Ghost Task Force

Chapter 625 Feel guilty

Chapter 625 Feel guilty
Irene finally left. Her arrival today brought an unforgettable farce to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye also had to admire his determination, and in this world, only Liang Ye could withstand the attraction of Irene.

In terms of beauty, Irene is as famous as Gladys.

After Irene left, Li Han walked into Liang Ye's office. Seeing the broken glass, she paused slightly, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, what happened?"

Hearing Li Han's voice, Liang Ye came back to his senses, and responded casually: "Oh, it's nothing, let someone repair the window."

Li Han really wanted to know what happened in the office, and Liang Ye seemed to have changed clothes, but Liang Ye didn't say anything, so she didn't dare to ask.

At night, Liang Ye returned to his manor.

Liang Anguo asked him to come back, saying that it was for the father and son to have another drink.

Hearing that his father asked him to drink again, Liang Ye wanted to refuse at first, but thinking about it, it seemed that he hadn't had a drink with his father for a long time, so he had to agree.

There are still two bottles of ten-year-old Moutai, but there is one more person at the dinner table, that is the butler Jiang Long.

Regarding the friendship between his father and Jiang Long, Liang Ye was not clear. This "Cloud Walker", who was older than his father, was the most powerful existence among the ancient warriors, but he worked as a housekeeper in his own home.

Forget it, Liang Ye didn't think about it.Father didn't say anything, Jiang Long didn't say anything, and he didn't know how to ask.

The dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies. Liang Ye was about to eat first as a respect, but he heard his father say, "Irene went to see you today?"

Liang Ye stopped the chopsticks he was preparing to pick up vegetables, and replied, "Yes, come and chat with me for a while."

Liang Anguo smiled and said, "Chat to the point where the glass is broken?"

"..." Liang Ye didn't know how to answer his father for a while.

Liang Anguo knew every move of Liang Ye in the company.

"Well, I used my ability a little bit, nothing else, just showing it to Irene." Liang Ye randomly found a reason to prevaricate.

He couldn't tell his father that he was almost pushed back by Irene.

"Miss Irene looks like a celestial being, she has an air of lightness, she is worthy of the young master." Jiang Long said with a smile.

Liang Ye glanced at Jiang Long, smiled wryly and said, "Uncle Jiang..."

"That girl, her father told me about it in private, it depends on what you think, Xiao Ye." Liang Anguo also said.

Liang Ye shook his head, his eyes were full of resistance, "I will never fall in love with anyone again."

Hearing his words, Liang Anguo sighed. As his father, he certainly understood why.

The descendants of the Liang family will only fall in love with one person in their whole life. If the other person dies unfortunately, they will choose to die alone.

Liang Anguo himself is a good example. After Ye Qing left for so many years, he is still alone.

But when Ye Qing left, Liang Ye was already five years old, and Liang Anguo's concern was this son.And he didn't want to see his son endure endless loneliness at such a young age.

So Liang Anguo would occasionally tease the relationship between Liang Ye and Irene. In his eyes, Irene's ability was completely worthy of his son.

And Irene's father, August, also strongly supported it.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about this, come on, we haven't had a good drink for a long time." After speaking, Liang Anguo raised his glass.

Jiang Long also raised his wine glass.

"Wait, Dad." Liang Ye thought for half a second, and said, "I didn't think about it just now. Can you drink?"

Thinking of his father's body, Liang Ye became worried for a while.

"Of course." Liang Anguo waved his hand indifferently, "I even asked the doctor specifically, it's okay to drink."

"Are you sure this is a little bit?" Liang Ye looked at the two bottles of Moutai on the table with a strange face. An ordinary person would not be able to drink one third of the bottle.

His hesitation made Liang Anguo finally unbearable, and laughed and scolded: "I talk so much about you kid, and we two old men are still holding glasses."

"Okay, okay." Liang Ye finally raised his wine glass and touched the two of them.

After drinking a cup of Moutai, Liang Ye felt his body warm up.The temperature in June was already hot. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the dining room, Liang Ye still unbuttoned his collar.

When eating with my father, I don't need to care about the image at all.

The three people's wine glasses were all empty, and the servants on the side hurriedly stepped forward to pour wine. They are all loyal members of the Liang family. fighting power.

"By the way, you and I will go to City H tomorrow. I have invited Xiao Hao and his wife to dinner." Liang Anguo said.

Liang Ye: "..."

Xiao Hao!

Xiao Xiao's father.

"Okay." Liang Ye replied, but his voice was very small.

Even though Xiao Hao and his wife had stated many times that Liang Ye did not owe them anything, Liang Ye always felt in his heart that it was his fault for not taking good care of Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao is the only daughter of the Xiao family. When her daughter died, Xiao Hao did not continue to stay in the officialdom and chose to retire early.Otherwise, with his ability, he would have been promoted as early as a year ago.

Xiao Xiao's mother, Xu Ziqian, is still teaching at the university. When she is not teaching, she will stay in her daughter's room and cry looking at the items she has used.

What Liang Ye was most afraid of was facing them.

During the past year or so, Liang Anguo would often meet Xiao Hao, eat and drink tea with him, as if he had been an old friend for many years.

Both of them felt sad for what happened to Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.

Liang Anguo saw the sadness deep in his son's eyes, and asked, "Are you still feeling guilty?"

"En." Liang Ye nodded without denying it, "I promised them that I would take good care of Xiao Xiao and give her the most perfect wedding."

The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between trees, but the branches growing from the same root, but they cannot be dependent on each other in the wind.The farthest distance in the world is not that the branches cannot depend on each other in the wind, but that the stars looking at each other never meet.

The love between the two was envied by the world, but Liang Ye was left alone in the end. This is a very sad story after all.

"Drink!" Liang Anguo didn't want to expose his son's scar, so he raised his glass again.

In the middle of the night, Liang Anguo sent his son back to the bedroom.

It was rare for Liang Ye to get drunk. Later, he drank three bottles of Moutai alone, and Jiang Long couldn't stop him.

As a father, Liang Anguo did not stop Liang Ye's madness. With Liang Ye's ability, the alcohol would not hurt his body.

He knew that his son needed to vent.

Back in his bedroom, Liang Anguo stood in front of the window, looking forward at the starry night sky, and heaved a long sigh.

Liang Anguo picked up a photo that never dared to appear in front of Liang Ye, stared at it for a long time, and said to himself: "He will always be sad, I can't comfort him, you should come back."

"But, will he accept this family relationship that has disappeared for so many years?"

(End of this chapter)

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