Ghost Task Force

Chapter 641 Can't Understand

Chapter 641 Can't Understand
"There are a lot of things, I should let you know now." Liang Anguo said.

Liang Ye smiled wryly and shook his head, his body began to back up, and he said as he walked: "I don't want to know, I only know that my sadness and searching back then were just ridiculous useless efforts. Dad, do you know that I didn't understand you before, why did I have you? With so many resources, you didn't go to her, but told me lonely that she would never come back. When I knew that the descendants of the Liang family would only love one person, I hated her, hated her for making you lonely for so many years .”

At this time, Liang Ye had already walked to the window, his eyes were filled with tears.Hearing his words, the couple fell into silence again. Both of them owed too much to the son in front of them.

"Now I understand, it turns out that you have been hiding it from me. Maybe you have difficulties, but I don't want to hear it, and I don't want to understand it, as if you have never understood me."

After the words were finished, a gust of wind blew across the ward, picking up Ye Qing's long hair.

Liang Ye's figure had disappeared, Liang Anguo's hand was hanging down weakly, he understood his son's stubbornness, once Liang Ye's temper got up, no one could say anything.

"Let me go." Ye Qing held Liang Anguo's palm and said softly, "He is suffering too much, we are all sorry for him."

"Go, only you can catch up with him." Liang Anguo said with a sigh.

Liang Ye didn't fly far away, he landed on the roof of a nearby building, staring at the brightly lit city below.

His mother came back, but he didn't feel happy, and it was accompanied by 18 years of concealment and deception from him.Perhaps both of them had difficulties, but Liang Ye didn't think it was a reason to hide from him, because he had already become strong enough, no matter what the reason was, he believed that he had the ability to face it with them.

But they still hide it until now.


The sound of footsteps reached Liang Ye's ears.

He didn't turn around because he knew who was coming.

Liang Ye used to be very proud. Liang Anguo was the captain of the Dragon Eagle commando and had a strong combat effectiveness.And the mother is a piano teacher, she is a professor at Xinghai University, loved by the students.

At that time, Liang Ye didn't know that Ye Qing had combat power.

Only now did he know that his mother was the one who formed the ranger, and the ability she showed two years ago made him feel terrified.

Ranger, there are not many members. According to the initial investigation by the Strategic Security Bureau, there are only 200 members at most.But no one dared to underestimate this small organization. There was not a single supernatural person in it, but all of them were ancient warriors.

At the request of Ling Shishi, Liang Ye canceled the investigation of You Xia out of intuition. Li Shan was a little angry because of this, because the organization was too mysterious, and the identity of the leader might not be simple.However, since Liang Ye had already ordered it, Li Shan couldn't refuse it anymore, so he had to let it go.

"It must be difficult for you to understand, isn't it?" Ye Qing walked to Liang Ye's side, looked at his face sideways, and said softly: "It's okay, I wouldn't understand it if it were me."

Liang Ye: "..."

"Your temper is just like your father's, very stubborn." Ye Qing's long hair was blown by the wind on the roof, she smiled softly, "I know you have been sad these years, and you have been taking revenge for a long time, I've seen you kill."

Liang Ye's eyes widened instantly.

"Even if you take over your father's position, you will still not be happy, you will still be sad. You are my son, and I cannot let you continue like this."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Liang Ye interrupted her.

Ye Qing turned around and said with firm eyes: "That girl Ling Shishi, she is my designated wife of the Liang family!"

Liang Ye: "!!!"

Almost instantly, Liang Ye's breath became disordered.

Ye Qing seemed to have expected Liang Ye's reaction long ago, but Ye Qing was not surprised. She continued, "Marry her. Even if you don't love her, you will have someone to take care of and accompany you in your future life."

"You know that the descendants of the Liang family will only love one person in this life!" Liang Ye said through gritted teeth.

He was struggling to control his anger.

On the first day Ye Qing came back, she actually started to arrange his life.

"I didn't ask you to love her. It's enough to have her love you. She will do what a wife should do. She will love you with all her heart and accompany you." Ye Qing stretched out her hand, wanting to touch Liang Ye's cheeks. face, but after seeing his resisting eyes, he put it down gently.


Liang Ye's fist made a sound, he took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "How can you arrange my life and future, this is my own life, you have no right to decide!"

As he spoke, Liang Ye jumped to the edge of the roof in a flash.

"Do you want me to watch you be lonely and miserable all your life?" Ye Qing looked at Liang Ye's back and said loudly, "I know you won't understand what your father and I have done these years, but I hope you Understand, we don't want you to be alone forever, you are still young, your life should be better!"

"Stop talking!" Liang Ye interrupted her again, his clenched fists reflected his emotions.After a while, he slowly let go.

"Before I was five years old, I could proudly tell others that my mother was a piano teacher and she was very elegant. After I was five years old, whenever I was sick, I hoped that my mother would be by my side to take care of me, but I saw The most common thing is the lonely figure of my father. I met Xiao Xiao two years ago, and I wished my mother would be there for a moment. I wanted to tell my mother that I have a girlfriend. I love her very much, and she loves me very much. "

"More than a year ago, Xiao Xiao passed away. I stood in front of her grave, hoping that my mother would be here. I wanted to share my sorrow with her. I endured the pain of assassin training and the hardship of hunter school training. , but I can't bear the sadness of the death of my beloved. Now that you are back, I don't have too many emotions, no joy, no surprises. What makes me even more unexpected is that after you come back, you actually want to arrange my life, you It was obviously not like this before, and even told me that my own life should be chosen by myself, and you will not interfere, but only encourage."

Speaking of this, Liang Ye's voice became weak, and there were tears in the corner of his eyes.

"There have been countless moments when I would think that it would be good if you were here, but in the end, I went through all the difficult times alone. Now, no, thank you. At the moment when I need you most, you are not here, maybe I won't be there in the future .”

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye jumped and jumped off the roof.

After hearing his words, Ye Qing's tears welled up in her eyes, and she watched Liang Ye fly away with blurred eyes.

Ye Qing believed that those words just now were Liang Ye's sincere words. When she saw Liang Ye's revenge a year ago, she could feel the decadence and pain in him, and she was even more determined to bring Ling Shishi to him. beside.

But Ye Qing underestimated Liang Ye's stubbornness, and doing so would stimulate Liang Ye's rebellion, which would make it harder for him to accept this family affection.Liang Anguo and Ye Qing also had no chance to explain the truth to Liang Ye.

"Boss..." Ling Shishi's figure appeared behind Ye Qing.

Ye Qing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said bitterly: "For the child, if I give up lightly, then if the child's life is not satisfactory in the future, I will feel guilty and regret it. But why, I have already started to feel guilty and regretted now. I really should go back to him sooner."

"Boss, do you need me to follow him?"

"No, you can't keep up with him, go straight to his new home, he will go there."


(End of this chapter)

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