Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 104 The Arrogant and Arrogant Team

Chapter 104 The Arrogant and Arrogant Team

"Ye Shen, Overlord, Basket King, Victory King, Primordial Power!"

Looking at the ID on the opposite side, Tang Xiaohu was struck by thunder. This Dongjiang Normal University team is also known as the Dark Blue Sword. It is probably because he has read too many fantasy novels. The name is called Domineering, but he does not know how strong That's it.

But the last bronze medalist should be able to resist himself for a while.

As the captain of the arrogant needle team, Tang Xiaohu is really worthy of anyone without the worry of doping testing.

Fight the barbarian king! 666
In Dasha's live broadcast room, seeing Tang Xiaohu sacrifice such a hero, the fans were overjoyed and began to tear up B happily.

"Arrogant Tang is strong, and he likes to climb over the wall when fighting barbarian kings!"

"Look what kind of kings are on the opposite side, my barbarian king is the king!"

"666, let the barbarian king fly for a while, look at the ID on the other side, it's really funny!"

Today, the fans in the live broadcast room have discovered that the current college students are so talented.

Look at Ye Shen, Overlord, Basket King, Victory King, and what kind of prehistoric power came out in the end!
Everything will be beaten and crushed by our barbarian king!

But it's hard to say!
Aside from the joy, some fans raised their concerns. The Deep Blue Sword college student team on the other side is very professional at first glance, and they all choose popular heroes from the current version.

But on the other hand, looking at the arrogant team, this nima can see the air of hanging silk at a glance. They are so awesome. The temper of the bronze team has not changed at all.

Arrogant and generous: the power of the top laner Demacia!

Arrogant Dasu: Mid laner Lux!
Arrogant Datang: Fight the Barbarian King!

Arrogance: ADC Ice Shooter!

Arrogant King: Assist Lulu!

This isn't like a professional game at all, it's definitely better than a passerby game!
Let's go!
As soon as he entered Summoner's Canyon, Tang Xiaohu clicked Whirlwind directly. As a bronze player, how can he not be self-willed!
Turn the wall, over the wall!
Following the established general policy, Tang Xiaohu drifted all the way towards the opponent's wild area.

In this battle, it is not only necessary to show the momentum of the arrogant team, but also to show the demeanor of the arrogant team.

"Nimma, what do these guys on the other side want to do?"

After 3 minutes, the basketball king couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but complained.

As the slam dunk master of the school basketball team, Zhang Zhenlian has always been tough on others, but today the kid on the opposite side is as fierce as if he has taken drugs, and his frontal toughness is endless.

Team Ye gave the order to die, and he must not act rashly before finding out the real situation on the other side.

You must know that this arrogant team has never been seen before, and it is from the champion university Dongda, so it is likely to be a dark horse.

I play!

Tang Xiaohu swung at him again with a Whirlwind Slash, causing the opponent to drop chicken feathers all over the road in shock, and then Tang Xiaohu left gracefully.

your sister!
Not to mention this bunch of overlords, god kings and other Dongjiang Normal University teams, even the fans in the live broadcast room were also thundered by the arrogant team!

"666, as expected of a team that came out of bronze, what a wretched comparison by Brother Arrogant!"

"If you talk about arrogance, then Huaguo Dongjiang is looking for arrogance!"

"At this moment, I can especially understand how anxious the other side is!"

The fans in the live broadcast room were all overjoyed. This arrogant brother obviously used rogue tactics to kill the enemy's fighting spirit and undermine their confidence.

As long as they can't stabilize, they will almost lose.


Xueli caressed his forehead, and there was a trace of helplessness on his beautiful face. This Wang Congcong paid a lot of money to invite him here, just to show himself such a suspenseful look?

Just as everyone was discussing, the good news of Summoner Canyon's first kill finally came.

who is it?

The fans in the live broadcast room hurriedly cut out the replay to see who the results belong to!

The No. [-] fan of the super local tyrant Dasha rewards the three super cruise ships of the anchor Xueli Goddess!

Super God Hao Dasha Brother No. 99 fans reward anchor Xueli Goddess [-] big rockets

Accompanied by this first kill, the local tyrants in the live broadcast room got the chance and quickly came out to perform again.


Looking at the mountains of rewards, Dasha couldn't help but feel pain in his ass. These bastards specially changed their ID to please Xueli MM, and trampled themselves firmly.

Brother Dasha gritted his teeth in anger, but he was helpless.

"Be careful, the opponent's tactics are dragging oil bottles!"

Ye Yongheng's complexion sank, and he remembered a long-standing legend, which was told to him by a top senior in the industry when he first came into contact with LOL.

The epee has no front, and the big tricks don't work!
The simpler something is, the more terrifying energy it contains!

This bronze team from Dongda University is definitely not easy!
The economic gap is overtaken!
Overlord Kong Gaoyuan's complexion changed, and he often played table tennis, which made him proficient in various calculations, and he could be called the brain of the Deep Blue Sword team.

But at this moment, he had a calculation in his mind, and his expression changed drastically.

The opponent seems to be fooling around for no reason, and the team economy completely crushes their own side.

Although the gap is not that big, it's only been 6 minutes since the start!
In the battle of masters, there was a slight difference and a thousand miles of error, Kong Gaoyuan suddenly felt chills in his heart.

I'm afraid I'll meet my opponent today!
It's a big deal to be tough!
Winning King Zhang Yongsheng is a sports student. The high-intensity exercise on weekdays has developed a fiery temper, and he will do it when he disagrees.

"Okay, do it!"

Fu Yuanhui, the power of prehistoric times, immediately agreed, it's been a long time to endure this arrogant team on the opposite side!

"Fuck, they're coming up!"

Zhang Yongsheng let out an exclamation, and broke out his extreme hand speed, desperately trying to compete with the arrogant team on the opposite side.


The others couldn't bear it anymore, and they took out the strongest attacks one after another.

be cheated!
Tang Xiaohu was overjoyed, and fought with the arrogant needle team to let you know why the flowers are so popular!

"Brothers, overthrow them!"

Wang Congcong couldn't help it either. After playing the rhythm for so long, the opponent finally fell into the pit. This time, he flew in front of the goddess Xueli.

As a rich second generation, Wang Congcong shamelessly turned his love to the goddess Xueli after missing Li Daxiaohua.

Here we can only wish him well!
Five kills!

Destroy the group!






With the earth-shattering sound of Summoner's Canyon.

The five members of the Deep Blue Sword team were shocked, and they swear one after another!

When the team really started, the five kings of Dongjiang Normal University knew the horror of the bronze team on the opposite side.

This is so full of strong control, and all of them are so precise!

Victory king Zhang Yongsheng was turned into a lamb in Summoner's Canyon by Lulu, and his innocent and cute face was shown with blood!

Arrogant Dasu bound the two with a confinement technique. Looking at the characters standing guard in Summoner's Canyon, the basketball king Zhang Zhenlian and the overlord Kong Gaoyuan instantly fell into a state of confusion.

Fu Yuanhui, the power of the wild, directly expressed his powerlessness in the face of the huge arrow of Hanbing girl.

What kind of strength are these opponents?

The only one who escaped the control skills, Ye Shen Ye Yongheng, could only send his chrysanthemum to five hungry men!

Dongda's arrogant acupuncture team is so abnormally powerful!

All the fans in Dasha's studio were shocked!

The students of Dongjiang Normal University at the scene were also shocked!

Fighting in the local area, taking advantage of the right time, place and people, the Dongjiang Normal University team was directly shaved bald.

This man was thrown to grandma's house!
Only the members of the arrogant team are still developing the economy in a chic and calm manner.

The acupuncture technique of the old Taoist priest is very effective, who knows who uses it!
"Hold on, we still have a chance!"

As the core of the team, Ye Yongheng is always in the most stable core of each storm, bar none.

"Any more?"

As the team's strongest brain, Kong Gaoyuan had a bitter look on his face.

The awareness is not bad, but the economy is not good, and the hand speed can't keep up.

What kind of medicine did this group of people on the opposite side take?

In this game, there is no one who is aggrieved!
(End of this chapter)

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