Chapter 803

The wind wall is different from the wind shield in that its defense ability is stronger and its range is wider. It can directly resist the attack of thermal weapons and twist them into pieces.The disadvantage is that it doesn't last long and takes a lot of energy.

So Liang Ye still likes to use the wind shield more often, it can be maintained for a long time without wasting too much attention.

After the wind wall was formed, all the gravel controlled by Claire was blocked and crushed, and her attacks were all ineffective.

Then, Liang Ye threw out two smoke beads and threw them in Claire's direction.This time Claire learned the trick, and used his ability to stop the smoke beads after they flew into his control range.

However, this also distracted her attention. Alice leaped into the air with the cross sword in her hand, and swung the blade down. The same red energy collided with Claire's, and the whole island began to vibrate immediately.

Lei Yu staggered from the shock, and hurriedly supported Tang Hao who was at the side to barely stand still.He looked up, looked at Alice floating in the air, and said with emotion: "I'm going... sister-in-law and Claire head-on!"

If Alice hadn't stopped her, Lei Yu would have told Liang Ye what happened in the bureau.

After Liang Ye left, Bureau Chief Li Shan, Ninth-Level Agent Ding Xue, Ghost Task Force Captain Lei Yu, and the current ministers and deputy ministers of various departments discussed the next action plan for V's two bases.

It didn't take long for the alarm to sound, and the duty room reported an intrusion. Before the task force could reach the director's office, Alice broke the glass and flew in.

Director Li Shan's office is made of high-strength bulletproof glass, which can withstand rocket attacks, but it is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Alice.

Alice broke through the air defense of the Strategic Security Bureau by herself, and didn't kill a single person, but scared the entire security bureau executives in the room.You must know that Alice can even defeat Liang Ye. In a real fight, the entire security bureau will probably be abused by her.

Her behavior made the task force members happy for Liang Ye. Now Alice has no memory of the past, but she has already begun to think about him.Not only that, she also brought the elite of the blood race to assist in the operation.

Alice's doing so undoubtedly greatly improved the relationship between the blood clan and the Strategic Defense Bureau.She has an absolute position in the blood clan, one action, or a word, can change the influence of the blood clan on the outside world.

The sound of explosions and guns was heard endlessly. Under the leadership of Bruch, the blood elites cooperated with the ghost task force to encircle and suppress the reformed people on the ground.At the same time, the chemical emergency team has entered the island to search for virus weapons under the cover of commandos.

Liang Ye and Alice were responsible for restraining Claire. Alice's blow once again shocked the agents of the Strategic Security Bureau.

Even the members of the Ghost Task Force froze in place, confronting Claire head-on, this was the first time they had seen each other.

With Alice's sword, even though Claire had a shield to defend her, the impact force still knocked her to the ground.

A big hole was smashed into the ground, and the nearby reformers were also blown away. For a while, dust billowed.

The battle situation is now on the side of the Strategic Security Bureau. Although the reformers are strong, but with the ghost task force and blood clan elites joining the battlefield, their proud and powerful bodies will not be of much use.

Liang Ye flew over Claire, and formed a wall of wind where Claire fell to contain her.

As long as Claire is under control, it will be a matter of time before this battle is won.

The wind wall suppressed Claire, making it impossible for her to break free, and the energy of the cross sword in Alice's hand was fluctuating, obviously preparing a stronger attack.

Liang Ye looked back at her, opened his hands, and a tornado visible to the naked eye began to appear on the sea.

The tornado quickly rolled towards the back of the island, completely covering the buildings that had not been attacked.The walls of the building were broken by the wind, all the glass was shattered, and the messy debris was swept into the air by the tornado. The dark clouds were also constantly fluttering with the wind, and the height was very low, which looked shocking.

The tornado summoned by Liang Ye provided good cover for the commandos. Although it slowed down their speed slightly, it made the enemy completely lose their ability to resist.

"Yueling, is the Hercules equipped with EMP?" Liang Ye asked while pressing the intercom.

Some of the reformers were still shooting into the air. Although there was a wind shield, Liang Ye was still affected.

"Yes, but it will disable our communication and electromagnetic equipment for 10 seconds." Zhou Yuying replied.

"It doesn't matter, we need to get rid of these modified people as soon as possible."

"Got it, I'm ready."

Liang Ye whispered: "Why didn't you take out the EMP sooner?"

In fact, Zhou Yuying has not used it because she has concerns. Once EMP is used, it will affect her own communication and equipment. Before using it, other fighters must retreat to a safe distance, and this will also make the assault The team lost air support.Taken together, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages.

Alice was still concentrating her attacking moves, and Claire was about to break through the blockade of Liang Yefeng's wall. Seeing this, Liang Ye quickly turned around and said loudly: "Alice, she is going to break through the blockade."

At this moment, a cloud of black mist appeared not far away, flying towards Liang Ye and Alice.

Seeing the black mist, Liang Ye instantly remembered V's other great strength, Jonathan.

Liang Ye quickly waved his left hand, letting a gust of wind blow forward, completely dissipating the black mist.

Claire also broke through the blockade of the wind wall at this time, and the petite she let out a roar, and the powerful energy fluctuations made the whole island tremble.

The ground under her feet sank another ten centimeters, and the surrounding ground also had cracks like spider webs.

Alice finally gathered her energy, held the cross sword in her right hand, and slashed fiercely towards Claire below.

However, just as Alice swung her sword, it suddenly stopped in the air. The red energy fluctuated violently, but she couldn't move any further.

Then, Claire raised his right hand and strangled Alice's neck remotely.

Alice snorted, the pressure on her neck made her unable to breathe.

"Claire!" Liang Ye was startled, he didn't care so much, and quickly turned around to attack Claire.

Unfortunately, Jonathan took advantage of Liang Ye's absent-mindedness and stepped on the black mist to attack Liang Ye from behind.

"Captain, be careful!" Chen Xiaolang shouted loudly.

Lei Yu also quickly raised his sky eye and shot into the air. The bullet passed through Jonathan's body, but it did not cause any damage to him, but it also slowed down his flying speed.

His entire body can be turned into smoke, and bullets naturally cannot hurt him.

Liang Ye, who reacted, did not dodge Jonathan's attack, but continued to focus on Claire.

He opened his hands and slapped Claire hard.

Two gusts of wind blew towards Claire from one left and one right respectively. The power seemed weak, but Claire felt as if her body was hit by a car traveling at 80 yards per hour, and she flew upside down.

Alice finally got rid of the blockade, but watched Jonathan stab Liang Ye into the back with a dagger, and knocked him out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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