Ghost Task Force

Chapter 637 Cheers

Chapter 637 Cheers
They wouldn't doubt the Liang family's food, even if it was appetizers, it was much better than the high-end restaurants outside.

Everyone was sitting around the dining table, feeling extremely comfortable after a long-lost sense of relaxation. Lei Yu completed one reconnaissance mission, while others performed another mission. Director Li Shan personally ordered the task force to rest for a day.

They have been busy during this period of time. Two days after returning from the mission in Maldives, they immediately carried out new missions and did not have a good rest.

Even the mightiest of men get tired, and so do the Task Force members.

Liang Ye glanced over the crowd and asked, "Is there anything busy recently?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. We've been tracking Gladys's whereabouts. She's been missing for a long time." Facing Liang Ye's question, Lei Yu didn't intend to hold anything back. He said, "We've been chagraty. Evidence of Si's illegal virus trade was not tracked down by the agents following her, so I went there myself."

"Huh?" Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, Gladys, I haven't heard this name for a long time.

Before he left the Strategic Security Bureau, he obtained the list of V's top leaders through the ranger, and now every senior member of V is under the secret surveillance of the Strategic Security Bureau.

But the initial list shocked the Security Bureau.

Of the 9 high-level officials, half are billionaires, and the other half are senior officials from some European countries.

Anyone who goes out casually will be the object of public attention. V's background is powerful and even terrifying, and the only organization that dares to contend with it is the Bureau of Strategic Defense.

"The person was found, but her transaction was cancelled, obviously she was aware of our existence. She is a very shrewd woman, and she is difficult to deal with." Lei Yu continued.

"How is V now?" Liang Ye asked a crucial question.

Zhou Yuying sighed softly, and said: "There is no major change, and there is no major action. The samples provided by Bruch helped us a lot, but I have a hunch that Gladys and the others have already put the virus genome Readjusted."

After listening to Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye frowned. From her expression, it can be seen that the calmer V is, the greater the pressure will be.

No one knows what they are doing in secret.

"But we will take care of it, don't worry boss." Lei Yu said.

V is actually not the most important thing. Those who hide in the dark and abuse their abilities to harm the world are the primary targets of the Ghost Task Force.

When Liang Ye was in power, he took V very seriously, and most of the missions were to attack them.After he left, the Bureau of Strategic Defense was unable to focus on one organization due to its busy schedule.Coupled with V's strong background, it is impossible to completely eradicate it at once. We can only let the special agent team track and collect possible clues.

"I trust you." Liang Ye smiled.

The ghost task force led by Lei Yu is no worse than when he was there.

At this time, Claire, who had been sitting obediently, said, "Brother Liang Ye, when will you take me to train again?"

She is very happy when Liang Ye is here, and she will be encouraged no matter whether it is studying or training.At the beginning, Liang Ye's teaching of her abilities made her make great progress, but without Liang Ye, she always felt that something was missing.

"There will be a chance. I will definitely guide you when I have time." Liang Ye reached out and touched Claire's head.

Claire was sitting next to him, and her dependence on Liang Ye was beyond everyone's imagination.

But it's normal. When she was most helpless, it was Liang Ye who brought her back from the abyss. If there was no Liang Ye, maybe she would be imprisoned by the Strategic Security Bureau instead of becoming a member of the Ghost Task Force like now. Players, living in a superior environment.

"Okay." Claire replied crisply.

It was only in front of Liang Ye that she would show her cute side.

Liang Ye glanced at the group of familiar comrades in front of him, smiled slightly, and said: "Although it is difficult for me to fight side by side with you again, one thing is certain is that when you need me, I will definitely help you." Will appear."

"With the captain's words, I instantly felt that I would not be afraid of any difficulties." Zhou Yuying said with clenched fists.

Although Liang Ye is no longer the captain of the task force, he has also become the chairman of the Yeshen Group, holding a high position, but he is not too far away from them, and has always regarded them as his closest comrades-in-arms. When they need help, He will appear again.

Although Liang Ye didn't admit it, it was recognized that his combat effectiveness was the sum of the entire contingent.His power to control nature is to some extent more terrifying than Claire's abilities.

"Thank you, boss!" Lei Yu looked at Liang Ye with gratitude in his eyes.

It's always good to plan ahead, and with Liang Ye around, they somehow feel at ease.Lei Yu asked Liang Ye for help last time, but it was a last resort, and Lei Yu felt sorry for it.

"I have no choice but to leave you guys." After two glasses of wine, Liang Ye finally spoke his mind.

Yes, leaving the Ghost Task Force and the group of comrades he was most familiar with made his heart ache.People with supernatural powers are the easiest to get acquainted with each other. In a short period of time, Liang Ye has already established a deep relationship with them.

"We all understand." Deng Xuan said.

Tang Hao smiled honestly and said, "Captain, what we hope most is that you can be happy again."

None of them wanted to see Liang Ye in pain again.

"I will be happy." When he said this, Liang Ye's eyes flashed a trace of loneliness, except for the thunderstorm, no one saw it.

Thunderstorm is known as Hawkeye, and his powers of observation are no joke.Sometimes, even Liang Ye has to bow down.

Liang Ye glanced at Lei Yu and said with a smile: "It's you, Lei Yu, when will you settle the matter of being single."

Lei Yu waved his hand casually, and said indifferently: "If you have a family, you will have concerns. I think about it in a few years. Besides, Yue Ling is either all or no one. I'm not in a hurry."

"Crack!" Zhou Yuying slapped the table, stared at Lei Yu and cursed: "What are you talking about, who said that no one wants me!"

At this time, Lei Yu completely lost the majesty of the captain. If it wasn't for the fact that it was not easy to use his fists here, Zhou Yuying really wanted to put on the lightning gloves and teach him a lesson.


Everyone laughed.

Liang Ye raised his wine glass, the purple-red liquid in the goblet was shining, he said with a smile: "Come on, let's have a drink."


(End of this chapter)

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