Ghost Task Force

Chapter 87 This is an order

Chapter 87 This is an order
Liang Ye parked the car in the parking space opposite the Yeshen Group, then got out of the car and waited for Xiao Xiao's arrival.

Just now she sent a text message to Liang Ye, saying that she still had some documents to process and asked Liang Ye to wait for 5 minutes.

These are nothing to Liang Ye, because he is waiting for Xiao Xiao; let alone 5 minutes, he is willing to wait for a day.

During the waiting time, Liang Ye thought about it and chose to call Li Shan.He had to tell Li Shan about the information that Lan Siqi reported to him just now, and ask Li Shan for any instructions by the way.

After all, Li Shan is the director of the Strategic Security Bureau, and he controls the overall situation.

Even though Liang Ye is the commander-in-chief of the operation, he still obeys Li Shan's orders; sometimes Li Shan gives orders, and he, a level nine agent, must obey them.

The call was connected quickly, and it was obvious that Li Shan was in his bureau chief's office.

Before Liang Ye could speak, Li Shan took the initiative to say, "You're calling because of something about Mexico, right?"

Liang Yeen let out a sound, and then quickly said: "That chemist is Eiko Kawashima, a classmate of Gladys, and now we can suspect that she is a member of V."

"Then what do you think?" Li Shan asked.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye quickly said: "I will monitor for the time being, and see if I can get useful information during the cruise ship operation; if Gladys was involved in the virus transaction last time, then we Take another action."

Liang Ye now suspects that Gladys was involved in the transaction on the night of Chen Kai's death; even if she wasn't there, she might have monitored everything remotely.

"I will send more agents to keep an eye on Eiko Kawashima, I hope you can gain something from the cruise ship operation, V is now the number one investigation organization of our Security Bureau; our agents scattered on all continents are looking for information related to them , now the most important thing is to rely on the actions of your task force."

"I see."

After finishing the call, Liang Ye raised his head, just in time to see Xiao Xiao walking out of the gate of the Yeshen Group with her satchel.

Outside the gate of the Yeshen Group is a road, and a zebra crossing connects both sides of the road.

The two walked towards each other, but just when the pedestrian traffic light turned on; the two had to stop, and then stood there and looked at each other.

The sun is gradually setting from the west on the road with cars coming and going; but the heat still hits the city, only the breeze brings some coolness.

On the road outside the Yeshen Group, Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They were separated by a road; the setting sun shone on them, stretching their shadows very long.

The smile on Liang Ye's face was unprecedented, even Liang Anguo had never seen him smile like this before.

When you meet someone you like, your temperament will really change.

The best relationship is to be willing to become better for the person you like, and then use the best side to meet the person you like.

Liang Ye is like this now.

When the green light turned on, Liang Ye was the first to take a step; quickly walked across the road and came to Xiao Xiao.

"Why did you come here?" Xiao Xiao asked with a smile.

She could see the tenderness in Liang Ye's eyes. After all, she was a book writer, so it was impossible not to see Liang Ye's attitude.

But because of embarrassment, neither of them explained everything first.

Facing Xiao Xiao's question with a smile, Liang Ye replied: "Walk with you."

Someone to love, something to do; something to look forward to, this is the best life.And Liang Ye's life is pretty good now, really good.

Xiao Xiao didn't say anything this time, two blushes appeared on her cheeks, and then she walked across the road accompanied by Liang Ye.

The black Lamborghini can attract the attention of others most at any time. Liang Ye took out the car keys and opened the passenger seat door for Xiao Xiao.

At this moment, the watch on Liang Ye's left hand vibrated, which meant that a call had come in.

Liang Ye sat in the driver's seat and pressed the intercom on the left ear, "I'm Liang Ye."

Xiao Xiao glanced at him subconsciously, only to find that he was talking on the phone with someone else.

"Hi, Major, I'm Lan Siqi, the Japanese women in Mexico are frequently contacting Gladys; and she uses an encrypted line, we can no longer monitor their calls."

Hearing Lan Siqi's voice again, Liang Ye felt a little helpless.

It's not that Lan Siqi disturbed him, but that Liang Ye clearly asked her to go home to rest, but she was still busy with work after returning home.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that she is a workaholic.

"Major, I suggest arresting her immediately. We have three agents who are monitoring and can form a tactical team." Lan Siqi said again.

Liang Ye didn't answer right away, but turned to look at Xiao Xiao, and then pressed the intercom and said, "No, carry out my previous order and continue to monitor. Without my order, no one can arrest her." .”

Lan Siqi on the other end of the intercom pondered for a while, and finally replied: "Yes!"

"The operation of our contingent has not yet started, so we can't startle the enemy now, and follow my orders; without my notice, you don't have to think about the arrest." Liang Ye said.


"Also, I told you to go to rest, but you are still busy with work?" Liang Ye pressed the communicator and said in a stern tone: "You can't contact me from now until eight o'clock tomorrow morning, this is an order. "

This time Lan Siqi didn't dare to say anything more about intelligence, she quickly responded and ended the call.

Liang Ye exhaled, turned his head and smiled at Xiao Xiao, "Sorry, some work matters."

Xiao Xiao said with a smile that it was all right, and then asked, "I'm curious about what actions you are carrying out, it sounds serious."

Listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Liang Ye smiled and said: "It's nothing serious or not. Our work is like this. When we are busy, we are more tired than anyone else. The person who called me just now is my assistant. She is already well." I haven't had a good rest for a few days, so I specially gave her a vacation today; as a result, she was still busy when she got home, and the interval between the two calls was less than 15 minutes."

Lan Siqi is really much busier than Liang Ye, intelligence work is more tiring than tactical operations.

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Xiao Xiao showed a thoughtful expression, then smiled, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work."

Liang Ye smiled, started the car engine and said, "It's nothing, these are our jobs."

Now that I have chosen to take this path, of course I have to go on without hesitation, no matter how hard and tiring it is.

This is the purpose of soldiers and agents.

The car slowly drove onto the road, heading towards Xinghai University.

Xiao Xiao wants to go to school to hand in some materials to her teacher, because she has to go to work during the day and has no time, so she can only wait until now.

Xiao Xiao actually wanted Liang Ye to concentrate on work and leave her alone, but when she saw the smile on Liang Ye's face, she couldn't say it.

She was just worried that Liang Ye would give up work for her, and she was really happy to be with Liang Ye.At least it will be very relaxing, and you can learn a lot from Liang Ye's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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