Ghost Task Force

Chapter 534 Resignation

Chapter 534 Resignation
For the first time, the two top leaders of the Strategic Security Bureau had a quarrel, and all the staff in the combat duty room, including Lan Siqi, were terrified.One is considering the overall situation, and the other is acting on emotion; but there is no accurate judgment on who is right and who is wrong.

The staff present actually knew that Xiao Xiao was on that plane, and they understood everything when the passenger list came out.They could actually understand Liang Ye, and maybe others would do the same.

"I will send out the Ghost Task Force, Lei Yu will lead the team, and I will stay here," Liang Ye said.

He was already trying to control his emotions.In normal times, if Li Shan personally issued an order, as a subordinate, he would not be able to refuse to carry it out, but today's situation is different, and he is so anxious that he can't wait to fly to that plane immediately.


Liang Ye's words made Li Shan angry again. If it wasn't for his age, Li Shan would really slap him.

"Have you forgotten your identity and responsibilities?" Li Shan roared.

As the chief of the bureau, Li Shan knew very well what a huge battle group [-] vampires were. He was somewhat worried that Liang Ye would not personally lead the task force out.

"I haven't forgotten." Liang Ye replied loudly: "Vampires are not difficult to deal with, and Lei Yu can handle them with a team."

"Commander, Director, there is a communication from the plane, and the hijackers said they installed a bomb." A staff member stood up, his voice trembling, because he was afraid that he had interrupted the speeches of the two leaders, but he Still continued: "One of the female hijackers is a supernatural being with the ability to transform."

Both Li Shan and Liang Ye turned to look at the staff member at the same time.Watched by the two leaders, the worker's feet went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

Before Liang Ye could speak, Li Shan took the passenger list, and when he saw Xiao Xiao's name, he finally understood everything.

Liang Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Get the plane ready, I'll go by myself."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye ignored Li Shan and strode towards the gate.

"Stop!" Li Shan roared again, and everyone felt as if someone had punched their heads and buzzed.

"The order I gave you is to lead the ghost task force to dispatch. Are you going to disobey the order?" Li Shan held back his anger and said loudly, "Are you going to ignore the safety of the world for Xiao Xiao's sake?"

In Li Shan's eyes, Liang Ye was really acting out of emotion this time. If Xiao Xiao wasn't on the plane, Liang Ye would definitely not intervene and let other departments handle it on their own.

But Xiao Xiao took this flight, how could Liang Ye be in the mood to perform other tasks at this time.

Even if it was Li Shan who gave the order, Liang Ye would not care, he continued to stride towards the gate.

"Close the airport and prohibit planes from taking off." Li Shan said to the staff.

"Who the hell dares!"

Liang Ye's roar once again startled everyone, including Li Shan.

This was the first time they saw Liang Ye get angry.

Liang Ye turned around slowly, and he met Li Shan's eyes again.I saw that his facial expression was a little distorted, and he was trying his best to control his emotions so as not to let himself lose control.

"If I can't even protect the person I love the most, what's the point of protecting this world?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye continued to walk towards the gate. When he walked out of the gate, he said a word.

"I resign."


The entire combat duty room was dead silent, and Lan Siqi was shocked. She never thought that the situation would develop to this point.

After thinking for half a second, Lan Siqi chased after her in big strides.

The staff in the duty room all looked at Li Shan, and they all looked horrified at this moment. The existence of Liang Ye is very important to the entire Strategic Security Bureau. If Liang Ye really resigns, the Security Bureau will lose a lot of power , Ghost task force also lost half of the country.

Li Shan's face was darkened beyond recognition, no one knew what he was thinking now, and Liang Ye's behavior today was right or wrong, no one dared to draw such a conclusion.

On the apron of the ghost fighter plane at the airport, the fighter plane that Liang Ye had arranged before was ready, and Zhou Yuying was standing next to the plane, watching Liang Ye who was approaching quickly.

The entire Ghost Task Force knew what happened. As Liang Ye's comrades-in-arms, they all supported Liang Ye's every decision.

Liang Ye felt a little surprised that Zhou Yuying was standing here, but he didn't have time to think about it, and now he just wanted to catch up with that flight.

"Captain, the vice-captain has led other people out, and I will stay at the headquarters to provide you with communication and technical support." Saying that, Zhou Yuying took out a pure black bullet, and she handed it to Liang Ye. , continued: "This is the remote controller, you can fire the sleeve gun into the fuselage of that plane, so I can control the plane's systems."

Liang Ye raised his hand subconsciously, but when he was about to take it, he stopped.

"To be precise, I am no longer your captain," Liang Ye said.

"One day is the captain, life is the captain." Zhou Yuying stuffed the controller into Liang Ye's hands.

Liang Ye clenched the black bullet in his hand, and then gave a military salute to Zhou Yuying.

"Thank you!"


For those on flight MU9733, they experienced scenes that they had only seen in movies today.

Three people armed with guns occupied the plane and threatened that there was a bomb on the plane, causing riots in the plane for a while.

The two pilots were directly killed, and their bodies were randomly discarded in the aisle like garbage, and some timid passengers even covered their eyes.

The hijacker also used a communication jammer, which is why Xiao Xiao's bodyguards could no longer send messages to Liang Ye.Some passengers secretly tried to use their mobile phones to send messages to the outside world, but all failed.

The names of the four hijackers are: Arnault, Jeffrey, Zuo Lei, and Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue was the shapeshifter. She used her shapeshifting ability to transform into a flight attendant and fooled the two pilots.

At this moment, Zuo Lei was pointing a gun at the passengers in the cabin, and shouted loudly: "Everyone be quiet, I don't mind killing a few more people."

Xiao Xiao was also terrified by what happened before her eyes.At this time, the female bodyguard sitting beside her gently held her hand and cast a reassuring look at her.

Xiao Xiao has always known that there are bodyguards secretly protecting her, but she has never seen these two bodyguards, and she does not know who they are.

When the bodyguard held her hand, she realized that this was the person Liang Ye had arranged to protect her secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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