Chapter 560
"Do not!!!"

Seeing the Wushuang sword breaking in front of him with his own eyes, Chen Xiaolang's eyes were tearing apart. This is his most beloved weapon, and he cherishes it as much as his own life.

Both Wushuang Sword and Xueyang Sword cut iron like mud, and they are the long swords that his family is most proud of; it is because of Chen Xiaolang's extraordinary talent that the family elders decided to bestow these two swords on him.But in this battle with Liang Ye, Wushuangjian was vulnerable.

Chen Xiaolang didn't attack Liang Ye again. When Liang Ye's Hidden Sword was aimed at his throat, he knew he was defeated.

Liang Ye wanted to kill him, it was a split second.


Chen Xiaolang's knee hit the ground heavily, and he knelt down in front of the fragments of Wushuang Sword, his body trembling violently.

The loss of a sword dealt a huge blow to Chen Xiaolang's heart. He was no longer as impulsive as before. Facing the legendary Liang Ye, he felt powerless again.

Liang Ye looked at Chen Xiaolang who was kneeling on the ground, and sighed softly. He knew how much the ancient sword warriors cherished swords. The reason why he did this was to teach Chen Xiaolang a profound lesson on his growth path.

"Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty. They should obey the commander's orders when they are in the team. If they can't do this, they are not worthy of being a member of the Ghost Task Force."

The voice fell, and the breeze blew gently, blowing the hair of everyone present.The tornado was still raging at the nearby base, and the raging flames dyed half of the sky red.I saw Liang Ye soaring into the sky, and swept the task force members with deep eyes before leaving.

Lei Yu is now leading the task force very well, everyone has made progress, Liang Ye is very satisfied.Especially Claire, who is now 17 years old and a star student at Xinghai University.Liang Ye also wanted to have a good time with them, but now is not the time to get close to them, because he is a criminal.

When their eyes swept over the thunderstorm, the two brothers nodded slightly.

No matter what, Lei Yu didn't want to stand on the opposite side of Liang Ye, he knew that even if Liang Ye was blackened, he still had a kind side in his heart.

Liang Ye flew into the distance under the blowing of the wind, while Lei Yu ordered: "Let's go."

But at this moment, Claire, who had been silent all this time, yelled, "Brother Liang Ye!"

Then, red energy appeared around her body, she soared into the air like Liang Ye, and flew towards Liang Ye quickly.

"Claire!" Zhou Yuying hurriedly activated the aircraft on her feet, trying to chase her back.

Lei Yu pulled her back and shook her head gently.

"Let her go." Lei Yu said.

This year, Claire often hid in her room and cried. She missed Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao very much.

When she was in the most difficult time, the couple Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao came to her first, giving her care and warmth.But now that Xiao Xiao is gone and Liang Ye is gone, even though there are other task force members by her side, she still feels that something is missing in her heart.

Seeing Liang Ye again and seeing his white hair, Claire's heart was pierced.Liang Ye was about to leave, but in the end she couldn't control her emotions and chased after her.

Now that Claire is very good at using her powers, she can fly freely in the air like Liang Ye.

Claire is the most powerful ability user in Task Force Ghost. If there is a war, only she has the ability to compete with Liang Ye.But she won't do that, and she doesn't want to stand on the opposite side of Liang Ye.

Sensing that someone was following, Liang Ye subconsciously looked back.When he saw Claire with red eyes chasing him, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly slowed down the flying speed until it stopped.

Claire flew behind Liang Ye, red energy floating around her body, and her red eyes were not caused by supernatural powers, but because she was crying.

"Brother Liang Ye." Claire approached slowly, her trembling lips reflected her emotions at this time, in front of Liang Ye, she tried her best not to let her tears fall.

Liang Ye turned around, looked at Claire who was less than two meters away from him, and smiled slightly: "You have grown up, Claire."

Indeed, Claire has grown, her hair is longer than before, and she has grown 3 centimeters taller.No longer like the little girl who looked weaker at the beginning, she now gives off a literary atmosphere.

After reading the Department of Chinese, Claire would read many literary works.This is somewhat similar to the former Xiao Xiao.

Seeing Liang Ye's white hair up close, Claire's tears couldn't stop after all, and flowed from her eye sockets drop by drop.

Once she felt that she was miserable and that life had no hope anymore.But looking at the white-haired Liang Ye now, she realized how similar Liang Ye was to her past self, and he seemed more painful.

She had lost a close relative, and he had lost a true love.

"Can I hug you?" Claire choked up and leaned against Liang Ye again.

Liang Ye smiled, he spread his arms, and Claire plunged into his arms, crying loudly.

Lei Yu and others on the ground saw this scene, and felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Who would have thought that something like that would happen a year ago. The consequences of the crash were enormous, and Liang Ye's departure was also a huge blow to the Ghost Task Force.

Claire once wanted to leave to find Liang Ye, but Zhou Yuying persuaded her in time. It was impossible to find Liang Ye with her own strength, and Liang Ye was the best trained by the Assassin Brotherhood. Assassins, at least so far no one can really detect the traces of Liang Ye.

Even Zhou Yuying couldn't.

Tears wet Liang Ye's chest, and Claire hugged Liang Ye tightly, fearing that he would disappear in the next second.Her cry passed through the valley, and it made all the animals in the forest feel sad.

"Okay, okay, you still cry so much after going to college, and you will be an adult if you grow one year older." Liang Ye patted Claire's head lightly, as if coaxing a child.

In Liang Ye's eyes, Claire is just a child who likes to eat snacks. Although he has one of the most powerful abilities in the world, he always shows a weak appearance.

She grew up and still loves to cry.

After a long time, Claire raised her head and looked at Liang Ye with a smile on her face. She shrunk her neck subconsciously.

The clothes on Liang Ye's chest were wetted by her tears, and she vented all the thoughts that had been suppressed for a whole year just now.

"You." Liang Ye flicked Claire's forehead lightly, and said, "Go back."

The reason why he was willing to stop to see Claire was because her heart was the most fragile of all, and it would be good to let her vent.

After meeting, we should part, we still have to part.

(End of this chapter)

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