't need to do this." Xiao Xiao took the initiative to hold Liang Ye's palm, and then gently rubbed it on her face.

"The waiter is too busy, it's nothing, the coffee shop also has my hard work in it." Liang Ye hugged Xiao Xiao's neck with the other hand, and whispered in her ear: "If you can't figure it out, wait for you." If you get rich from the coffee shop, you can support me, and let me be a good foodie."

Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing out at his joke, she stood up and pinched Liang Ye's face, and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can stay at my house and listen to me, Miss Sister It will make you fat for nothing."

Before Liang Ye could speak, the task force members walked into the coffee shop with large and small packages of dinner.However, as soon as they entered the door, they saw the picture of this dog abuse.

Xiao Xiao is pinching Liang Ye's face, while Liang Ye is holding Xiao Xiao's waist. This picture can be as cruel to a dog as it is.

"Damn it!" Lei Yu was the first to be tortured to the heart, and subconsciously turned around to prevent himself from seeing this scene.

Hearing the team members' voices, Xiao Xiao hurriedly let go; but Liang Ye still held her waist, showing no intention of letting go.

"Don't rely on it, we will die if we don't eat dinner." Liang Ye said to them.

"Yes, yes, implement it immediately." Lei Yu had to turn around, pretending not to see the dog abuse scene in front of him, and led the others to put the dinner on the table.

Because I bought too many tables and the tabletops were too small, the waiter in the coffee shop put 3 tables together.

The members of the special task force did not regard themselves as soldiers tonight, and put aside their identities one after another. Lan Siqi has not left yet, she has been following the task force today.

Tang Hao returned home with his wife and daughter. Tang Ying had to go to class the next day, so she couldn't go to bed too late.Before the training camp started, Tang Hao wanted to spend more time with his family.

Everyone sat around the table, and there were various kinds of food such as pizza, roast chicken, and fruit salad on the table. Lei Yu bought some more when he bought it.

Several baristas and waiters were also sitting together. They were all girls in their early 20s, the same age as Xiao Xiao.

"Thank you for your hard work today." Xiao Xiao looked at the employees of the coffee shop. She could clearly see the exhaustion on their faces, but they still smiled and looked very happy.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, today is very fulfilling." A barista said.

She is the shopkeeper and barista hired by Xiao Xiao, her name is Tao Zhiqing, and she is the only one among the three baristas who has studied business administration, so Xiao Xiao asked her to be the shopkeeper.

It is impossible for Xiao Xiao to come to this coffee shop to take charge every day. She needs to take the postgraduate entrance examination and write novels, so she hired a shopkeeper to take charge of the daily work of the coffee shop.

Tao Zhiqing is very capable, and Xiao Xiao also trusts her.

It was also the first time she met Xiao Xiao's boyfriend Liang Ye. The son of the richest man in China did not have the style of a rich man. Instead, he helped the waiter to collect tables and serve coffee, which surprised her.

"Hurry up and eat, everyone is tired, go back to rest early after eating." Xiao Xiao said.

Liang Ye, who was sitting next to her, brought her a piece of pizza and motioned her to eat it quickly.

Xiao Xiao's face was also obviously tired, which made Liang Ye very distressed, and now he just wanted Xiao Xiao to go back and rest quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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