Ghost Task Force

Chapter 639 Ward

Chapter 639 Ward
Zhou Yuying took Liang Ye around the villa, and Liang Ye was also very satisfied with the internal construction.Although this villa is not as big as his own manor, it is Liang Ye's own small base after all, and he does not have too high requirements for the size.

Liang Ye's bedroom faces the sea and can see the sunrise.The beds and quilts have been placed, and he can live here directly.

"The mountain wind and sea breeze are intertwined here, captain, this place is very suitable for you." Zhou Yuying said.

The tablet displayed the surrounding wind direction map. Zhou Yuying had done a detailed investigation before and found that the place she chose was very suitable for the improvement of Liang Ye's ability.

"Yeah, I feel it." Liang Ye raised his hand, condensed a gust of wind energy in his palm, and said, "The wind here forms a natural barrier, and the level is always kept at level 3 to 4. If I am here Release the ability, the natural wind will make me stronger."

When Liang Ye releases his abilities, there is a difference between having natural wind and not having natural wind. The existence of natural wind will increase his ability strength and minimize his own consumption.

This is help from nature.

Whether a certain ability can exert its due power has a lot to do with the operator. If someone else has this ability, it is estimated that it will never reach Liang Ye's current height.

"Captain, you are really our strongest backing." Zhou Yuying laughed.

What she said was not a joke, but from the heart.Of course, she didn't hope that there would be a day when Liang Ye would be troubled.

Now that Annabelle is dead, Liang Ye's hatred for V is not as good as before.Now Gladys is hiding very deeply, and it is very difficult to find her problem.

"About transforming people, is there anything you want to tell me?" Liang Ye asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yuying was taken aback, she didn't expect Liang Ye to talk about this.

"Being able to knock down a team of secret agents, their fighting power is a bit amazing." Liang Ye folded his arms and narrowed his eyes. "But the process of transformation is inhumane. Have you collected any information?"

Liang Ye has seen a lot of transformed people in the past. He believes that the difference between reality and the movie should not be very big. The two transformed people he encountered can actually block his flying punch from the wind. It's a little scary.

"The agents are still investigating the origin." Zhou Yuying replied, "I don't have a lot of information. The Ministry of Science and Technology has checked their bodies. After the transformation, their strength is far beyond ordinary people, and their endurance is also terrible. fertility."

"What about the brain, there is a chip in their brain." Liang Ye asked.

Zhou Yuying pondered for a while, and replied: "They will be like machines, obeying orders, and those who control them can directly decide their life and death."

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes. Once the reformed people were produced in large numbers, the people who controlled them would be equivalent to controlling an extremely powerful army, and bullets could not easily kill these people.

Zhou Yuying seemed to have guessed what Liang Ye was thinking, and continued: "We have tested that bullets can kill them by penetrating their brains, but not other body parts. The most they can do is slow down their speed."

"I see." Liang Ye nodded.

He is not an agent of the Strategic Security Bureau now, but it doesn't mean he won't be worried. If V is really crazy, it will also affect the Night God Group.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Liang Ye left the seaside villa and flew to S Central Hospital.

This is the best hospital in S City, and it is also the affiliated hospital of Xinghai University School of Medicine.Ranked second on the list of the best hospitals in China, it is a general hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research.

The quietness of the hospital at night is a little scary. People have an inexplicable fear of the hospital, and they are very afraid of coming to this place.

The same is true for Liang Anguo, except that he must go to the hospital for some examinations that require equipment, and most of the time he asks the doctor to come to his home for examinations.

He lives on the 30th floor of the inpatient department, which is the VIP ward area.The butler, Jiang Long, was stationed here with 10 bodyguards of the Liang family. Liang Ye was not worried about safety.

Liang Ye didn't tell his father that he was coming, he found a dark place to land, and then bought a dish of braised noodles in a restaurant outside the hospital.

Liang Anguo liked to eat stewed noodles very much, and he ate them almost every day during the few days he was hospitalized.Liang Ye didn't stop him either, and would bring a copy every time he came to visit.

He understood that the reason why his father likes to eat braised noodles is because of his mother Ye Qing.Before she left, Liang Anguo would always work overtime until very late, the young Liang Ye had already gone to bed, and Ye Qing would make some braised noodles and wait for him to come back.

No matter how good the kitchen is, it is not as delicious as the one made by my lover.

Everyone at the front desk of the hospital knew Liang Ye. Seeing him walk in, the nurse on duty quickly stood up and bowed slightly to him: "Mr. Liang, good evening."

"Good evening, you have worked hard." Liang Ye smiled slightly at the two nurses.

His smile made the cheeks of the two inexperienced little girls flush, and one of them said, "Mr. Liang, someone is here to visit your father tonight."

"Okay." Liang Ye didn't care too much. Father had many friends and comrades-in-arms, so it was normal for someone to visit.

Walking into the elevator, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The mobile phone pushes the latest financial news. The stock of Yeshen Group has been rising, and reporters will report it every day.

The stewed noodles have been exuding fragrance, stimulating Liang Ye's taste buds. If it wasn't because it was bought for his father, he would really want to eat the noodles.


The elevator reached the 30th floor, Liang Ye put the phone back in his pocket, and stepped out of the elevator.

However, it was surprisingly quiet outside the elevator, Jiang Long and Liang's bodyguards were not there, which made Liang Ye feel puzzled.

It stands to reason that there would be two bodyguards of the Liang family standing at the entrance of the ward passage, but they are all gone now.

Not only the bodyguards, but even the butler Jiang Long didn't know where he went.

Liang Ye stepped into the corridor, and his father's ward was right in front of him. A feeling of uneasiness spread in Liang Ye's heart.

Soon, Liang Ye came to the door of his father's ward. The door was open, and there were two white figures inside, but Liang Anguo could not be seen!

When Liang Ye saw the appearance of the white figure clearly, his brows furrowed immediately, and murderous aura spread from his body.

He put down the midnight snack he bought for his father, and walked into the ward in a flash.

The two white figures are Ling Shishi and Lu Feng, members of Ranger.He was more or less familiar with Ling Shishi, and Lu Feng was the middle-aged man who Liang Ye defeated when he was on a mission in England.

His father was nowhere to be seen, and two Ranger members were in his ward. Liang Ye didn't dare to think too much about it. Controlling these two people was the top priority.

Sensing the approaching danger, Ling Shishi and Lu Feng's expressions suddenly changed. This powerful oppressive force made them even have no courage to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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