Ghost Task Force

Chapter 558 Three sets of swordsmanship

Chapter 558 Two Swordsmanship
The task force members all looked at the battle in front of them with curiosity. They hadn't seen each other for a year, and today they finally felt the terror of Liang Ye.The tornado destroyed the entire base, and the poisonous snake organization was officially eliminated today, but Liang Ye just moved his fingers lightly, without any effort at all.

The horror of nature is presented in front of the task force members at this moment.

And Chen Xiaolang was not the kind of person who would admit defeat. He was eager to challenge an opponent stronger than himself. After hearing Liang Ye's story for so long, he had long wanted to fight this legendary figure, and even disobeyed Lei Yu's orders.

Thunderstorm didn't intend to stop it, and neither did the others. They all wanted to see how Liang Ye would change in close combat.

Everyone has their own best fighting style. Liang Ye relied on his speed, which was different from ordinary people, and the tricks he used in close combat were tried and tested.

The evolution of abilities has also enhanced his physical strength, and now he is even stronger. Although he is still not as powerful as Tang Hao, it has surpassed the imagination of the task force members.

After blocking the sword energy, Liang Ye did not take advantage of his air superiority, but slowly landed on the ground.He reached out and took off his hood, revealing his white hair.

Liang Ye didn't tidy his hair deliberately, but because he was often blown by the wind, his hair naturally formed a back hairstyle, which was no longer the size it used to be.

In the eyes of girls, he is now more attractive than before.

And this is also the first time that the task force members have seen Liang Ye's white hair up close, all white without any black.

For a while, everyone was silent. Even Chen Xiaolang, who wanted to challenge Liang Ye, held the Blood Yang Sword tightly and did not attack again for the time being.

Liang Ye glanced at the team members not far behind Chen Xiaolang, his eyes looked calm, but no one knew what he was thinking.

Former comrades-in-arms and brothers for many years, they instantly understood what Liang Ye had done in the past year during the short look at each other.

And the pain in his heart.

Zhou Yuying turned around, not daring to look at the white-haired Liang Ye any more.

Lei Yu clenched his fists tightly, and he shouted at Chen Xiaolang: "Come back, I told everyone to retreat."

"No!" Not only did Chen Xiaolang not obey the order, but he drew out the Wushuang sword in his left hand, made an attack posture, and said loudly: "I want to challenge the old captain."

Liang Ye tilted his head, Chen Xiaolang's persistence really made him feel a little appreciation.

People really have to constantly challenge opponents stronger than themselves to have a big room for improvement. Chen Xiaolang's spirit is actually admirable, but he has to challenge according to the actual situation.

The Ghost Task Force is a militarized management team, obeying orders is the bounden duty of every member, Chen Xiaolang obviously failed to do this well.

But since he wanted to challenge himself, Liang Ye also wanted to see the strength of Chen Xiaolang, known as a genius ancient warrior.

Regardless of Lei Yu's order, Chen Xiaolang swung his swords and rushed towards Liang Ye again. To Liang Ye's surprise, the swords in his hands used different sword techniques.

Two swords, two sets of swordsmanship are used at the same time.

Liang Ye once heard Jiang Long, the bodyguard of his father Liang Anguo, tell that there are not many ancient warriors who can use double swords, and there are very few ancient warriors who can use two swords at the same time. in ancient books.

"Two sets of swordsmanship?" Lei Yu also saw Chen Xiaolang's moves, and couldn't help but said, "This guy has never shown it before."

Ancient warriors are not like supernatural beings. They are different from ordinary people through acquired martial arts. If they don't practice day and night, it is difficult for ordinary ancient warriors to make progress.Chen Xiaolang is only 26 years old, but he has already reached this level, which makes everyone look at him with admiration.

"It seems that he has been hiding something from us before." Tang Hao couldn't help but said.

In order to challenge Liang Ye, Chen Xiaolang showed his trump card.

Chen Xiaolang knew from Liang Ye's single-handed defense against the sword energy that he had to use all his strength to fight Liang Ye.

Sword Qi is one of the most proud attack methods of ancient warriors who use long swords. For other ancient warriors, it would take a lot of effort to resist the sword Qi, but Liang Ye didn't even frown. This indeed brought great psychological pressure to Chen Xiaolang.

The Wushuang sword in his left hand used the soul-chasing sword technique, and the Xueyang sword in his right hand used the life-killing sword technique. Chen Xiaolang seemed to be divided into two people. The sword shadows attacked Liang Ye from all directions, almost blocking all his escape routes.

Liang Ye's gaze scanned the surroundings, and a smile formed at the corner of his mouth.


A crisp collision sound entered everyone's ears.

I saw the Wushuang sword slashing on the Hidden Blade wristband of Liang Ye's right hand, and a tiny spark flashed across it.

Chen Xiaolang's attack was blocked by Liang Ye, but his position did not change at all.

"The sword shadow blockade is ineffective for me." Liang Ye did not counterattack immediately, but said with a smile: "The sword technique is very strong, but it is not difficult to crack it, as long as you find the gap."

The two sets of swordsmanship belong to the Kongtong school's swordsmanship, chasing souls and moves are pressing, continuous and overwhelming.The life-snatching sword has fierce attacks and deadly moves, and the sword techniques are more or less the same.

In Liang Ye's eyes, no matter how many sword shadows there are, they are just shadows after all.Chen Xiaolang's use of two sets of swordsmanship is indeed amazing, but his shadow has not yet formed, and only a truly formed sword shadow can block it.

Jiang Long's sword shadow is tangible. When Liang Ye was fighting him, he was blocked by the sword shadow and had almost no way out. In the end, he had to find a gap to break it successfully.

But that time, Liang Ye was able to crack it only when Jiang Long held back a little bit.

The invisible sword shadow is just a shadow, not an attacking form.

Liang Ye said so straightforwardly, Chen Xiaolang was startled, he didn't expect Liang Ye to know so much about Gu Wu.

He really hasn't practiced to this level yet, but through the sword shadow, he can still interfere with the enemy's sight, but he didn't expect this trick to be useless in front of Liang Ye.

Chen Xiaolang subconsciously pierced Liang Ye's heart with the Xueyang sword in his right hand, and Liang Ye waited for him to attack first. When the Xueyang sword was about to touch his combat uniform, he unfolded the cloak on his back and quickly He retreated a few meters to avoid the attack of the Xueyang Sword.

Then, Chen Xiaolang moved with the sword and attacked Liang Ye again.And Liang Ye kicked his right foot hard, and his whole body jumped into the air, making Chen Xiaolang once again fly into the air.

Liang Ye didn't use his ability, he relied on his own jumping ability. After jumping into the air, the rope gun in his left hand shot at Chen Xiaolang on the ground. This time, the rope gun didn't penetrate the enemy like before. Instead, it circled several times automatically and fixed it on the Xueyang sword in Chen Xiaolang's right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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