Ghost Task Force

Chapter 564 The end of revenge

Chapter 564 The end of revenge
Flowers pass through spring, leaving strands of fragrance; leaves pass through summer, leaving patches of shade.The time jumped to June, and the blazing fire umbrella was high in the air, as if it was about to emit all the heat. It softened the asphalt road and blushed the faces of pedestrians.

Lei Yu sat in his office, watching the latest situation report.The Ministry of Intelligence tracked down that in the past three months, seven people died at the hands of Liang Ye. Interpol has stepped in to investigate the true identity of the hunter.

Now the Board of Directors of the Strategic Security Bureau is demanding that Liang Ye's identity be disclosed, and the whole world be used to capture him.Li Shan did not agree, and he asked the intelligence department to closely monitor where Liang Ye might appear.

Once Liang Ye's identity is exposed, the impact will be extremely huge, both on the Yeshen Group and the Strategic Security Bureau itself.

Liang Ye used to be a senior official of the Strategic Security Bureau and made great contributions to the construction of the Strategic Security Bureau; now Liang Ye has taken too many lives for revenge, but he has never had any conflicts with the Security Bureau.

Li Shan was also very troubled by this. There were too many factors involved in dealing with the key issue of Liang Ye.

"Dong dong..." The office door rang.

"Come in." Lei Yu closed the file.

Chen Xiaolang and Claire walked in with two swords on their backs. The two were sent to India to carry out the arrest mission a day ago. A person who abused his abilities killed many innocent civilians. After making an assessment, Lei Yu decided to Send Chen Xiaolang and Claire there.

Claire is relatively inexperienced, but Chen Xiaolang has grown rapidly recently, and Lei Yu is very relieved that Chen Xiaolang will take Claire there.

"Captain, the mission is over. Here is the mission report we compiled." Chen Xiaolang put a report on Lei Yu's desktop.

Lei Yu nodded, but did not read the report right away, but looked up at Chen Xiaolang, and said: "In view of your recent performance, I have decided to promote your rank to lieutenant."

Chen Xiaolang quickly stood at attention and saluted Lei Yu, "Thank you Captain!"

Claire, who was standing aside, seemed a little bored. She saw a bag of potato chips beside Lei Yu's desk, and took it without saying a word and ate it.

Lei Yu is not surprised by her behavior. Claire is still the little princess spoiled by the task force. Every time she is asked to perform tasks, Lei Yu is also worried.

Lei Yu was very satisfied with Chen Xiaolang's changes in the past three months.After receiving the Yingying Sword presented by Liang Ye, Chen Xiaolang's mind changed drastically.Now he is full of motivation, obeying the captain's orders 100%, without the arrogance he once had.

When Liang Ye gave the Chengying Sword to Chen Xiaolang, Lei Yu and the other team members were surprised for a long time. No one thought that Liang Ye would encourage Chen Xiaolang in this way.

After Li Shan learned of this incident, an imperceptible smile flashed across his face.

The team members felt that even though Liang Ye had left the team he created, at least he still cared about them and paid attention to their growth.

Everyone misses Liang Ye very much.

After Chen Xiaolang and Claire left, Zhou Yuying, Deng Xuan, and Tang Hao entered Lei Yu's office.

Zhou Yuying leaned on the seat, turned the pen in her hand, and said softly: "If my investigation is correct, the captain's revenge is basically over, and there is no information to show that there are still participants alive."

"Then where will he go next? Everything has come to an end." Tang Hao asked.

Everyone was silent, and no one expressed their opinion.

As for Liang Ye's next whereabouts, no one could have a definite conclusion.When the revenge is over, where he will go and what he will do, only he knows.

"I still hope he can come back." Lei Yu sighed softly, "This position should be his, not mine."

After Liang Ye left, Lei Yu took over as the captain of the Ghost Task Force, which put him under great pressure. When he first took office, he didn't know how to lead the team formed by Liang Ye.

Whether it is combat effectiveness or command and decision-making ability, he thinks that his ability is not as good as Liang Ye.Even though he had also served as the captain of the Special Forces, the Ghost Task Force is different. Each member has different abilities and combat methods, and their characteristics are different. Naturally, the commander needs to have more keen observation skills.

Fortunately, he's doing just fine.Liang Ye also said that if one day he would leave Task Force Ghost, then Lei Yu would be the best successor, not one of them.

Deng Xuan pondered for a while, then said: "He will not be an enemy of everyone."

They still hope that Liang Ye can turn back. Although so many things have happened, the team members all hope that Liang Ye can come back and continue to fight side by side with them.

"It's just that he must still be in pain." Zhou Yuying told a cruel fact.

The end of revenge does not mean that Liang Ye's pain will disappear, the fact of Xiao Xiao's death is still there.

Everyone fell into silence again...

People cannot be resurrected after death, and no matter how many people Liang Ye kills, it is impossible for Xiao Xiao to be reborn. Every day when he falls asleep, he has to bear the torment in his heart.

Xiao Xiao was killed, and every member of the Ghost Task Force deeply regretted it. They all read Xiao Xiao's novels later, and indeed every book can touch people, and there is nothing wrong with the words. .

She is indeed a very good young writer and deserves all the praise.

Up to now, the team members will use a little rest time every week to lay flowers on Xiao Xiao's tombstone to express their condolences.

Zhou Yuying went there most frequently, because she and Xiao Xiao were also very good friends.On the day when Xiao Xiao was confirmed to be dead, she locked herself in the room and wept.

After a long time, Lei Yu broke the silence: "By the way, where did Lan Siqi go?"

"She's gone on vacation, maybe she's in some South American country now." Zhou Yuying said.

After resigning, Lan Siqi stayed at her parents' house for a long time, and then went abroad for vacation alone. She lived a very comfortable life after resigning.

"Okay." Lei Yu sighed, when Lan Siqi resigned, he didn't say anything to stop him, because he knew that no one could stop her.

Zhou Yuying felt a little sorry for Lan Siqi's departure. She was an excellent agent, and no one could replace her in the Strategic Security Bureau.

"Do you think she has a chance to find the captain?" Deng Xuan said a point of view that even surprised him.

"Um..." Zhou Yuying scratched her head in a rare way, and said, "Actually, it's not impossible."

Liang Ye possessed the ability to fly, and it was not easy to find him, even Zhou Yuying couldn't do it.

Although Lan Siqi doesn't have superpowers, she may have a way to find Liang Ye.

In fact, she did find it.

(End of this chapter)

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