Ghost Task Force

Chapter 644 Because I Like You

Chapter 644 Because I Like You

Liang Ye was very surprised by Ling Shishi's answer. He turned around and stared at Ling Shishi's slightly flushed face, frowning tightly.

He didn't expect Ling Shishi to say such words. How much courage did such a shy girl have to muster to say such a sentence?
Sure enough, after meeting Liang Ye's gaze, Ling Shishi lowered her head again, not knowing where to put her hands.

The courage she had summoned up had receded, and now there was only shyness left.

Liang Ye didn't dislike Ling Shishi. Although she had fought against her before, Ling Shishi exuded kindness the most. This girl who could easily arouse a man's desire to protect her didn't have the aura of an ancient warrior at all.If Ye Qing hadn't designated her as Liang's daughter-in-law, Liang Ye and Ling Shishi could have become friends, pure friends.

With Ye Qing's meddling, Liang Ye didn't know how to get along with this girl.

"Why are you willing?" Liang Ye asked.

He was very curious about what the girl said.

Ling Shishi lowered her head and did not answer Liang Ye's words.

After knowing that she was the designated daughter-in-law of the Liang family, Ling Shishi began to learn about everything about Liang Ye.

In fact, the reason why Ling Shishi was willing was entirely because of Liang Ye's character.It is very difficult to find a man like Liang Ye in this world. He is powerful, yet possesses a terrifying intimidating power at a young age, and he looks at her without any impurity.Ling Shishi's appearance and figure surpassed many female stars, but Liang Ye's eyes were still so pure, which surprised her, and she liked Liang Ye even more.

She also knows that the descendants of the Liang family will only love one person in this life, but she doesn't care, being able to be by such a man's side, even if he doesn't love herself, will still be very happy.

Liang Ye is sometimes very stubborn, especially when it comes to relationships, he will not compromise, even if the person who arranged this marriage is his mother, he will not bow his head.Even if Liang Anguo is added, don't let Liang Ye give in at all.

Looking at Ling Shishi's flushed cheeks, Liang Ye folded his arms and said in commanding words: "Answer me!"

His coercion is not something ordinary people can bear, even Ling Shishi, who is an ancient warrior, can't bear it.

Hearing his slightly serious voice, Ling Shishi finally raised her head, summoned up her courage and said loudly: "Because I like you!"

Liang Ye: "!@#¥%...???"

After saying this, Ling Shishi ran into the bathroom again as if running away.


The door was slammed shut.

Liang Ye looked like he had seen a ghost, thinking that he had never had a story with her, why did he still like him?
Another unmanageable emotional mess.

Recalling the entanglement with Irene back then, Liang Ye had a headache, and now that Ling Shishi appeared, Liang Ye was really helpless.

A person can learn not to care, but to learn to care, it takes a hundredfold effort and courage.

Liang Ye didn't know what Ling Shishi had done, but from her last words, she could see the love in her eyes.

"Is it really because I am too charming?" Liang Ye sighed helplessly, and put the wine glass on the table.

The rain was still washing the land, but the thunder gradually stopped, only occasionally lightning flashed through the dark clouds.Liang Ye suddenly remembered that Xiao Xiao was not afraid of thunderstorms, but rather liked writing or reading in such an environment.

Once it was raining and snowing outside, Xiao Xiao sat by the window with a cup of tea in front of her, and finished reading a collection of essays while shaking her legs.

Liang Ye thought of Xiao Xiao again.

As for Ling Shishi, she was still hiding in the bathroom, covering her face with her hands.It was the first time in her life that she had spoken to a boy like this just now, and her shyness almost made her faint.

Liang Ye didn't knock on the door and let her hide.

After a while, Lei Yu called again, but this time he made a video call.

The video call of the Strategic Security Bureau was in the form of a holographic projection. Liang Ye walked into his bedroom and turned on the projection in the bedroom.

"Boss." Lei Yu greeted Liang Ye.

Liang Ye sat on the chair and asked, "Have you encountered any trouble?"

Liang Ye called Lei Yu just now, but soon had to be interrupted because the director Li Shan wanted to hold a meeting.

"It's nothing, just some operational deployment." Lei Yu said casually.

Judging from his expression, it was indeed not a big deal, so Liang Ye didn't ask any further questions.

"Aunt Ye is back, right?" Lei Yu was not surprised, it seemed to be expected.

Liang Ye nodded, his expression full of helplessness.

"I see that you have a lot of troubles. Everyone is at the headquarters tonight. Boss, do you want to come and sit?" Lei Yu suggested.

"it is good."

Liang Ye did not refuse, he also needed to confide his irritability to his good friends.

Lei Yu nodded and cut off the call.

Talking face to face is the only way to truly let go, so Lei Yu took the initiative to propose a get-together.

Liang Ye walked to the bathroom door, he could feel Ling Shishi's breathing, he took a breath, and said slowly: "I'll go out for a while, you should go back, don't like me anymore, you are still young, So kind and deserves better."

After finishing speaking, a gust of wind blew gently, and Liang Ye flew high into the sky.

The bathroom door opened suddenly, and Ling Shishi ran out with red eyes, only to find that Liang Ye was no longer in the villa.

The eye sockets gradually turned red, and an inexplicable sadness surged into Ling Shishi's heart.She has never experienced the feeling of being in love, and this kind of heartache is also the first time she feels it.

Ling Shishi ran to the balcony, looking at the direction Liang Ye was leaving, a teardrop slowly flowed from her red eyes.

Liang Ye didn't know she was crying, and he didn't care whether she would leave or not. What he wanted to do most now was to keep a distance from this girl and make her give up.

Strategic Defense Agency Headquarters, Ghost Task Force Lounge.

This was Liang Ye's first return after he left. Although it was just for a sit-down, it was of great significance to the entire Strategic Security Bureau.

Lei Yu gave the order not to attack, and Deng Xuan opened the window of the lounge so that Liang Ye could fly in directly.

A black shadow flashed past, and the task force members saw this familiar figure again.

"team leader!"


Seeing Liang Ye in combat uniform, they could always feel the blood burning in their hearts.

Liang Ye smiled at them, but they could tell right away that Liang Ye was forcing a smile and he was not in a good mood.

It's been almost two years since I left, and this place still looks familiar to me, and the past flashed through Liang Ye's mind like a movie scene.

"Is there any wine?" Liang Ye removed his combat uniform and asked Zhou Yuying.

"Ah?" Zhou Yuying was stunned, and quickly replied: "Yes, what kind of wine do you want to drink, Captain?"

"Just beer, I want to drink snowflakes."

Liang Ye casually sat on the sofa, and Claire moved to his side with a bag of potato chips. Cucumber-flavored potato chips were Claire's favorite.

Zhou Yuying brought two cans of Snow Beer to Liang Ye, and everyone sat down around the coffee table.

This was Liang Ye's first meeting at the headquarters after his return, and the task force members were a little excited.

 Snow beer was the beer I drank most often when I served in Yunnan, and I still miss it now.

(End of this chapter)

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