Ghost Task Force

Chapter 627 Gossip

Chapter 627 Gossip
In fact, no one mentioned the girl named Xiao Xiao again.This seems to have become a taboo topic. Once it is mentioned, the rare atmosphere will disappear immediately. That girl has already become the deepest scar in Liang Ye's heart.

The Liang family will only fall in love with one person in their lifetime, which seems impossible, and Liang Ye will naturally not be an exception.For a man, such a fiery love may only come once in a lifetime.

Therefore, no one tried to persuade Liang Ye any more. It was like giving a photo of oxygen to a drowning person, and it didn't help in the end.Xiao Hao and his wife also understood from the bottom of their hearts, why didn't they hide their pain and didn't want to grab anything.

"You are now completely representing the Yeshen Group." Xiao Hao raised his glass and said to Liang Ye with emotion: "The development of Yeshen these years has surprised the world, and you father and son are definitely the most concerned existence. Especially you, Liang night."

Facing the wine glass handed over, Liang Ye rarely showed a smile on his face, and the clear and crisp sound of collision quickly entered his ears: "Thank you."

He had never imagined that such a day would come, and he knew that his father had always intentionally handed over Ye Shen to him, but Liang Ye never thought so.Before leaving the Bureau of Strategic Defense, it was impossible for him to take over such a behemoth with full authority. He was not prepared and did not want to prepare for it.

Because Liang Ye doesn't like business from the bottom of his heart.

So he glanced at Liang Anguo, deliberately suppressing Xiao Hao's next words: "I never thought I was very successful. After all, these are the foundations laid by my father. Without his hard work back then, I am now managing Night God. It's not that easy."

Liang Anguo was overjoyed by his son's praise, he patted Liang Ye's shoulder vigorously, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, you are not bad, if you continue, your reputation will surpass mine."

Liang Ye smiled wryly, rubbing the shoulders that had been ravaged by his father, and instantly regretted that he had changed the subject.The father's strength didn't lessen at all because he was his son.

Xu Ziqian covered her mouth and smiled, and looked at Xiao Hao, and the two looked at each other and smiled. Their decades-long relationship had long been tacit understanding.

Once the topic was opened, the atmosphere naturally became much more harmonious.Xiao Hao looked at Liang Anguo who started to praise Liang Ye from the side, and said with a smile: "You guys stop bragging about each other."

Liang Anguo looked at him and suddenly burst out laughing.Liang Ye, who was originally grimacing, finally couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Liang Ye's smile and seeing that he didn't feel sad for losing Xiao Xiao all the time, Xiao Hao and his wife were also sincerely relieved.After all, no one wants to see him so depressed.

It's just that no one knows.Only in the dusk endowed by sadness, or in the dark night of longing to miss, Liang Ye would recall the past between himself and Xiao Xiao, and recall the longing that the girl filled his life with.

Dreaming that you are not dreaming is easier said than done.

In fact, Liang Anguo often laments Xiao Hao in private.Originally, with Xiao Hao's ability, he could have done a lot more.

It's just that the loss of his daughter has completely changed his Xiao Hao's life.Xiao Hao never felt how good he was, he only had one pride in his life, and that was Xiao Xiao.There is no father who does not feel sorry for his daughter.

Liang Anguo didn't dare to say these words in front of Liang Ye, for fear of arousing his emotions again.The passing of Xiao Xiao was something that Xiao Hao and his wife could never forget.

And this is also a major blow to the two families.

Liang Anguo had always expected Xiao Xiao to marry Liang Ye, and he even thought about the speech he would give at his son's wedding.It's just that this day has not come, which is a great regret for the two families.

Why did Xiao Hao not want to be in-laws with Liang Anguo? It was not because of the influence of the Liang family, but because Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were already in love with each other. When they first fell in love, they didn't know each other's family. Xiao Xiao only found out later that Liang Ye was the son of Liang Anguo.

At that time, she had already fallen in love with Liang Ye, but neither of them said anything.

The vision of love does not rely on the eyes, but on a gentle and sensitive heart to feel all the beauty.Both Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao are inadvertently attracted to each other, and the beginning of the story is always so unexpected.

"I used to pay attention to you, Xiao Ye." Xiao Hao looked at Liang Ye and said, "Every period of youth is precious, and everyone is unique. When you are young, you can always find your own unique mission." Now you are only 23 years old, still young, and managing a huge business group like Ye Shen is also your new mission."

Liang Anguo handed over the Yeshen Group to Liang Ye not only because Liang Ye was his son, but also because of Liang Ye's potential and talent.No matter which industry he is in, Liang Ye can always get familiar with and master it quickly, and then use it as his strength.

In the past, Liang Anguo often joked with his scientists. If it wasn't for Liang Ye not doing scientific research, he would definitely have the final say on Ye Shen's R&D department.

"Thank you uncle for your teaching." Liang Ye nodded repeatedly, and he had no objection to Xiao Hao's words.

"You don't need to be so polite with me." Xiao Hao waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are the one I admire the most in the younger generation."

The three of them were chatting all the time, Xiao Hao and Xu Ziqian always brought the topic to Liang Ye intentionally or unintentionally.Both the couple knew that Liang Ye had been hiding for more than a year, not daring to meet them.

Perhaps it was God's will, when Xiao Hao went to visit his daughter in the cemetery, he could always see Liang Ye crying standing in front of the tombstone.

This is actually what the couple do not want to see, but they themselves have not been able to get out of the grief of losing their daughter, and it is difficult to persuade Liang Ye to look away.

I can only pat him on the shoulder every time, feeling sorry for his changes.

Liang Ye is indeed a perfect son-in-law. He loves Xiao Xiao deeply and regards her as the most important person in his life.It's a pity that God's will tricks people, and the ending of the two is not perfect.

The pointer jumped to noon, and the waiter at the farm brought up all the meals.

Mud baked chicken, sour plum goose with yellow skin, steamed Anhui fish, tofu in chicken sauce, fried pork belly with fresh bamboo shoots and other dishes are all authentic farm dishes.The meat is all self-raised by this farm, which is why Xiao Hao has a relatively high evaluation of this farm.

"Xiao Ye, come, eat more." Xu Ziqian took a chicken leg for Liang Ye.

Liang Ye's eyes became hot for a moment, and he suddenly thought that when he and Xiao Xiao went to meet their parents for the first time, Xu Ziqian also picked up a chicken leg for himself when he had a white chicken.

Xiao Xiao was still acting like a baby and said that her mother didn't spoil her anymore.

The past flashed through his mind like a movie scene.


After lunch, the father and son declined Xiao Hao and his wife's invitation to dinner, and began to return to S City.

When the three vehicles were approaching the outskirts of City S, a gunshot alarmed the birds in the forest.

There was movement in the woods soon, and several black-clothed figures emerged from it.

(End of this chapter)

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