Ghost Task Force

Chapter 832 Bar

Chapter 832 Bar
Liang Ye has completely returned to work, and his attitude is even more enthusiastic than before.

He was thinking, where is Xiao Xiao now, what is she busy with?He may have already started to lead the blood clan to fight back, holding the cross sword in his hand, and killing one ugly werewolf after another.

It is also possible that the battle force is being rectified and the remaining vampires are encouraged not to fear.But this is not what she is good at. Within the blood clan, she doesn't like to talk, and likes to do things vigorously.

But no matter what she was busy with, it had nothing to do with Liang Ye; Liang Ye could only guess, and could not send anyone to investigate her whereabouts.

This is an agreement between the two, for the time being, they should be safe.

"Captain, this is really torture for you." Zhou Yuying walked to Liang Ye's side, looked up at the night sky like him, sighed and said: "You just waited for her love, but Separate again, can you really wait any longer?"

"Why not?" Liang Ye asked back, "Are you questioning my feelings for her?"

"No..." Zhou Yuying shook her head hastily, she explained: "I don't question your feelings for her, what I mean is... your heart can really bear the thought of her every day, and you can really bear it." Do you want to look for her, don't you see her?"

As she said that, Zhou Yuying couldn't help but sighed a little, and said softly, "This is really unfair to you."

Liang Ye didn't answer anymore, Zhou Yuying's words touched his heartstrings.

This is indeed the case, it is actually very difficult for him to suppress his longing for Xiao Xiao, if reason is not controlling his brain, maybe he has already gone to Europe to chase her back.

"Captain, the Operations Department and the Field Service Department are already implementing your plan, and there will be eight-level special agents in charge of supervision. Do you want to go out..." Zhou Yuying suggested.

"What are you going to do?"

Thunderstorm came out of nowhere and said loudly, "Go and have a drink!"


Thus, Liang Ye, Lei Yu, and Zhou Yuying came to the bar street in Yinhe District, S City.

This is one of the busiest places in S City at night, men and women come here to have a drink and talk, and numb their brains with alcohol and loud DJ music.

Some drunk people were talking gibberish, and some were vomiting in pain by the side of the road.

Liang Ye couldn't remember how long he hadn't been to the bar. The loud voice and the strong smell of alcohol made him frown slightly.

He doesn't like this environment very much, but he doesn't plan to leave anytime soon.

The three of them sat down in a relatively quiet booth. In the distance, people twisted their bodies to the music, indulged to their heart's content.

In fact, Liang Ye envied these people for a moment. They can be silent in such a world, forget themselves for a while, and when they wake up the next day, they can welcome the sunshine of new life.

People have forgotten the fear brought about by the "life" virus. They don't know that the three people sitting in this remote booth have saved the world countless times.

Zhou Yuying tied her hair into a ponytail, stretched lazily, and said, "It's been a long time since I came, can I let go of drinking tonight? Send it back?"

Lei Yu immediately said with disgust on his face: "No, you'd better not drink and get down on the ground. I remember that you gained a few pounds, and I can't carry you on my back."

Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye again.

Liang Ye also looked disgusted, and said, "Me neither, don't forget that you are my secretary, have you ever seen the leader carry the secretary back?"

Zhou Yuying suddenly felt very hurt, and said with a sad face: "Wow, I sacrificed my sleep time to drink with the two leaders, but you all dislike me. I will get acne if I stay up too late."

"Come on, you, the girl who was bouncing around with a wine bottle is an agent you arranged, and the eldest sister who is drinking whiskey at the bar with a cold face, if I remember correctly, she has just been transferred to the field secret service department The fifth-level agent, and the bald man, the fourth-level combatant of the combat department, his fighting skills are top-notch..."

Lei Yu immediately pointed out the manpower that Zhou Yuying had arranged in advance, which made her look embarrassed.

Zhou Yuying scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm...for the safety of the two leaders..."

As Liang Yexin's secretary, Zhou Yuying considered this aspect quite comprehensively.Once something happened, it was impossible for Liang Ye to make a move.

Liang Ye crossed Erlang's legs and said with a smile: "So, if you drink too much, don't worry about no one giving it to you. Don't act cute to me."

At this time, a waiter stepped forward and asked the three of them what they wanted to drink.

Lei Yu ordered a fruit plate and three stacks of snacks, and finally ordered two dozen snow beers.

Liang Ye smiled and asked, "Two dozen, do you really plan to go back standing up?"

"It's been a long time since I had a good drink with you, Boss. Today I'm treating you, let's drink." Lei Yu said, patting his chest.

Zhou Yuying also nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Liang Ye smiled, he knew that both Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying wanted to divert his attention, and they were very attentive.

It is said that there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter... But for Liang Ye, parting is always difficult.More importantly, he had already experienced two years of darkness before this, and the boundless longing made him collapse several times.Now experiencing it again, he will not reduce the pain because of the past, on the contrary, it will only increase the pain.

The wine was brought up quickly, and Liang Ye quickly tore the ring away and drank it all in one gulp.

Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying who were sitting on the side were a little dazed, Liang Ye's drinking speed refreshed their impressions.

When Liang Ye was about to open the second can, Lei Yu hurriedly stopped him.

"Um...boss, don't worry, let's drink while chatting, this is wine, not water, and even water can't be drunk like this." Lei Yu said cautiously.

Liang Ye finally nodded, which relieved Lei Yu a little. At least he was still rational, but his impulse was fighting with his reason, and he was still on par for the time being.

"In addition to breathing, I have to do one thing every day. If I don't do it, I will die." Liang Ye said suddenly.

Zhou Yuying subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

"miss her!"

Two people: "..."

Zhou Yuying glanced at Lei Yu, and said with a strange face: "Can I treat it as if I ate dog food suddenly?"

Lei Yu shook his hands: "You can eat by yourself, I have a girlfriend."

Zhou Yuying: "!@#¥%..."

"So, Captain, you put yourself into work right away, because you want to numb yourself, right?" Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye didn't speak, but his eyes had already given Zhou Yuying the answer.

Lei Yu sighed and said: "To love someone is to be happy when she is happy, to be disappointed when she is sad, and to miss her every moment when she is not around. This is how feelings are."

Zhou Yuying couldn't help laughing at his literary pretense, and complained, "Hey, the deputy captain who has no family status can actually say such a thing."

"Hey, family status doesn't matter."

That being said, Lei Yu's expression was bitter.

He is the number one sniper in China, and he is a good baby in front of Liang Ruoxi, and he is five years older than Liang Ruoxi, but he is completely subdued.

(End of this chapter)

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