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Chapter 27 Business Psychology-Ride in an Unpredictable Shopping Mall

Chapter 27 Business Psychology-Ride in an Unpredictable Shopping Mall (1)
Management refers to issues related to the market, customers, industry, environment, and investment. Simply put, management is related to the survival and profit and loss of the enterprise. There are not many changes and innovations in the operation. To become bigger and stronger, the enterprise must first pay attention to the operation and study the market and customers, and provide targeted products and services to target customers.

Celebrity effect - establish a good image for customers
Most people in society have a kind of admiration for celebrities and authority figures.Under the suggestion of celebrities, they can easily accept the views and thoughts of celebrities and authorities, and will be convinced and blindly follow the celebrities. This is the celebrity effect.

Russian psychologist Fu Shibalins once did such an experiment: He divided the students in the advanced class into four groups, and asked an associate professor to give them a speech on "the situation of school education in Algeria".Although the speaker uses the same speech script and the same teaching method, he wears different clothes and appears in a different identity each time.The first group appeared as an associate professor, the second group appeared as a "secondary school teacher", the third group appeared as an "athlete" who had participated in the Algerian international competition, and every fourth group appeared as a "health worker" , it was found that there was a significant difference in the evaluation of the effect of the lectures by the students.Because the students have the mentality of "If you are not an expert, you can't explain educational issues clearly", the students in the third and fourth groups reported that the speaker's language is poor, the content is boring, and the teaching style is not calm, and some people even complain about "wasting time". .The first group of students generally gave positive comments, thinking that the speaker was "knowledgeable", studied the problems and their characteristics in detail, and the language was lively and lively, and the teaching style was generous, so they felt quite rewarding.

The same person with different identities can have such different results.It can be seen that because of their conviction in the "character" of the professor, students are prone to blind obedience to their identity, and thus easily accept the hints of "celebrity".

In the 20s and 70s, China produced a famous "fool melon seeds".Originally, it was just a company selling fried melon seeds, but the operator, Nian Guangjiu, managed to make a name for himself in the country. How could the owner of a small melon seed shop make such a big business selling melon seeds?

Among them, I have to mention the luckiest part of this business, that is, meeting Deng Xiaoping. In 1972, Nian Guangjiu created "Fool" Sunflower Seeds. After years of careful management, in 1982, Nian Guangjiu became a small rich man.At this time, some people began to frown.Can socialism still allow rich people and capitalists?It didn't take long for the debates about "Nian Guangjiu is an upstart", "Nian Guangjiu is a new type of capitalist", "Nian Guangjiu engages in capitalism", "surname capital or society" spread from party and government organs to theoretical circles, from Wuhu spread to the province, and from the province to the central government.The relevant leaders at that time also submitted to Deng Xiaoping an investigation report on the issue of the employment of fools and melon seeds.

Fortunately, after Deng Xiaoping heard about the "fool melon seeds", he instructed to "let it go and have a look".Later, Deng Xiaoping also said at a meeting of the Central Advisory Committee in 1984, "There was a problem of 'fool melon seeds' in Anhui. At that time, many people were uncomfortable, saying that he had earned 100 million, and advocated moving him. It will be said that the policy has changed, and the gains outweigh the losses. There are still many such problems, and if they are not handled properly, it is easy to shake our policy and affect the overall reform."

Deng Xiaoping's statement made "Fool's Melon Seeds" become a famous company in the whole country overnight, and his attitude of not interfering with the operation of private enterprises such as "Fool's Melon Seeds" also made Nian Guangjiu heave a sigh of relief.

When Deng Xiaoping inspected the South in 1992, he mentioned "fool melon seeds" again in his southern speech on the overall situation of reform and opening up, and made people remember Nian Guangjiu and "fool melon seeds" more deeply.Since then, Nian Guangjiu and "Fool's Melon Seeds" have become famous people and products throughout the country. The melon seeds have been sold well, and the scale has expanded even larger. In 1997, the "Fool Group" was established.

In the process of business competition, few people are as lucky as Nian Guangjiu to become a celebrity and promote their products.People didn't think of it at the beginning.But the current business operators have learned from history, and naturally discovered the key factor of Nian Guangjiu's success. In order to win the competition and to defeat other competitors, all major businesses have launched the "Celebrity Challenge Competition."

At present, many companies and merchants are very optimistic about the celebrity effect, because the audience will be liked and trusted by the celebrity, which will be passed on to the like and trust of everything about him, including some activities he attends and the products he endorses.Therefore, no matter whether it is a large or small enterprise, they are willing to spend a lot of money to invite those celebrities to advertise and endorse their products.

In 1984, Nike and Adidas simultaneously developed a technology that puts air cushions in sports shoes to reduce the weight of shoes, and the two companies launched their own shoes to the market almost at the same time.

At that time, Nike was just an ordinary small company and could not compete with Adidas at all.In order to defeat the opponent, Nike re-positioned the advertisement, invited Jordan to be the brand spokesperson of Nike, and used the perfect advertisement to combine Jordan and Nike air-cushion shoes, making it the core of Nike's marketing strategy and the entire production line of sports shoes and sportswear. , not only increased the image charm of Nike but also created the best way to display its new technology.As a result, Michael Jordan has become a tool for Nike's advertising communication, and it has also become Nike's new brand identity.

After a series of advertising strategies, Nike's new series of sneakers were out of stock immediately, and it also led to a substantial increase in the sales of other sports series products.In just three years from 1984 to 1987, its sales soared from less than $100 million to nearly $2000 million.In contrast, the sales of Adidas products did not break through.

Since then, Nike, a sports shoe brand, has become one of the world's leading sports brands. Its total product sales have surpassed the two old brands of Adidas and Reebok, gradually replacing Adidas as the world's number one sports brand.

The sudden fame of Nike sneakers illustrates the potential role of celebrities in guiding consumers.It uses Jordan's reputation as a basketball trapeze -- a basketball hero in the minds of many American people -- to let Jordan wear his own shoes, so that when the public worships and is convinced of idols, it guides them to consume their own products.Especially when there are Jordan's loyal "supporters" in the crowd, this kind of guidance is more effective.Because consumers will be hinted by idols, pay attention to and imitate Jordan's actions and behaviors, and also buy sneakers.

It can be seen that the celebrity effect does not directly allow celebrities to directly intervene in commercial activities, but to use the value of celebrities to strengthen the image of products.Celebrities have enough ability to attract people's attention because they are successful people in a certain field.Therefore, their selection and use of commodities will bring unlimited trends and business opportunities.

In fact, the celebrity effect is equivalent to a brand effect, which can drive the crowd, and the effect can be as powerful as chasing stars.In commodity sales, many companies now also take advantage of consumers' admiration for celebrities, and then make various articles, such as:

1.Celebrities are invited to write and draw on the products and packages.

2.Invite famous actors to perform in the mall to attract customers.

3.Celebrities are invited to speak and perform on their products.

4.Invite famous writers to meet customers in the bookstore and sign the purchased books as souvenirs.

The marketing principle of the celebrity effect method is to use people's admiration for fame. In the process of product sales, such as in the advertisements of cosmetics and soaps, using the celebrity effect to choose the image of a big star or singer for advertising will have a good effect.Another example is that foreign sports equipment manufacturers use world-class famous athletes to advertise, and some clothes and supplies specially designed for large-scale competitions are popular all over the world.

Celebrities are groups that people have more contact with in their lives and are more familiar with. The celebrity effect is because of the influence of celebrities themselves, and when they appear, they achieve the effect of expanding the situation and strengthening their influence.Of course, the application of celebrity effects is very common. First of all, in terms of advertising, almost most of the advertisements are using celebrity effects, because audiences like, trust and even imitate celebrities, which is transferred to products. This is a typical way to use celebrity effects.

Of course, in the movie and TV drama market, the celebrity effect also exists widely. Using the influence of celebrities to quickly increase the popularity of the film, and at the same time using the personal charm of celebrities to enhance the appreciation of the film, these are the application of the celebrity effect .

Many companies regard celebrity effect as a magic weapon for business success, and regard hiring celebrities for advertising as a compulsory course for enterprises. Perhaps they determine their own wealth and life.Moreover, the market has also proved that as long as the enterprise can make good use of the celebrity effect, it will naturally make a lot of "profit".

Psychology class:
1. Use "celebrities" to let more people know about the company and its products.

2. The consumer does not understand the product, but he believes that what is recommended by the "celebrity" in his mind is the best.

The principle of mutual benefit - win-win is the greatest success
The principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity means that in the sales process, the salesman should start from the transaction that can bring greater benefits to both parties or reduce losses for both parties, and should not engage in sales activities that hurt or cause losses to one party.

The principle of relationship marketing is actually a sales method, a comprehensive marketing method that combines empathy, customer participation and trust building.The relationship marketing approach requires salespeople to flexibly master and use skills such as target handling and reaching agreements.

We must know that the reason why a customer makes a purchase is that the benefits obtained after the transaction are greater than or equal to the price he paid.Therefore, salespersons should try to meet the goals pursued by both themselves and customers in sales activities. Achieving "win-win" is the way to cultivate long-term customers, the basis and condition for customers to continue to buy, and the basis and condition for obtaining customer reputation.To become a popular and expected salesperson, one must try to provide benefits to customers, that is, try to make customers get the expected benefits from their purchases.

Mutual benefit is the basic tenet in the transaction proposed further for the nature of the marketing activities of the business.Commodity production is produced under the condition of social division of labor, and the core of enterprise marketing activities is to have transactions and relationships with buyers (customers).And this relationship is always accompanied by the business practice of the enterprise.In a transaction, the seller's interest can only be realized if the transaction item is beneficial to others.On the other hand, buyers hope to obtain the goods they need from the market.By extension, all trading entities in the market participate in market activities with their own needs.Here, only by following the principle of mutual benefit in the transaction can the market activities continue in circles.Therefore, enterprises must not only provide various satisfactions for others, but also rely on others to obtain their own benefits. Only with mutual benefit can the social economy operate normally.Therefore, in grasping the relationship between relevant stakeholders of the enterprise, the principle of mutual benefit must be followed, that is, to realize the exchange process of mutual benefit and consider the interests of the other party, rather than blindly pursuing personal interests.

The reason why Confucius' famous saying "Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others" has been passed down to this day and has become a warning motto is precisely because it expresses the true meaning of the principle of mutual benefit.The principle of mutual benefit is the basic tenet for the sustainable development of corporate marketing activities, because it is not purely moral.

Application of the principle of mutual benefit (sales):
1. The first is empathy.

Excellent salespeople focus on customers rather than the product itself. Before selling, they often consider problems from the perspective of customers, and empathize with each other.This is completely different from a clumsy salesperson who only cares about selling products to customers without considering whether they really need it from the perspective of customers.A good salesperson understands that the customer is not concerned with the product itself, but with the benefits or benefits that can be obtained by purchasing the product.

2. Followed by customer engagement.

Many salespersons have such a view that sales is a battle without gunpowder between buyers and sellers. The success of salespersons is to use their extraordinary ability to finally achieve the goal of getting customers to accept the products they sell.In fact, relationship marketing fundamentally negates this sense of combat for salespeople.The basic task that relationship marketing really entrusts to sales staff is to actively encourage and consciously listen to customers expressing their existing needs.What the salesperson has to do is not to provide the "right answer" to the customer, but to find the "right question" of the customer, that is, the real demand of the customer.Excellent salespersons find that it is difficult for customers to quickly make a purchase decision simply by telling customers the performance of their products and what benefits customers can get from the product.On the contrary, it is easier for customers to make purchase decisions in the in-depth interactive communication with sales staff.

3. Build trust.

How salespersons establish a trusting relationship with customers is the focus of relationship marketing.Building trust effectively and quickly requires the salesperson to share some higher-level, more intimate work or non-work topics with the client.This means that salespersons must be able to observe customers' words and expressions, and be able to flexibly communicate with customers on different topics according to different scenarios and times.In addition, before establishing a trust relationship, the salesperson is also required to have the spirit of taking risks and be able to make bold concessions on certain issues or requirements. This may be the customer's intention to test the degree of trust you have in them.In short, real relationship marketing requires salespeople to provide more added value to customers, that is to say, they must provide customers with more than promised.

4. Do not blindly induce.

When salespeople grasp the principle of mutual benefit, they must not simply understand it as a concession to customers or an incentive to give rewards.

In fact, the interests pursued by customers are also multifaceted, and it must be adapted to the various needs of customers.Salespersons must be good at understanding the core interests of customers and strengthen communication with customers when trying to realize the principle of mutual benefit.To correctly use the principle of mutual benefit to carry out sales promotion activities, it is necessary to analyze the benefits that the results of transaction activities can bring to customers before sales promotion.The interests pursued by customers are both material and spiritual.Different customers will have different standards of value judgments for the same product, and the value judgment is higher for products with strong demand; vice versa.Different products bring different benefits to customers.

5. Depends on long-term interests.

Different customers have high or low judgments on the value of commodities. It is necessary to find the balance point of the interests of both parties on the basis of accurately judging the benefits that promotional products bring to customers, and carry out "win-win" promotional activities.

When making interest judgments, an excellent salesperson should not only see the current sales interests, but also see the long-term sales interests; not only the direct sales interests, but also the indirect sales interests.Salespersons should comprehensively evaluate the balance point of interests based on multiple factors, and should not judge the benefits of sales based on the success of a certain transaction, but should insist on using the benefits that can be brought to customers to guide customers to make deals.Fully displaying the benefits that goods or services can bring to customers is an important way to guide customers to buy.The fuller and more specific this display is, the more likely customers are to buy.

Mutual benefit and reciprocity is a basic principle of commodity trading, but there is no clear division of interests in the specific implementation.The distribution of the interests of both parties is not simply divided into two.An excellent salesperson can always satisfy the needs of customers to the greatest extent and obtain the greatest benefits for himself.Therefore, the interests of salespersons and customers are not contradictory and opposed to each other.

In fact, today's businessmen also tend to reach a certain degree of cooperation based on mutual trust.Because the increasingly fierce market competition is a huge test for any individual.If there are two businessmen who can release their suspicions and cooperate with each other, it will definitely benefit both parties.

For example, Adidas (Germany's largest food retailer), as Germany's largest supermarket chain, is a strong competitor of Wal-Mart in the United States, and once pushed Wal-Mart out of the German market. In July 2006, Wal-Mart announced the sale of its 7 department stores in Germany to Adidas and Metro.At the same time, Adidas maintains close contact with Wal-Mart's top leaders. They exchange ideas and management methods through the Adidas Business School, and all resources in the Adidas Business School are shared free of charge.

In the competition between enterprises, it is an example of abandoning previous suspicions and joining hands to develop the market. This kind of cooperation is also an effective proof of the principle of mutual benefit.

In December 2003, Real Networks of the United States sued Microsoft for abusing its monopoly position on Windows, restricting PC manufacturers from pre-installing other media player software, and forcing Windows users to use bundled media player software regardless of their wishes. Real Networks is seeking $12 billion in damages.

(End of this chapter)

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