Ghost Task Force

Chapter 555 It Hurts

Chapter 555 It Hurts

Not only the poisonous snake, some intelligence agencies don't know Liang Ye's true identity, only the Strategic Security Bureau and Irene's "hunter" know who is hunting the poisonous snake.

During this year, the members of the Viper Organization seemed to be living in a nightmare. Every core member was on guard against an attack, for fear that it would be their turn next.

Nightmares shrouded the mind, and this was why Morris took the risk to hold this meeting. If this continued, the poisonous snake would disintegrate without Liang Ye continuing to chase and kill.

Morris had to save the current situation. He tried his best to finally get Liang Ye's information, but what he got in exchange was a cold sweat.

It was really too difficult to deal with Liang Ye.

Not only did he find out that Liang Ye was the son of Liang Anguo, but he also found out that Liang Ye was once a ninth-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau.Only the shapeshifter Qiu Yue knew this information, and she did not report it to Morris at the time, which indirectly led to the current ending.

This is also a problem within the poisonous snake, and the information cannot be shared in a timely manner.

In the eyes of the world, a rich man like Liang Ye usually spends his time chasing beautiful women, driving luxury cars, and living a corrupt life.No one would have thought that after Xiao Xiao suffered an air crash, Liang Ye would have such a powerful combat power to take revenge.

No one would have thought that he was a ninth-level agent of the Bureau of Strategic Security with superpowers.

Morris began to fear, but at the same time of fear, he had to find a way to get rid of Liang Ye, otherwise, if this continued, he would be hard to escape.Because he is the leader, the hijacking a year ago was his decision.

Before, Liang Ye only chased and killed the core members, and did not kill him first. The purpose was to make him feel hopeless and let him watch the poisonous snake slowly disintegrate with his own eyes.

"What should we do? He is terrible." A core member said.

"His whereabouts are very mysterious, and our people have been investigating for a long time but have not found anything."

"Shenzhou is already attacking us, and they have destroyed many of our strongholds."

The core members spoke one sentence after another, with worries and concerns in their words, and no one proposed a solution.

They are really scared.

Since the hunt started, they haven't had a good night's sleep, and some even want to quit the poisonous snake, but they haven't dared to say so.


As soon as Morris slapped the table, his voice made the other members shut their mouths immediately.

"Look at you now, we are poisonous snakes, not cowards!" Morris stood up angrily, glanced at the six core members present, knocked his fists on the table, and said loudly: "The superhumans are too. People, they can be killed as well!"

At this moment, a cold voice came into everyone's ears.

"Then, come and kill me!"

The sound was like thunder on a sunny day, shaking everyone present, and fear spread from the bottom of their hearts to their entire bodies.

Then, a big hole was opened in the ceiling, and a black figure landed in the center of the round table.

And when Soi Ying's feet touched the table, he didn't make a sound, which made everyone even more shocked.

Black combat uniform, black cloak, and the face hidden under the hood.

Almost subconsciously, everyone wants to call the guards.

However, black smoke suddenly exploded in the center of the table, instantly covering the entire room.

The guard outside heard the sound of the ceiling breaking and rushed in with a gun.But as soon as they opened the door, they were frightened by the black smoke and froze in place.

They couldn't see the situation inside the house clearly, so they didn't dare to shoot for a while.

The sniper quickly activated thermal imaging, but it still had no effect, because Liang Ye also used equipment that generated heat, and the whole room was red with thermal imaging.

The core members of the poisonous snake began to panic, and Morris had already prepared a retreat. He subconsciously stepped back, and a purple portal suddenly appeared behind him.

But at this moment, a dart passed through the knee of Morris' right leg, causing him to let out a miserable scream.


Morris' right leg lost the strength to stand in an instant, and he fell to his knees on the ground.And Liang Ye's rope gun also flew into the portal at this time, pulling out Miranda at the other end of the portal.


Miranda's body flew out of the portal, and the rope gun mercilessly penetrated her thigh, blood staining her white jeans.

She looks very ordinary, and she is a little fat. She is not only a core member of Viper, but also Morris' good friend.

Without the support of her abilities, it would be difficult for Morris to escape the siege launched by so many countries.

The core members of the poisonous snake also have supernatural powers, but they have all been killed by Liang Ye, and no one has the ability to compete with Liang Ye.

"I'm just waiting for you to use the power."

Liang Ye jumped off the table, and the other six core members of Viper all had a hideous bloodstain on their throats.

In just 1 second, they were killed by Liang Ye, without even a chance to stand up.

The reason why Liang Ye didn't kill Morris immediately was that he was waiting for Miranda to use his power to save him. Only in this way could Liang Ye get the exact location of Miranda.

Smoke still filled the entire room, and more and more guards were holding guns and wanted to rush in. Liang Ye walked towards Morris and threw a grenade at the door.


The guard at the door sensed the danger. Although he yelled that sentence, he still couldn't escape the death attack.


Liang Ye didn't look at the tragedy at the door, he threw another smoke bead and walked up to Miranda.

The severe pain made Miranda lose the strength to stand up, but her survival instinct still forced her to draw out her pistol and try to shoot Liang Ye.


Before she could pull the trigger, Liang Ye's right foot stepped hard on her wrist, directly breaking her bones.

"Ah!!!" Miranda let out a heart-piercing scream, her pupils shrank to the shape of pinholes, and the severe pain from her wrist almost made her faint.

"Stop!" Morris' eyes were tearing, he subconsciously stretched out his right hand to reach for the pistol in his waist, but found that he lost his palm.

When he yelled that sentence, Liang Ye had already arrived in front of him, and the Hidden Blade mercilessly swept across Morris' right hand.

Morris stared wide-eyed, looking at the right hand that had lost his palm. The severe pain caused his body to shake violently, and blood spurted out continuously from the broken part. The scene was shocking.

"It hurts, right?" Liang Ye took off his hood, revealing his snow-white hair.

There was a cruel smile on his handsome face. He looked at Morris and Miranda who kept screaming, and said slowly: "A year ago, I was in pain like you."

(End of this chapter)

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