Ghost Task Force

Chapter 738 The battle is fierce

Chapter 738 The battle is fierce

"Dropped from the sky?" Tang Hao froze for a moment, as if he didn't say that to him.

But Chen Xiaolang would never make mistakes, the task was entrusted to him, how to complete it was his own business.Tang Hao was the ground commander appointed by Liang Ye, and Chen Xiaolang also had to obey his arrangements.

Chen Xiaolang withdrew his two long swords and left the entrance with a submachine gun.

"Team 2 encountered fierce resistance and requested air support." Wang Yu, who was attacking the airport, said loudly.

Although the airport has been bombed by anti-aircraft missiles and fighter jets, there are still many enemies who are stubbornly resisting. There are even multiple drones shooting at the commandos in the air, causing one person to be injured.

The guards defending the airport tower were also fully equipped with three light machine guns. For a while, the team led by Wang Yu had a headache and had to ask for fire support after being unable to attack for a long time.

This is not a shameful act. It is the responsibility of the team leader to make corresponding decisions when comprehensively judging whether the situation is beneficial to one's own side.Wang Yu couldn't stop sending a request for support out of face, as this would only harm the entire team.

"Unit 1 has received it and is heading for support."

Flight No. 1 was the plane piloted by Deng Xuan. There were also two agents, Zhou Yuying and Nightingale, on board. Both of them followed Liang Ye's order and stayed on the plane.

Liang Ye will not launch an attack on the underground building until the situation on the ground is almost under control.

According to Zhou Yuying's reconnaissance, there are not many guards in the underground building, and there is no need for too many people to attack.

After the airport was attacked, the runway was completely destroyed. Several planes in the hangar were turned into scrap iron, but the tower was preserved. This is what Liang Ye meant. The entire island can be seen from the tower. Take it down and observe around the island to make sure no one escapes or is counterattacked.

"The battle is fierce." Zhou Yuying sat in the cabin, watching the situation on the island through the satellite.

There was also a flame burning in Nightingale's heart, and she wished she could join the battle right away.It's a pity that she is not a professional combat agent. Although her combat power is not weak, the training she receives is different from that of a combat agent.

Agents are not soldiers, and fighting methods are also very different. Not every agent is suitable for participating in such a large-scale offensive. That's why Liang Ye left her on the plane, waiting for the order to enter the underground passage.

Deng Xuan controlled the plane and fired at the enemies below with a machine gun.

Liang Ye originally wanted to fly to the airport to help, but after seeing that the Ghost No. 1 fighter jet had already started to support, he had no choice but to give up the idea.

Claire has already flown to another location that needs support, and the red energy is completely released. Looking from a distance, it looks like a red flower blooming in the air, extremely beautiful.

When the ghost fighter joined the battle, all the stealth was released, and the six ghost fighters in the air were cruising around the island, just like the Strategic Defense Bureau was showing off its force.

On the ground, the guards sensed that the situation was not good for them, so they focused their attention on the ghost fighter in the sky.

One of the guards pulled out a Stinger anti-aircraft missile and locked on to the Ghost 2.

"Missile lock, maneuver to evade, jamming bomb!" The pilot of aircraft No. 2 hurriedly performed conventional evasion operations.

After the battle started, the communication channel remained in the free call mode, and Liang Ye could hear the speech of the pilot of the No. 2 aircraft.

On the ground, a Stinger anti-aircraft missile flew towards the No. 2 aircraft. Seeing this, Liang Ye quickly flew under the No. 2 aircraft and threw an explosive bead in the direction of the anti-aircraft missile.

The anti-aircraft missile collided with the explosive beads, and a huge flame burst out immediately. Liang Ye flew sideways to avoid the flames from reaching him.

If the pilots of aircraft No. 2 were allowed to handle it themselves, Liang Ye also believed that they would not be shot down, but he was relatively close, so he simply intervened in the defense.

The missile was destroyed, and the faces of the guards on the ground changed drastically; then, he saw Liang Ye's figure descending from the sky.

Liang Ye fell at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, and kicked the guard fiercely with his right foot, sending him flying tens of meters away, and finally crashed into the ruins of the building, kicking up dust from the ruins.

Several other guards nearby quickly raised their guns and shot at Liang Ye. They all knew that the Strategic Security Bureau had powerful supernatural beings, but this was the first time they had seen their abilities.

Liang Ye didn't dodge, but still stood where he was, which made the guards feel that Liang Ye was bound to die, and quickly pulled the trigger forcefully.

However, the moment the guard pulled the trigger, Liang Ye suddenly squatted down and slammed his right hand on the ground at the same time.

The next moment, a hurricane exploded around him, blowing out all the surrounding guards.

chi chi chi...

The sound of flesh being pierced reached Liang Ye's ears. The bodies of the three guards were all penetrated by the steel bars in the ruins. From the back to the chest, the scene was extremely bloody.

call out……

The sense of danger made Liang Ye subconsciously raise his right hand.

A sniper bullet hit the Hidden Blade wristband on his right hand, and was immediately sent flying, but it also made Liang Ye's right hand tremble slightly.

This is the bullet fired by Barrett's sniper rifle, and its impact force is far greater than other sniper rifles. Even if Liang Ye can defend perfectly, his arm will still hurt from the shock.

"Claire, there is a sniper at 200 meters from your three o'clock direction, help me get rid of him." Liang Ye said.

The sniper was at least 1000 meters away from him, so Liang Ye handed it over to Claire.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Claire quickly locked the direction of the sniper.That was the position where Commando 10 was attacking. There were about [-] fully equipped guards and a sniper on the high ground.

Claire's eyes turned cold, and he flew directly to the rear of the enemy.

She didn't hide herself, on the contrary, she just wanted to be seen by these people.

Sensing Claire's approach, the guards were thrown into chaos.If they were to fight the commandos, they still had the confidence that they would not lose easily, but facing such a heaven-defying character like Claire, they would rather fight an enemy dozens of times more than their own.

Claire landed lightly behind the guards, the sniper quickly turned their guns, and the guards also turned around and shot at her.

The red energy enveloped Claire's small body, and the bullets that flew towards her disappeared after hitting the shield. They were not bounced off, nor penetrated the shield, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

The guards emptied an entire magazine without hurting a single hair of Claire, and she remained where she was, as if she had let them attack her on purpose.

Being on duty, the guards subconsciously wanted to change the magazine, and what Claire was waiting for was this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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