Ghost Task Force

Chapter 552 Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 552 Welcome Ceremony
Liang Ye doesn't think that he is a person who hurts the spring and the autumn, but he has always had the habit of looking up at the starry sky.After Xiao Xiao died, when he couldn't sleep, he would sit on the roof or on the top of a high mountain, looking at the stars in the sky, and imagined whether there would be a star on it that belonged to Xiao Xiao.

He flew to the highest peak in the Alps, Mont Blanc, which is 4810 meters above sea level.This is the largest sightseeing center in the Alps, with aerial ropeways and winter sports facilities.

After what happened just now, Liang Ye was no longer sleepy at this time, and he also knew that his previous residence would definitely be exposed, and the death of the vampire would lead to a series of investigations, and the Strategic Security Bureau and other agencies would be informed.

The strong wind blew Liang Ye's body and pulled the cloak on his back, but he didn't care at all.

As the night passed and dawn arrived, Liang Ye's body moved slightly, and he stood up.

This night, besides looking up at the starry sky, he also felt the wind lingering in the peak.As if talking to the wind, he felt the wind speed and direction, and then tried to control it.

His control over his abilities has improved a little again.


Mexico, a neighborhood controlled by drug dealers.

This is a hiding place for drug dealers. The police never set foot in this area, and the people living here completely let themselves go. Shootouts and fights are the most common things in this neighborhood.

In the block, there is a building that is the most eye-catching.It stands alone beside the street, but there is a checkpoint in front of it. The security guards are guarding with AK47s. There are 4 searchlights on the upper floor, and there is even a heavy machine gun facing the gate.

As night fell, stealthy Wraith fighter jets flew over the neighborhood.

Then, a man fell from the sky.


The long sword mercilessly pierced through the body of a security guard. He didn't know who killed him until he died.

Chen Xiaolang, a new member of the Ghost Task Force, pulled the long sword out of the security guard's body, and then stabbed another security guard.

Chen Xiaolang uses two long swords, the Wushuang sword in his left hand and the Xueyang sword in his right hand, both of which are famous swords of his family.

He comes from a family of ancient warriors, and because of his talent for using swords since he was a child, he got these two swords when he was an adult.

The task force members all knew that Chen Xiaolang's love for swords was deep in his bones, and he would hold these two swords when he slept at night, as if afraid of being stolen.

The security guard at the gate was killed, and an alarm sounded in the building instantly. More than a dozen security guards ran out of the building with guns in hand, and started shooting at Chen Xiaolang.

Chen Xiaolang didn't care at all, he stepped towards the enemy, and the Blood Yang Sword in his right hand began to swing.

"Ding ding ding..."

When the bullets flew in front of him, they would all be blocked by the long sword. People could only see a shadow of the sword, but they couldn't see the blade clearly at all.Some of the bullets bounced back the way they came, hitting the security guard who fired.

The thirty rounds of the rifle ran out quickly, and the security guards hurriedly replaced the magazines, while Chen Xiaolang was less than 20 meters away from them.

A smile appeared on Chen Xiaolang's face, he accelerated his running speed, and then kicked hard, the whole person jumped into the air, and while falling downward, he swung the Wushuang sword in his left hand forward.

A burst of sword energy, issued from Wushuang Sword, hit the security guards who were changing magazines.


Almost at the same time, their bodies were broken in two.

After landing, Chen Xiaolang put the two swords back on the scabbards on his back, pressed the communicator and said, "Report to the captain, the enemies at the main gate have been cleared."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Yu brought Zhou Yuying in through the main entrance.

"The intelligence department said that the supernatural beings are locked up in this building, and they are still children. I hope I am not mistaken." Lei Yu said as he walked.

This time the Ghost Task Force acted separately. Deng Xuan, Tang Hao, and Claire went to Ireland, and they found out the location of a virus test product.

The supernatural beings in childhood are the easiest to be controlled by others. They are afraid of being different and full of fear of the world.Once adopted by people with malicious intentions at this time, they can easily grow into demons.

The Strategic Security Bureau has been trying to prevent this from happening. They have established an orphanage for children with supernatural powers. There are professionally trained staff there to provide those children with all-round support in medical, psychological, learning, and daily life. Take care, give the best environment and keep them from going astray.

This year, the Strategic Security Bureau has rescued dozens of children who were experimented and abused. They all awakened their supernatural powers when they were young and were captured by illegal agencies.Whenever such a situation is known, as long as the Ghost Task Force can get away, it will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Only those with supernatural powers can understand supernatural beings best.

All the enemies at the door were cleared, and Lei Yu made a gesture to move forward.

Chen Xiaolang pulled out the Blood Yang Sword and stepped forward.He was wearing a black combat uniform and carried only a pistol with him.

Ancient warriors like to use cold weapons and rarely use firearms.

The first floor of the building was very empty, and it seemed that there was no one else except the security guard.

"People are concentrated on the top floor." Zhou Yuying called up the 3D floor plan. There are many red dots on the top floor, and each red dot represents a person.

"Go to the outside, Chen Xiaolang and I will take the elevator up." Lei Yu said.

Zhou Yuying responded, and she activated the flying machine on both feet, and flew into the air.

Lei Yu led Chen Xiaolang into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the top floor.

"Captain, what do you think we should do if we meet the old captain?" Chen Xiaolang asked suddenly.

Now the entire Strategic Security Bureau knows what Liang Ye is doing now, and has used all resources to investigate Liang Ye's whereabouts.In fact, it will be a matter of time before the ghost task force meets him.

"Don't fight him." That's all Lei Yu said.

Chen Xiaolang had always been curious about Liang Ye, and even wanted to fight him.Ancient warriors are full of fighting blood, and they are eager to confront enemies stronger than themselves, which is why Lei Yu said that he has an impulsive personality.

After listening to Lei Yu's words, Chen Xiaolang didn't answer right away, he lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

At this time, with a "ding", the elevator reached the top floor.

"Captain, the people in the corridor have prepared a welcome ceremony for you." Zhou Yuying floated in the air, watching the interior of the top floor with her glasses.

The so-called welcome ceremony means that the people inside are ready to fight and wait for the elevator door to open.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

Lei Yu moved his body and said, "Well, I thought they would do this."

And Chen Xiaolang walked in front of Lei Yu and pulled out the Wushuang sword.

Lei Yu didn't go to get the eyes of the sky on his back, but activated the pistol wrist guards in both hands, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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