Ghost Task Force

Chapter 769 1 muffled sound

Chapter 769 A Muffled Sound

"Who?" Bruch asked subconsciously, "The famous Mr. Liang Ye came to the blood clan in person just to meet one person. It seems that this person is not simple."

Liang Ye drank the Bloody Mary in the cup and said with a smile, "Yeah, she's really not simple."

"Her?" Bruch began to guess who this person was.

"Your queen, Alice!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Even Nora was stunned. She didn't expect Liang Yehui to come to see the queen. She began to feel that she had made a big mistake.

This made other vampires want to tear Liang Ye into pieces. The most respected leader and the most powerful queen in their hearts needs to be looked up to. Every vampire will show a devout expression when she mentions her name, and Liang Ye just called out "Alice", this immediately aroused the anger of the vampires present.

Bruch was still calm, he raised his hand, pointed at Liang Ye and asked, "What is your purpose?"

"This is my private matter." Of course Liang Ye would not tell him.

Bruch is now the second best of the blood clan, apart from Alice, he is the strongest in the entire blood clan.

Therefore, his words still have weight.

"Then don't even try to get close to the queen!" Bruch's evil spirit increased sharply, and a black western sword appeared in his right hand.

Liang Ye sighed inwardly. Bruch's arrival was unexpected. The moment he appeared, Liang Ye knew that World War I still couldn't be avoided.

boom! ! !
The whole bar exploded violently, sending debris flying all over the sky.Only half of the originally well-decorated bar remained. On the ground, Bruch and a group of vampires raised their heads and stared at Liang Ye floating in the air.

"I have no malice, and I don't want to start a war with you." Liang Ye said loudly.

The sound from the bar startled all the vampires around, and at once, hundreds of black figures came out of the darkness.

"If you want to see the queen, pass my level first!" Bruhe roared, his figure flashed, and the western sword in his hand was straight at Liang Ye's throat.

Vampires are very fast, their bodies are also very light, and they have strong jumping ability.

Liang Ye, who was floating in the air, was also a little surprised. He unfolded his cloak, and retreated tens of meters to the rear, widening the distance between himself and Bruch.

He didn't intend to continue to use his superiority in the air. After dodging the attack, he retracted his cloak and fell to the ground, then put the backpack in his hand behind his back.

When he fell to the ground, hundreds of vampires immediately surrounded him.

"Get out!"

This was Bruch's voice, and it seemed that he planned to fight Liang Ye one-on-one.

The vampires all backed away one after another, making room for Liang Ye and Bruch.

Bruch held the western sword and approached Liang Ye step by step, "The captain of the ghost task force, the only person with natural abilities among the known supernatural beings in the world, let me see how strong you are."

Liang Ye didn't speak, he activated the Hidden Blade wrist guard, and fixed his sharp eyes on Bruch.

A gust of wind blew gently, and the figures of the two suddenly disappeared.

Afterwards, the surrounding vampires only felt a shock wave coming, and their bodies took a few steps back uncontrollably, and the weaker vampires even fell to the ground.

I saw Liang Ye and Bruch collided with each other at some point, Liang Ye crossed his hands in front of his chest, blocking Bruch's western sword.

It was this collision just now that produced a powerful shock wave.

The barb on the wrist guard firmly stuck to the blade of the western sword, preventing Bruch from taking the sword back.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Liang Ye's face, and he opened his hands to both sides!


Bruch's western sword snapped in response, breaking into three sections under everyone's gaze.

Sensing that something was wrong, Bruch quickly flew back, but just as he took two steps back, a strong wind came from the left.


Liang Ye kicked Bruch hard on the head with his right leg, knocking him to the ground.

The speed of vampires is so fast that it is impossible for normal people to see clearly.The problem is that Liang Ye is not a normal person, he not only has the power of wind, but also has received professional assassin training.

Bruhe is second only to the queen among the blood clan, his strength is unquestionable, but his opponent this time is Liang Ye.

The vampires around were in an uproar, shocked by the scene before them.There has never been any human being who can make Bruhe suffer, not even a supernatural being.Since Bruch became the patriarch, he has only lost once, and it was still defeated by the new leader.

In this short confrontation, Bruch actually suffered twice at the hands of Liang Ye.

A vampire's body can heal itself quickly. Liang Ye's kick just now injured Bruch's head, but soon, the wound on his head healed automatically, but there were still blood stains on it.

Bruch got up from the ground, he stretched out his hand, and touched the injured place just now.

"Very well, you are the only human being who can hurt me." Bruch said with a sneer.

Obviously, he has been irritated.

However, Liang Ye didn't have any worries about his anger, he said, "Didn't you also want to kill me just now?"

"Human beings are not qualified to meet our queen, since you are here, then become our food!"

After the words fell, Bruch's body suddenly began to grow bigger, and a pair of ferocious wings appeared behind him.

In just a few seconds, he turned into a bat, at least two meters tall.

"Okay..." Liang Ye sighed helplessly, thinking that he still needed to use the wind power.

He didn't attack right away, but took down the backpack and threw it into the hands of Nora not far away.

"Please keep it for me."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye dodged Bruch's attack with a flash.

Nora held Liang Ye's backpack with mixed feelings in her heart. She had no intention of refusing his request at all.

Both Liang Ye and Bruhe flew into the air, Bruhe opened his mouth wide, his ferocious fangs made Liang Ye's scalp tingle.

If it wasn't that he couldn't kill him, Liang Ye really wanted to stuff the silver grenade into his mouth.

In this battle, Liang Ye did not intend to kill Bruch.If Xiao Xiao is really willing to help deal with V, then Liang Ye can definitely use Bruhe's combat power.The former number one master of the blood clan, his strength is no joke.

Bruch, who had turned into a bat, greatly increased his strength. He flapped his wings and flew towards Liang Ye at a speed several times faster than before.This surprised Liang Ye a little, he quickly adjusted his flight speed, and flew towards the sky.

Bruch followed closely, and it seemed that he would not stop until he bit Liang Ye into pieces.
Liang Ye continued to fly upwards, and there were two more smoke beads in his hand.

But just when Liang Ye was about to throw it at Bruch, he felt as if he had hit a wall.

With a muffled sound, Liang Ye's consciousness collapsed for a moment, and his body also began to fall downward.

(End of this chapter)

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