Ghost Task Force

Chapter 542 Fall into the Darkness

Chapter 542 Fall into the Darkness
A year later, Cambodia, Battambang Province.

A ten-story office building next to the street was completely blocked. Passers-by couldn't help but stop and watch, wondering what happened here.

The army sealed off the perimeter of the office building to prevent pedestrians from approaching, and the reporters were all dispersed.No one is allowed to approach the blockade line. Once someone approaches, the military personnel will not hesitate to raise their guns to warn.

On the highest floor of the office building, a man wearing a black combat uniform and carrying a sniper rifle walked out of the elevator, while the busy staff in the aisle stopped and stood at attention to pay respects to him.

The man nodded and walked into an office at the deepest part of the corridor.

This is the office of the general manager of this office building. The staff members are investigating and collecting evidence. One of the staff members is Zhou Yuying, a member of the Ghost Task Force.

Seeing the man walk in, Zhou Yuying quickly stood up.

"team leader."

The man responded, and he took off his sunglasses and tactical gloves, revealing a pair of calloused hands.And the sniper rifle, "Sky Eye", which he had been carrying on his back, was also taken off by him.

The man is Lei Yu, the current captain of the Ghost Task Force.

After the crash a year ago, he became the new captain of the ghost task force, and was also promoted to a ninth-level agent as the commander-in-chief of operations.

He took over all of Liang Ye's previous positions.

"Is it still like last time?"

Lei Yu frowned slightly as he looked at the pool of blood on the ground.

There were pieces of flesh scattered around the bloodstains. It was a corpse, a corpse that had been divided into a thousand pieces.

Zhou Yuying nodded, she pursed her lips, but did not say what was in her mouth.

"Except for Agent Zhou Yuying, everyone else should go out, and don't come within five meters of here without my order." Lei Yu ordered.


The agents of the Strategic Security Bureau who were collecting evidence left the office one after another, and gradually only Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying were left here.

"This is already the 40th person, and they are all the core personnel of Viper or their related suppliers." Zhou Yuying frowned, and she handed the tablet in her hand to Lei Yu, pointing at the screen and said: "Die!" This guy named Bernie is in charge of supplying the Vipers with ammunition."

Lei Yu took the tablet, he didn't speak, just quietly looked at the information on it.

"The surrounding people reported that the wind was particularly strong last night, and some cars were blown over." Zhou Yuying continued.

"I know it's the boss who did it." Lei Yu put down the tablet, he sighed and said, "I knew it from the appearance of the No. I can’t believe it, but I still have to admit that his ability has evolved.”

Zhou Yuying was silent. She recalled the scene when she found Liang Ye a year ago, which is still hard to erase.

Scarlet eyes, desperate roar.

Liang Ye was seriously injured at the time, and a full 6 tons of the engine hit him when he fell, causing him to lose consciousness immediately.Fortunately, the cloak was always unfolded, which slowed down his falling speed, and finally landed safely on the sea surface, and was pushed onto the uninhabited island by the sea.

The Medical Department of the Strategic Security Bureau rescued Liang Ye for three full days and three nights, and finally saved Liang Ye's life, but this also left him with hidden diseases, and his back often hurts.Originally, it could be cured after some recuperation, but Liang Ye refused the treatment. He chose to keep the pain so that he could remember that day forever.

In the plane crash a year ago, no one survived except Liang Ye, and one person was missing, and that person was Xiao Xiao.

No matter how many resources the Yeghen Group and the Strategic Security Bureau have used to search the surrounding sea area, there is still no trace of Xiao Xiao.

After searching for a whole month, they finally had to give up and announce Xiao Xiao's death.

It was also that day that Liang Ye completely fell into darkness, left the Strategic Security Bureau, and resigned from the military.

No one knew where he went, and various agencies searched but found nothing. Liang Ye seemed to have evaporated from the world.

It wasn't until eight months ago that the first body turned into pieces appeared.

At that time, no attention was paid to it. Only Lei Yu felt that Liang Ye might have done this, so he launched an investigation.

The deeper the investigation, the members of the Ghost Task Force gradually believed that this was what Liang Ye did.

Because those who died were all Viper members or people associated with them, and all seemed to be related to the crash from a year ago.

Liang Ye is taking revenge.

Zhou Yuying pondered for a while, then asked: "Then... do I need to report it to the director?"

Lei Yu shook his head, "If you don't report it, don't let him know anything."

"However, there will always be someone who will hunt him down, Interpol, or other organizations. The 40 dead people may be guilty, but the captain did not spare their relatives when he killed them. ...."

Some of those who died before died at home, and none of their families were spared.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Lei Yu slowly lowered his head, looked at the Sky Eye that he had placed next to the sofa, took a deep breath and said, "I hope the boss will not do too much, I don't want to be arrested His orders."

After speaking, Lei Yu turned and left the office.

Zhou Yuying looked at his back, sighed softly, and said to herself: "But can we stop him?"

Five minutes later, the Wraith fighter parked on the roof slowly took off and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Lei Yu, Zhou Yuying, and Deng Xuan are all in the fighter plane, and there is a new face among them.

Chen Xiaolang, a new member of the Ghost Task Force.

26 years old, ancient warrior, good at using double swords, because of his outstanding ability, he was appreciated by Li Shan, and invited to join the Ghost Task Force after Lei Yu's observation.

This is the first time a new member has joined the Ghost Task Force since its establishment, and he is also an ancient warrior.

Apart from being somewhat impulsive, there is nothing to fault.

"Yueling, if you find out where the boss is, report to me immediately." Lei Yu said.

Zhou Yuying nodded, but she said a little discouraged: "I can only say my best. It's been a year and I can't find anything. My investigation ability is the best in the bureau, but the captain's anti-reconnaissance ability It must exceed my investigation ability. Therefore, once he wants to hide, almost no one in this world can find him."

Lei Yu pursed his lips and said, "It's still the same sentence, do your best, it's better than doing nothing."

"Captain, is the old captain really that strong?" Chen Xiaolang who was sitting on the side suddenly asked.

Both Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying kept their eyes on him at the same time. Chen Xiaolang had only heard rumors about Liang Ye, but had never actually seen Liang Ye.

Chen Xiaolang was very curious about Liang Ye's legendary story mentioned by other team members.How powerful is this legendary phantom assassin.

He even wanted to meet Liang Ye for a while.

"Perhaps you will have a chance to see him in the future. You should train hard now. Don't forget that the mage beat you so hard that you couldn't even hold your sword steady." Lei Yu complained.

Chen Xiaolang shrank his neck, and then said firmly: "I will train hard, captain."

(End of this chapter)

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