Chapter 579

"Let's not stop, keep going." Zhou Yuying said.

Solving the monster doesn't mean the matter has been resolved. They need to get to the control room as soon as possible.

"Yueling, how is your side?" Thunderstorm's voice rang through the intercom.

"The three monsters have been dealt with, and they are continuing to the control room." Zhou Yuying replied.

The same is true for Thunderstorm, they also eliminated the other three monsters, but this battle delayed everyone for a few minutes, and now they have to speed up their pace.

But what worries them is how many monsters are still hidden here.

No one can be sure how many of this kind of special forces that can instantly solve the existence are left.

Dazzling lights illuminated the entire corridor. The long corridor looked a little frightening. There were many office doors on both sides of the corridor. Because of the poisonous gas leak, the control system automatically locked all the doors. If you want to go in, you have to go through Software cracking, or use the most primitive method.

Break down the door.

The team of Lei Yu and others entered the chemical laboratory in this way. Although they could also use the device on their left wrist to crack the door lock, they were relatively less professional than Zhou Yuying, so they didn't bother to spend time.

Under the instruction of Lei Yu, Tang Hao swung his iron fist and slammed it hard on the closed door of the chemical laboratory.


An ear-shattering loud noise reverberated around, and Tang Hao punched down one side of the double-sided gate, and all the blockades disappeared instantly in front of the absolute power. The door is in sight.

It might take some time for someone else to do it.

Even though the system of the research institution sealed all the doors after the poison gas leaked, it still failed to stop the spread of the poison gas. Obviously, there was a gap in an unknown place.

The disaster was so serious that Thunderstorm felt uneasy at the beginning of the mission, and even after the event ended, the world would not know what happened here.

Fear, can only stay in this place.

The chemical laboratory was in a mess, the walls and research instruments were charred and black, the place had been engulfed by flames, and the fire extinguishing system was useless.

It was also because of the fire that the researchers accidentally touched the switch of the poison gas containment room because they were too flustered when extinguishing the fire.

There were two scorched black corpses on the ground, and their death conditions were very miserable. Obviously, they were the two researchers who originally wanted to stop the fire from spreading, and their mistakes led to this ending.

But Lei Yu and the others didn't mean to blame them, because the cause of the fire was still a mystery.

In such a highly intelligent research institution, why would the fire suppression system fail?
Lei Yu and others are very curious about this question.

"Yueling, I'll send you the pictures here, and you can check the system data in the control room later." Lei Yu said while sharing the pictures captured by the contact lens with Zhou Yuying.

"Received." Zhou Yuying was still moving in the corridor, and she immediately understood what Lei Yu wanted to know.

Both Claire and Chen Xiaolang were on alert, with Chen Xiaolang walking in the front and Claire following behind Zhou Yuying.

They prioritized ensuring Zhou Yuying's safety, not because of her higher military rank, but because she was second only to Lei Yu in the team.

And both of them are newcomers to the team, and they naturally regard Zhou Yuying as the big sister of the team in their hearts.

In normal times, Deng Xuan and Tang Hao would also give Zhou Yuying enough respect, and now she is no longer as playful as before, and she and Lei Yu are more about cooperation and tacit understanding.

These are all changes after Liang Ye left. In the eyes of each of them, there are good and bad.

The good side is that everyone has grown up, and the bad side is that the team has lost the joy it once had.

The tragedy in the chemical laboratory made Lei Yu and others lose the opportunity to investigate, because there is no value to investigate here.

All the equipment was damaged and the data was engulfed by the fire. Lei Yu sighed helplessly.

The poison gas containment room is in the laboratory, and it is isolated by a piece of transparent glass. The glass has been treated for fire prevention and has not been destroyed by the fire.Thunderstorm could clearly see a small interface on the glass. The interface was open at this time, and the poisonous gas was still pouring out from the sealed room, polluting the clean air.

When researchers need to use poisonous gas, they will connect the tube storing the poisonous gas to an interface under the glass, then turn on the release switch, suck the poisonous gas into the instrument, and then start the research.

This method of operation seems very convenient, and it is unlikely that accidents will occur under normal circumstances.

But tragedy happened.

"Tyrant, be alert." After finishing speaking, Lei Yu carefully observed the piece of transparent glass. There was no substance in the glass. The poisonous gas is colorless and odorless, and it cannot be found floating in the air. It can only be determined by detection equipment. they exist.

"Captain, the switch is here." Deng Xuan pointed to a control panel on the wall that had been burnt out of shape.

"Can this thing still work?" Tang Hao asked.

The control panel is all in English, but everyone's English is very good, including Tang Hao, there is no problem reading the information on it.

"Try it, turn off the poisonous gas." Lei Yu said quickly.

This is one of their main tasks, to stop the gas from leaking out.

Lei Yu still doesn't know how much poisonous gas is stored behind this small piece of glass, and the poisonous gas leaked out before is enough to make the entire island unable to survive.

Deng Xuan responded and pressed the off switch.

The original red button had also been scorched black by the conference. When Deng Xuan pressed it, he didn't feel that he was pressing a switch, but a burnt charcoal.

After the switch was pressed, there was a "click" sound from the interface, which made everyone nervous.

After three seconds, the interface is still not closed.

"Press it again." Lei Yu said in a deep voice.

A lot of information should have been displayed on the control panel, including the temperature and status of the locked room.Because of the fire, the panel does not display anything now, and it is difficult for Lei Yu and others to confirm whether the switch can still work.

If Zhou Yuying was here, she might still have a solution, but what she should do right now is to collect data, not come here to deal with a switch problem.

If the poisonous gas cannot be blocked again, then Thunderstorm can only implement Plan B, and after collecting relevant data, completely destroy the entire island.

But that's not what Thunderstorm wants to do, he wants the switch to continue to work.


The voice sounded again, and the three of them locked their eyes on the interface, waiting for its change.

(End of this chapter)

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