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Chapter 30 Management Psychology--Be a manager who understands people's hearts

Chapter 30 Management Psychology--Be a manager who understands people's hearts (1)
Management psychology is a branch of industrial psychology that applies psychological knowledge to analyze, explain, and guide individual and group behavior in management activities.It helps to mobilize people's enthusiasm, improve organizational structure and leadership performance, improve the quality of work and life, and achieve the purpose of improving management level and developing production.Successful enterprises are inseparable from successful management, because management is the life of an enterprise. Similarly, successful managers cannot do without the correct application of management psychology.

Maslow's Theory--If you respect your employees, you will get everything

The American psychologist Maslow proposed that after satisfying the needs of survival and security, people desire to be respected, and hope that their personality and self-worth will be recognized.

In 1943, American psychologist Maslow published the book "A Theory of Human Motivation".In this book, Maslow proposed the famous hierarchy of human needs theory.According to Maslow, physiological needs are the most basic human needs and desires.Human beings will not be content with the needs of the lower level. After the needs of the lower level are satisfied, they will develop to the higher level.After satisfying the physical needs, we pursue psychological satisfaction and social recognition, and then we want to be loved, respected, and our personality and self-worth are recognized.This is a common trait of human beings.

Everyone cares about saving face, which is also a need to maintain self-esteem and yearn for respect from others, and it is an expression of self-respect.Harsh words in conversation will greatly hurt others' face; neglecting others in communication will also make people feel ashamed; Feeling manipulated can be humiliating.When people feel ashamed, he will hold his own and never back down.In this case, what people consider is not whether the question is right or wrong, but try their best to maintain their point of view.People feel that what they are facing is an attack on the self, rather than a difference in objective understanding, so his focus is to resist the attack and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.He will take a tit-for-tat approach to embarrass the other party as well.

What leaders often face is not hostile provocations, but a variety of different types of people who need understanding and respect.The job of a leader is to praise the good and criticize the bad.Criticism is the easiest thing to hurt other people's self-esteem, and the problem of face is more prominent. The "sandwich strategy" and various indirect and euphemistic criticism methods are all aimed at reducing the harm to others.Avoiding destructive criticism and taking into account the face of the other party is an effective way to align the goals of the conversation.If you criticize regardless of the other party's face, it may happen that the more correct and pertinent your point of view is, the less he will accept it.

IBM founder Watson Sr. traveled half his life, worked 16 hours a day, and attended ceremonies and celebrations at his innumerable employee clubs almost every night.He was open to chatting with employees, not as a curious boss, but more as an old friend—a record written by people of his time.But in fact we can still hear stories about Mr. Watson today, and these stories have become part of the culture of this remarkable enterprise.Such as the "no door" system, clubs, simplification, sermons, raves, and training.

His successor, Thomas Watson Jr., said in the book "Business and Its Beliefs": "Most of IBM's business philosophy is concentrated in its three simple tenets. I will start with what I think is the most important one. Speaking of which, it is that we treat everyone with respect. Although it is a very simple concept, IBM really consumes most of the management time to realize this concept. We have invested more in this than anything else. In fact, this belief was ingrained in my father's mind." Watson added: "Almost every kind of incentive we have is used to stimulate people's enthusiasm. Relationships are not shaped by altruism, but by a simple belief that if we respect our employees and help them respect themselves, it will maximize profits for the company.”

"Superman" Li Ka-shing has today's wealth and success, which is also inseparable from his success in managing and employing people.His "people-oriented, benevolent and loving management of the enterprise" is also a place for all managers to follow.

A complete set of management system has been formed within Li Ka-shing's enterprise, but under the strict system, the oriental human touch is emphasized, so that employees have a sense of belonging and cohesion in the enterprise, respect employees, understand employees, care about employees, and pay attention to guidance staff. "To manage a large company, you can't do everything yourself. First of all, let employees have a sense of belonging, so that they can work with peace of mind. Then, you must first make them like you."

Most leaders have such experience. When commending, public opinion should be created to let more people share the joy of success. At the same time, use written forms such as certificates as much as possible to prolong the joy and influence of praise.But when criticizing, it is mostly done alone, and at the same time, after playing the role of reminding attention, try to eliminate the unpleasant psychological impact it produces as much as possible.Iacocca quoted others as saying: "If you want to praise someone, use it in writing; if you want to criticize someone, use the phone." This is also a way to save face for others.Do not criticize a person in front of third parties, especially in front of groups or people who have special meaning to him.Criticizing people in front of others at will is the easiest way to hurt people.

Psychologists tell you: the leader respects employees and takes care of employees' face is the best performance. The following points are for reference:
1. Take care of employees' face.To maintain and improve the self-esteem of both parties through communication, criticism and self-criticism is the criterion of success.

2. Protect the positive enthusiasm of employees, maintain the self-esteem of employees, and stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

3. If you inadvertently hurt other people's face, try to restore it as much as possible.Make necessary explanations, apologize, communicate in a timely manner, really understand what he is thinking, and take necessary solutions.

Managers must not only strictly manage, but also care about, understand and respect people; they must strengthen ideological education, but also patiently persuade and explain the truth, so as to truly mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

Respect the individuality of each employee, respect the personal wishes of employees, and respect the right of choice of employees.All employees are equal in personality and equal in front of development opportunities.I think this is the reward that every employee really wants.

Psychology class:
1. Chinese happiness theory believes that human nature is dissatisfaction.Dissatisfaction means that people want me or our things to be better than other people's.Respect is taking care of the decency of others without hurting or seriously hurting the dissatisfied nature of others.

2. Respect is like an understanding little girl, her transparent smile is called understanding, and her simple heart is called nobility; respect is also like a respected scholar, full of wisdom in dealing with others, showing the nobility of character and integrity!
The Pygmalion Effect--If you say you can do it, you can do it

Pygmalion effect, also known as "Rosenthal effect" or "expectation effect".It was proposed by the famous American psychologists Rosenthal and Jacobson in primary school teaching.In essence, hints are people's emotions and concepts, which will be subconsciously influenced by others to varying degrees.People unconsciously accept the influence and cues from those they like, admire, trust and admire.And this suggestion is one of the cornerstones of making your dreams come true.

Rosenthal divided a group of small mice into two groups. Group A was handed over to an experimenter, and he was told that this group of mice belonged to a particularly smart group and should be trained well; Group B was handed over to another experimenter, and he was told that this group of mice was ordinary.Two experimenters trained the two groups of mice to walk through the maze respectively.For mice, getting out is getting food.But in the process of going out, they will often run into walls. They must have a certain memory and intelligence. Only the smarter mice can go out first.The results of the experiment found that the mice in group A were much smarter than the mice in group B, and they all went out first.In fact, these two groups of mice are ordinary mice, but Professor Rosenthal hinted that there are "smart" and "not smart" when telling the experimenters, so the methods adopted by the experimenters and the expectations for the mice There was a difference, with wonderful results, exactly as Rosenthal predicted.

This experiment was similarly applied to student research by Rosenthal et al.

In 1968, Rosenthal and others selected three classes from the first to sixth grades in an elementary school in the United States, and gave the students in these 3 classes a "pretentious" test to predict their future development.Then, in a tone of appreciation, he quietly handed over the list of "best development prospects" to the principal and relevant teachers, and repeatedly told him: Do not keep it secret, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the experiment. Eight months later, there was a re-examination, and a miracle happened. The students on the list all made rapid progress in grades, lively and cheerful, eager to learn, and had a particularly deep relationship with the teacher. In the end, all of them became veritable outstanding students.

The Pygmalion effect means that what people think and what you expect, you will get what you get. What you get is not what you want, but what you expect.As long as you have confident expectations, as long as you really believe that things will go well, things will go well. Conversely, if you believe that things are constantly being resisted, resistance will arise. Successful people develop a confident attitude , I believe that good things will definitely happen.This attitude, called positive expectation, is the attitude of a winner.Expect in advance that you will win, and stick to this view, so as long as you look forward with confidence.Even if the data you hold on to when you expect is incorrect, you will still get the results you expect.

The Pygmalion effect tells us that when we have very strong expectations for something, what we expect will appear.

Why does this effect happen?
According to Rosenthal's analysis, there are mainly four social and educational psychological mechanisms as follows: one is the atmosphere, that is, a good atmosphere caused by a warm, caring, and emotional support due to high expectations for others; the other is feedback, That is, the teacher gives more encouragement and praise to the students who have high expectations; the third is input, that is, the teacher shows the students that they have high expectations for them, the teacher guides his students, and gives inspiring answers to the questions raised by the students. And provide extremely helpful knowledge materials; the fourth is encouragement, that is, to give all kinds of encouragement to the expected students and teachers, and to constantly develop in the direction of expectation.

In addition, we believe that there are the following main reasons for the Rosenthal effect:

1. The prestige of the expectant.

The prestige of the expecting person can give confidence to the expected person, making them more self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love, and self-improvement.Generally speaking, the higher the prestige of the expectant, the easier it is to produce the Rosenthal effect.

2. Expect the possibility of the outcome.

Generally speaking, if the expected result is estimated and considered to be more likely to be realized, and the expected result is meaningful to oneself, then the possibility of the Rosenthal effect is very high.

3. This effect is produced according to the mechanism of "vision-expectation-action-induction-acceptance-externalization".

That is to say, the person who expects has a beautiful longing for the object of expectation, and has a specific expected result, and must make specific efforts to practice this expectation, such as giving positive evaluation, affirmation, praise, help, guidance and other actions, so that The person who is expected feels the special care and encouragement from the person who is looking forward to him, and accepts all kinds of love and help from the person who is looking forward to, so that he can make corresponding efforts to stimulate the inner potential and meet the expectations of the person who is looking forward to. result.

Pygmalion effect is the phenomenon of resonance in expectation psychology.When applied to management, leaders are required to invest in feelings, hopes and special inducements to subordinates, so that subordinates can exert their own initiative and creativity.For example, when a leader assigns a certain task, he might as well say to his subordinates: "I believe you will be able to do it well", "I want to hear the news of your success earlier." It was born in anticipation.

The Pygmalion effect not only conveys the trust and expectations of managers for employees, but is also more applicable to the cultivation of team spirit.Even in survival-of-the-survival competitive work teams, where many employees are used to going it alone, we can still find the Pygmalion effect to be the most effective panacea.

A cleaner in a large company in South Korea was originally the most neglected and despised character, but it was such a person who fought desperately with the thief when the company safe was stolen one night.

Afterwards, when someone claimed credit for him and asked his motive, the answer was unexpected.He said that when the general manager of the company passed by him, he would praise him from time to time, "You sweep the floor so clean."

Look, just such a simple sentence moved the employee and "promised him with his body".

The famous American female entrepreneur Mary Kay once said: "There are two things in the world that people need more than money-recognition and praise.

Money is not omnipotent in mobilizing the enthusiasm of subordinates, but praise can just make up for it.Because everyone in life has a strong sense of self-esteem and honor.Your sincere praise and approval of them is the best recognition and emphasis on his value.Leaders who can sincerely praise subordinates can satisfy the spiritual needs of employees and stimulate their potential talents.

Konosuke Matsushita, known as the "God of Management", is also a master at making good use of the Pygmalion effect.He pioneered the telephone management technique and often called his subordinates, including newly recruited employees.Every time he didn't have anything special, just asked the staff how they were doing.When the subordinate replied that it was going well, Panasonic would say again: Very good, I hope you will work hard.In this way, the subordinates who received the call often felt the trust and value of the president for themselves, and their spirits were lifted.Under the influence of the Pygmalion effect, many people work hard and gradually grow into outstanding talents. After all, 70% of people's potential is dormant.

Charles Scooper, the first president selected by Carnegie, the American steel magnate, said: "I think that my ability to inspire employees is the greatest asset I have. And the way to make a person play to the best , is appreciation and encouragement. Nothing kills one's ambitions more than a boss's criticism... I am in favor of encouraging others to work. That is why I am eager to praise and hate to find fault. If I like anything, it is that I am sincere in praise, Wider than praise. I have met many great men all over the world, and I have yet to find anyone—no matter how great or how high—does his job better when he is not praised than when he is criticized. Work harder." Scoble's creed is exactly the same as Carnegie's.It is precisely because both are good at motivating and appreciating their employees that their steel empire has been firmly established.

Motivation is especially important when subordinates make mistakes.The American oil tycoon Rockefeller's assistant, Bate Ford, once lost 40% of the company's investment in South America due to operational mistakes.Bateford was about to be scolded, but Rockefeller patted him on the shoulder and said: It is all thanks to your good handling, you have saved so much investment for us, and you have done such a good job, which has exceeded our expectations.The assistant who was praised for his failure later achieved great success for the company and became the backbone of the company.

The king of invention, Edison, was expelled from primary school for only three months when he was a child. The reason was "mental retardation". However, Edison's mother firmly believed that his child would never be a fool. She often said to Edison: "You must be smarter than others. I firmly believe in this, so you must insist on reading by yourself.” Edison was encouraged by his mother, and through unremitting efforts, he became a great inventor. The electric lights, movies, and tape recorders we enjoy today all benefit from Edison The invention of Edison benefited from the magical power produced by Edison's mother inadvertently using the Pygmalion expectation effect.

Tolstoy said: "Praise not only has a huge effect on people's feelings, but also on people's reason. Under this pleasant influence, I feel that I am smarter. All kinds of ideas, with unusual Speed ​​connections flooded my brain.

James said: "The deepest principle of human nature is to want others to impose common sense on themselves.

The deepest longing in human nature is admiration.As long as everyone can be enthusiastically expected and affirmed, they can get the desired effect.Managers should and must appreciate your subordinates, and regard appreciation as a need in the work of subordinates.Praising subordinates will make them feel happy, work more actively, and reward you with better work results. Why not do it!

The Rosentha effect embodies the power of suggestion, and it is also summarized as: "If you say you can, you can do it, and if you can't, you can do it; if you say you can't, you can't, and you can't do it."

Psychology class:
1. An ordinary compliment can sometimes change a person's life.

2. An inadvertent irony or sarcasm can sometimes ruin a person's life.

3. Sincere praise and approval is the best recognition and emphasis on the value of employees.

The Catfish Effect—Let Employees Have a Sense of Urgency and Crisis
The catfish effect is to take a means or measure to stimulate some enterprises to become active and enter the market to actively participate in competition, thereby activating the same industry enterprises in the market.Its essence is a kind of negative incentive and the secret to activate the workforce.

(End of this chapter)

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