Ghost Task Force

Chapter 748 You Are My Wife

Chapter 748 You Are My Wife
After an unknown amount of time, the person in his arms began to struggle, and a huge impact bounced Liang Ye away.Then, the cross sword rested on Liang Ye's neck.

Xiao Xiao's face turned red, her chest heaved and heaved, she was obviously shy and angry at Liang Ye's actions just now.

"If you dare to approach again, I will kill you!" Xiao Xiao said coldly.

This was the first time anyone touched her body after she woke up, and even her most loyal subordinates couldn't get within two meters of her.

Xiao Xiao speaks English. As far as Liang Ye can remember, her English has always been very good, and she can chat with foreigners fluently about literature and writing.

But now, her way of speaking and acting made Liang Ye feel a little strange.However, the joy of reunion made him ignore all of this. He was smiling, with tears in his eyes.

"My life belongs to you." Liang Ye said emotionally.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Xiao Xiao's sword-holding hand began to tremble. The eyes of the man in front of him were filled with tears, but those tears did not cover up his affection. When meeting such eyes, Xiao Xiao My cold heart began to beat faster.

"You lost your memory, you forgot everything you ever had." Liang Ye wiped his face with his hand, wiped away all the tears, and continued: "You are my wife."

Xiao Xiao: "..."

"Two years ago..." Just as Liang Ye was about to continue, the cross sword stuck to his skin again.

"I attacked you, but you survived and saved my people. For this, I am grateful to you." Xiao Xiao's expression returned to ice-cold, and the blush on her face gradually faded. She said coldly: "As long as If the Strategic Security Bureau doesn’t stop the Blood Race, I won’t attack your agents again. This is my reward. As for you, Liang Ye, who has the ability to wind, I am not the person you remember. My name is Alice. It's—the blood queen!"

After finishing speaking, her figure completely disappeared before Liang Ye's eyes. He reached out to stop her, but in the end he failed.


Liang Ye closed his eyes in pain. After losing his memory, Xiao Xiao was very strange, without any emotion in every move.

"Finally left..." Liang Ye scratched his hair, and after a long time, he raised his head and said to himself: "I will find you, even if you change your name and identity, Xiao Xiao is still my favorite."

Seeing Xiao Xiao for real again, although the final result was that she left again, Liang Ye had an unprecedented sense of reality.If she is still there, there is still hope in Liang Ye's world.

Back on the island, the agents were still waiting in place. Seeing Liang Yefei approaching, Zhou Yuying rushed forward anxiously and asked, "Captain, what's going on?"

Liang Ye didn't suffer as badly as last time this time, instead he smiled and released Xiao Xiao's photo on the screen in his left hand.

When he went to chase Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye turned off the video recording of the contact lens, because he didn't want the people in his headquarters to see the picture of him losing control of his emotions.

Turning off the video doesn't mean he won't take pictures.

In the photo, Xiao Xiao stared forward with unfamiliar eyes, holding a cross sword that did not match her image.

Compared with two years ago, the 22-year-old Xiao Xiao has not changed much. The only change is that she is more beautiful. It seems that beauty should not exist in this world.

As a woman, when Zhou Yuying saw this photo, she couldn't even feel envious, because she felt that even if ten of them added up, they were not as good as one Xiao Xiao.

"Sure enough..." Zhou Yuying nodded.

This photo confirmed Liang Ye's previous statement. After it was released, no one would question Liang Ye again.

"She doesn't remember you?" Zhou Yuying asked.

Liang Ye nodded. He looked up at the blue sky and white clouds again, and said with a smile, "It's okay, she doesn't resist me that much."

After calming down, Liang Ye remembered that he hugged Xiao Xiao just now for a full minute.

Zhou Yuying asked again: "What is her identity now?"

"The blood queen, her current name is Alice." Liang Ye replied.

Liang Ye will not have any reservations about his closest comrade-in-arms.

The previous guess was fulfilled, Zhou Yuying was very calm, she asked: "I will continue to investigate, what are your plans, Captain?"

"I will go to her after everything calms down. She and I actually need a chance to sit down and have a chat. I will tell her everything about the past. Only in this way can I have a chance to restore her memory."

Liang Ye was full of hope. Xiao Xiao, that is, Alice didn't attack her just now, which was already a good start.

"Captain, we expect you to bring her back." Tang Hao who was on the side said.

Chen Xiaolang also made an encouraging gesture to Liang Ye, and everyone was cheering for Liang Ye in their own way.

Liang Ye smiled and nodded at the crowd. Now he didn't pay attention to the mission. Instead, he sat on the stone next to him and continued to look up at the sky.

The blood clan stronghold is a must-go place for Liang Ye.

The person who has loved and waited for so many years, at this moment, you are there. There are 70 billion people, and you are living peacefully in this world, which is my greatest comfort.


Angus finally escaped under the hands of the ghost task force, the Strategic Security Bureau issued a wanted warrant, and the whole world is chasing his whereabouts.

Nightingale was dismissed, but she can still stay in the Strategic Security Bureau temporarily. When the task force captures Angus back again, Nightingale can meet him.

Zhao Long is dead, and Angus is the only one who knows V's inside story. Ding Xue wants to use Nightingale to wake up Angus' memory, and then let him tell the whole story about V.

There is a soft spot in everyone's heart. Angus did not attack Nightingale twice, which is enough to prove that his memory has a chance to recover.

Liang Ye firmly believed, because he also hoped that he could awaken Xiao Xiao's memory and let her return to him.

In Sweden, Irene stood on the balcony with her hands behind her back, looked at the servant below who was cleaning up the blood, and sighed softly.

"Xiao Xiao, Alice... What kind of role are you playing now, and who is it that made you into what you are now." Irene said to herself.

Carrie didn't know when she stood behind Irene, she said respectfully: "Miss, our informant in the Blood Race has withdrawn."

Erin responded without saying anything.

Facing Irene's silence, Carrie couldn't sit still. She couldn't help asking: "Miss, why do we have to withdraw the informant from the blood clan?"

"First, Alice already knows who ours is; second, Liang Ye will go find her."

"..." Carrie was silent for a while, and then asked cautiously, "Then do you still love him?"

Erin glanced at Carrie, as if she didn't expect her to ask this question.After a while, she replied: "Love, if Xiao Xiao dies, I will continue to pursue him crazily. But now, Xiao Xiao is still alive, I admit that I feel inferior in front of her."

(End of this chapter)

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