Chapter 566
Liang Ye was very surprised. He didn't expect Lan Siqi to find here. This once most powerful assistant by his side actually found him on the first day he just arrived in Bergen.

Liang Ye didn't know what to say about this, which really surprised him.

As if she knew there was surveillance outside the door, Lan Siqi stood at the entrance of the manor, looked up at the wooden villa, with a rare smile on her lips.

Liang Ye sighed helplessly. He flew into the air and stopped five meters away from the entrance of the manor. He looked down at Lan Siqi and said in a deep voice, "You should know that this is a private place."

"But it doesn't mean you can't come to visit." Lan Siqi replied in the tone of Liang Ye.

The sea breeze made Liang Ye's cloak rattle, and he continued to ask, "How did you find this place?"

"You once told me about your travel plans. The first one is Bergen, Norway. It's not difficult to find it. I just need to spend some time analyzing the quietest places in Bergen and find them one by one. gone."

Liang Ye: "..."

Lan Siqi is very smart and careful, she remembered everything Liang Ye said.The intelligence agencies of all countries in the world, including Zhou Yuying, did not find any trace of Liang Ye, and she broke this record.

"Then you represent an individual, or the Strategic Defense Bureau."

"On a personal behalf, I have resigned."

What she said made Liang Ye slightly taken aback. Lan Siqi resigned. He really didn't know that he hadn't paid attention to the development of the Strategic Security Bureau for a long time.

After thinking for a few seconds, Liang Ye landed on the ground. He took off the combat uniform on his body, revealing the ordinary casual clothes. The total of the whole body does not exceed 200 yuan.

But even so, he is still charming when he is handsome.

Lan Siqi sized Liang Ye up and said, "This outfit doesn't look like your style."

Liang Ye shrugged, and said indifferently: "It looks the same on your body, come in."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the wooden villa.

Lan Siqi followed her in, she had expected Liang Ye to choose such a place.She knew Liang Ye's physical condition. After leaving the Strategic Security Bureau, she found the private sanatorium where Liang Ye had treated his body. Through a handwritten medical report, she learned that if Liang Ye fought excessively and used his abilities, his body would be affected. recovery.His back injury will take time to recuperate and recover, during which time he will not be able to fight.

All this time, Liang Ye had been pretending that he was safe and sound.

In fact, every night he suffers from pain and longing.

The interior decoration of the villa is very simple, with a fireplace and several starry sky oil paintings on the walls.Liang Ye took out two bottles of beer, looked at Lan Siqi and said, "Do you want some?"

Lan Siqi nodded, and hastily reached out to take it.

Although she was no longer Liang Ye's secretary, she still kept some of her habits.When Liang Ye handed her something, she was inexplicably nervous.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me." Liang Ye sat on the sofa opposite Lan Siqi, looked at her beautiful appearance, and said, "You can't simply resign and want to talk to me about the old days, isn't that right? your style."

Lan Siqi has always been an image of a cold female agent in the Strategic Security Bureau, she only has work contacts with others, and never discusses personal matters.

Liang Ye was really surprised when she found her suddenly this time, and besides the surprise, she was naturally curious about the purpose of her coming to find her.

"I brought you medicine." Lan Siqi took out a box of pills from her small backpack and handed it to Liang Ye.

The box is pure white with no markings on it.

"This is the medicine that the Medical Department prepared for you before you left the Strategic Security Bureau to treat your injuries. I checked, and if you take it for a week, the sequelae that have troubled you for more than a year will be eliminated."

Hearing Lan Siqi's words, Liang Ye didn't reach out to take it immediately, he turned his head to look elsewhere, and after a while he turned back and said, "Why?"

"Because I was your secretary."

"Abandon this identity?"

"I am your comrade-in-arms." Lan Siqi's eyes were very firm, and she was extremely sincere when she said this.

Liang Ye finally reached out and took the box of medicine. Perhaps the pain that had plagued him for more than a year could finally come to an end.

The reason why he didn't choose treatment at the beginning was because he wanted to use pain to remind himself not to forget hatred.Now that revenge is over, he shouldn't continue to torture himself.

"Does Wang Yu know that you are here?" Liang Ye asked with a smile.

According to the normal situation, Wang Yu should still be pursuing Lan Siqi, his single-mindedness and persistence amazed many agents.

"I haven't promised him yet." Lan Siqi took a sip of beer, and when she mentioned Wang Yu, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "But his persistence really surprised me. It's been more than a year. He confessed his love 32 times and wrote letters 56 times, no matter how much I refused, he was not discouraged."

Liang Ye: "..."

This made Liang Ye feel sorry for Wang Yu all of a sudden. Having been rejected so many times, this probably has become a joke among the agents in the bureau after dinner.

"He is indeed a nice person." Liang Ye said.

In terms of character and ability, Wang Yu is a very good boy. Whether it is work or life, he is the perfect boyfriend in the eyes of many girls.

"If one day I am willing to consider marriage, I might choose him." Lan Siqi gave an uncertain answer.

"Does he know you think so?"

"It's because he doesn't know, so he continues to pursue me."

"What does he think of your resignation?" Liang Ye asked a more critical question.

Liang Ye himself was also curious about the reason for Lan Siqi's resignation, and he asked again: "Why did you choose to resign?"

"Because I don't want to be an enemy of my former boss." Lan Siqi looked at Liang Ye, staring at his white hair that did not match his age, and sighed softly: "Let me order the agents of the Internet Department to follow you all over the Internet." traces, I can't do it."

Her words moved Liang Ye's heart. He never thought that Lan Siqi would choose to resign because of herself.

"As for Wang Yu, he was out on a mission the day I left the Security Bureau. Later he called me, but I didn't answer. I just told him that I was going to travel for a while."

Lan Siqi answered all Liang Ye's questions, and she no longer shy away from talking about Wang Yu as before.

Liang Ye and Lan Siqi cooperated very well more than a year ago. Lan Siqi respects Liang Ye as a leader from the bottom of his heart. He has a unique style of command and decision-making, and can arrange every task properly, which makes people Can't fault it at all.

In private, the two are also very good friends, just like the relationship between Liang Ye and Lei Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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