Ghost Task Force

Chapter 788 Tulips

Chapter 788 Tulips

"What should I do like that!" Zhou Yuying said subconsciously.

Liang Ye was so anxious that he was going crazy, he said loudly: "It's less than 3 minutes, there's no time to get the sample, get out!"

Only when people are alive can they have the opportunity to carry out the next step of the work. If they die, everything will be over. In less than 3 minutes, the Ghost Task Force is equipped with portable aircraft and can definitely complete the evacuation, but the ground troops may not be sure.

Lei Yu quickly reported the situation to the headquarters, and Li Shan issued an order to evacuate.

Once the missile explodes, the poisonous gas will pollute the entire area, and no one present will be spared.

The ground troops began to retreat one after another. They all knew the seriousness of the matter, and they all ran wildly.

The ghost task force quickly activated the aircraft under their feet and flew into the air one after another. Deng Xuan also lowered the altitude and opened the rear hatch to let the team members enter.

Liang Ye didn't get into the plane right away. He looked down at the weapon arsenal below, frowned and said, "We can't just let the poisonous gas spread like this."

Alice followed beside him and asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

"Captain, the missile I developed is on the plane!" Zhou Yuying said standing on the edge of the cabin door.

Liang Ye thought for half a second, and then said: "Then launch after the ground troops complete the evacuation, and the rest of the fighters, to meet the wounded, must complete the evacuation before the explosion."

Everyone took his words as an order.

There were many casualties in this battle. The Hercules and the Phantom fighters dropped to a high altitude to meet the commandos and marines who were too late to evacuate.

"Why didn't they detonate the missiles after we arrived?" Liang Ye always had such a question in his mind.

If the missiles were detonated when the Ghost Task Force and the commando arrived, maybe everyone would have died long ago, but V didn't do that, and gave the Ghost Task Force a chance to discover the crisis.

The ground troops are still withdrawing on a large scale, and the countdown is gradually less than 1 minute left.

Liang Ye glanced at the time, finally flew into the cabin with Alice, and asked, "How long will it take to complete the evacuation?"

"30 seconds." Thunderstorm replied.

With the assistance of the Hercules and many ghost fighters, the evacuation of personnel was relatively fast, faster than the scheduled time.

This is a scene that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, everything is orderly, although nervous but not flustered, the seemingly impossible evacuation was completed with the cooperation of everyone.

Ten seconds before the missile exploded, several Hercules and Phantom fighters on the ground took off at the same time.

"Master, climb up and launch the destroy missile." Liang Ye gave the order.

"Yes, Captain."

Deng Xuan took the lead, quickly rose to the height, and then pressed the button to launch the missile.

Two seconds before the virus exploded, the destruction missile hit the weapon warehouse.

Seeing the scene below, Liang Ye froze in place just like Lei Yu did when he saw the power of the destructive grenade for the first time.

"This..." Liang Ye couldn't imagine what would happen if he was in that whirlpool.

The destructive missile developed by Zhou Yuying was as powerful as the enlarged version of the grenade. The entire base was instantly enveloped in a red energy vortex, countless wreckage was rolled up, and began to turn into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The space began to tear, and all the planes sounded the turbulence siren.

"Damn it, it's too powerful." Deng Xuan firmly held the joystick, and the nose of the plane started to climb.

"Uh... the power is beyond my expectation." Zhou Yuying said.

Because of the rush of time, she only tested the grenade, not the missile. She only had a calculation of the destruction range, and did not actually verify it.

Seeing the power of the missile now, Zhou Yuying suddenly felt a little proud.But this mission is more of a pity, because they failed to get the virus sample.

To be honest, it was a waste of time.

"The mission is over, and the Ghost Task Force returns to the headquarters first." Li Shan's voice sounded through the intercom.

Liang Ye thought for half a second, then pressed the intercom and said, "Got it, go back now."

"They still have two bases. We might be able to get another sample if we attack." Zhou Yuying suggested.

Liang Ye exhaled, and said, "I thought so too, and I believe the director must have thought of it too."

"I'm not going to the Strategic Security Bureau." Alice said suddenly.

The cabin suddenly fell silent, and everyone was staring at Alice, but her expression did not change because of this.

Ling Shishi has been staring at Alice. At this time, Alice has taken off her mask, revealing her original appearance.

Getting in close contact with her, Ling Shishi had to admit that she was really defeated.Whether it is temperament or appearance, Xiao Xiao must be above her.

Liang Ye walked up to Alice and said softly, "Our operation is not over yet."

Alice was unmoved, and continued: "I am the king of the blood clan. The reason why I participated in the operation is because of you, but not for the Strategic Defense Bureau. If you want to take me there, then I will leave."

From the looks of it, she really didn't like the Security Bureau.

It's no wonder that the Strategic Security Bureau has always been regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the vampires and werewolves, and it is now difficult for Liang Ye to resolve the conflict between the two sides.

It was impossible for Liang Ye to force Alice to do something she didn't want to do, so in the end, he nodded.

"Then I'll take you to a place, you wait for me there." Liang Ye said.

This time, Alice did not refuse.

Lei Yu and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Alice was angry and chose to leave, Liang Ye would definitely feel bad.

The ghost fighter plane flew towards the headquarters of the Strategic Defense Bureau. As night fell, the fighter plane finally reached the sky above S City.

"You go back to the headquarters first, and I'll be there later, Alice, let's go."

After speaking, Liang Ye left the cabin first, followed by Alice.

Lei Yu and Ling Shishi guessed right away that Liang Ye wanted to take Alice to his new home by the sea.

Liang Ye took Alice and landed in front of the gate of the seaside villa. Alice glanced around with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"It's so comfortable here," Alice said.

Liang Ye pushed open the door, turned around and said with a smile, "Yes, it has just been built, I believe you will like it here."

Alice followed and walked in. What she smelled after entering was the faint fragrance of osmanthus and tulips all over the yard.

Her beautiful eyes twitched slightly, she was surprised by the tulips in the yard.

"I planted this myself," Liang Ye said.

Alice looked up at him, her eyes seemed to see through him.

She likes tulips very much, and has planted a pot in her original home, and even puts stickers of tulips on her usual computer.

As the saying goes, love a house and love a bird. After Liang Ye moved into this villa, he immediately planted tulips.

(End of this chapter)

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