Ghost Task Force

Chapter 517 2 month later

Chapter 517 Two months later
In the early morning, Liang Ye gently pushed Xiao Xiao's arm away and sat up from the bed.

The two walked on the street for a long time last night, Xiao Xiao was reluctant to go home, but in the end she was so sleepy that she fell asleep first, and then Liang Ye carried her all the way back to Vanke Washington.

Her emotions were very obvious, and Liang Ye was also very sad, and he was not willing to part with her.

Liang Ye didn't sleep much that night, he spent most of the time looking at Xiao Xiao's beautiful face, while Xiao Xiao kept embracing Liang Ye, as if he was afraid that he would disappear suddenly.

Xiao Xiao was very beautiful, her beauty shocked the world, and it gave Liang Ye a feeling that she didn't belong to this world.

However, as time passed by, he would eventually leave to fulfill the responsibilities of his identity.

There was already an SUV of the Security Bureau waiting downstairs, which was here to pick Liang Ye back to the headquarters.

Xiao Xiao is still sleeping soundly. The opening of the coffee shop yesterday made her busy all day, so she won't wake up for a while.

Liang Ye walked to the side of the bed, staring at her sleeping face, feeling sad for a while.But these emotions were quickly emptied by Liang Ye, he bent down and kissed Xiao Xiao's face lightly.

When Xiao Xiao woke up, Liang Ye had already returned to the headquarters; there was a breakfast on the table in the dining room, which Liang Ye cooked for her before leaving.Xiao Xiao's eyes were slightly red, but she didn't shed tears, but hugged Liang Ye's pillow, feeling his breath.


The winter in City S is snow-white every year. Every morning, the sanitation workers are busy clearing the snow on the streets to avoid affecting the traffic of vehicles.People wrapped in thick padded jackets shuttled through the streets and alleys, occasionally complaining about the troubles brought about by winter.

The Ghost Task Force started a month-long training camp, Xiao Xiao also concentrated on preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and the Four Seasons Sunshine Café was handed over to Tao Zhiqing to take care of it, and the business was booming.

The Yeshen Group is growing stronger and stronger, Liang Anguo has become synonymous with wealth, and his son Liang Ye is still the object of curiosity in people's hearts, because Liang Ye is very mysterious and rarely appears in the public eye.

In the absence of the Ghost Task Force, many tasks of the Strategic Defense Bureau have consumed more manpower and material resources. Li Shan called this a test, and also called on the overall situation not to rely too much on the Ghost Task Force.Ding Xue became the only ninth-level agent in office, and she was required to be responsible for more and busier tasks. She was busy from morning to night.

The Bureau of Strategic Security still controls the balance between supernatural beings and ordinary people, and has set up branches and strongholds in many cities around the world. Special agents are running all over the world, trying their best to maintain "peace".


Two months later, Africa, Liberia, Buchanan.

Liang Ye was wearing a pair of sunglasses and sitting in a coffee shop on the side of the street, tasting the special local coffee.The temperature in Africa in February is basically maintained within 20° to 30°. Liang Ye is wearing a white shirt and jeans, and a pair of black and white sneakers.

The African people on the street came and went, and the noise on the street kept passing into his ears.

"Yueling, did you find anything over there?" The voice of thunder and rain rang through the communicator.

"Report to the vice-captain. I'm sitting next to the captain. If I find something, I will report it immediately." Zhou Yuying replied.

She was sitting at the table next to Liang Ye, looking at the street on the other side. Unlike Liang Ye, she was only wearing a hat.

Liang Ye took a sip of coffee and said, "Our mission in Africa has been going on for a month, and the Spring Festival will be a week away."

A month ago, after the month-long training of the Ghost Task Force, they collected intelligence and reported that V was conducting large-scale virus experiments in Africa, and Liang Ye immediately led the team there.During this month, they tracked down and investigated several scientists suspected to be related to V, arrested several key figures, and discovered two villages contaminated by the virus. The villagers all died of the virus contamination, and they looked very miserable. .

"Yeah, I never thought that I would stay here for so long before." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye gently shook the coffee cup in his hand, raised Erlang's legs, and said calmly: "This is the last time. We will return to Shenzhou after today is over."

According to the clues, Jack Norman, a member of V, will attack the prison here to rescue a biological doctor who is imprisoned here.This Ph.D. in biology is called Krutch. He used to be the chief researcher of a research institute in the Gladys family business, but he was placed under house arrest because he refused to participate in the research of a certain project. After escaping, he came to Africa. Recently, he was murdered. He was captured by Liberian police and taken to Buchanan Prison.

The purpose of the Ghost Task Force here is to capture Jack Norman, a member of V. He was once a key criminal on the Interpol Red Wanted list. He was declared dead three years ago, but he appeared again, and he and Gera Teece is closely connected.

All they had to do now was to wait quietly for Jack Norman to appear by himself.

Opposite the coffee shop was the prison. There were several sentries yawning boredly at the gate of the prison. Although the rifles in their hands were loaded, these sentries obviously had no fighting power, and they were like decorations in the eyes of Liang Ye and others.

There is a lighthouse 100 meters away from the prison. At this time, the thunderstorm is above the lighthouse, and the surroundings are observed with binoculars.

At this time, Lei Yu found some commotion on the street through the binoculars, and quickly reported: "Captain, two armed jeeps appeared two streets away, and they were rapidly approaching the prison."

"OK, they showed up." Liang Ye put down his coffee cup, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the prison door.

At this time, the sentries didn't know that the danger was coming, they still looked drowsy, while Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were already ready, waiting for Jack Norman to appear.

Suddenly, a flame erupted from the prison building, followed by a deafening explosion.


A violent explosion occurred in the prison building, and the shock wave generated by the explosion shattered all the glass of the surrounding residential buildings. Even Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying felt the shock clearly.

Then, there were intensive gunshots inside the prison, apparently someone was exchanging fire with the prison guards.

"Captain, there is a riot inside the prison, and the prisoners are exchanging fire with the prison guards." Thunderstorm reported.

Lei Yu had already sensed that something was wrong, he raised his "eyes of the sky" and locked the direction of the prison.

His position is the best sniper position, he can see all directions, and at the same time he can see the panorama of the prison.

"It's a cover-up." Liang Ye frowned. This was obviously Jack Norman's plan to create chaos in the prison first, which would be beneficial for him to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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