Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 106 The Blind Man's Showdown

Chapter 106 The Blind Man's Showdown

"Hi everyone, I am Earth is Eternity, nice to meet you all!"

On the public screen, a sentence suddenly popped up and was immediately pinned to the top.

The fans in Dasha Brother's live broadcast room went crazy. They were not unhappy that this earth is eternity did not show their true colors, and they were not worried that someone would impersonate.

This ID is already a legend!

Super god, I love Dasha, reward anchor Dasha, super cruise ship with 6 seats!
Super big local tyrant, I love Dasha + 1 tip to reward anchor Dasha 999 big rockets!

The super local tyrant Xueli my love tipped the anchor Dasha brother 555 Ferraris!

Accompanied by dazzling light effects, luxury cruise ships, big rockets, and red Ferraris drove past on the screen, constantly detonating the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

Both sides enter the ban selection time!
Brother Dasha was also completely high, his voice was hoarse, and he directly entered the final stage.

That's right, this game is a rare solo game in Summoner's Canyon.

The captain of the arrogant team, the arrogant Datang, will face the mysterious strongman who is number one in the Warring States server, and the earth is eternity!
This is Brother Dasha's agent, Zhao Zhi, another top-level sponsorship for Dasha Brother after Xueli MM.

For this reason, Zhao Zhi was about to lose his money.

But the effect is also obvious. The local tyrants in the live broadcast room have almost never stopped giving rewards, and they have been pouring down like rain.

Blind Hate VS Blind Hate!

Looking at the heroes selected by both sides, the fans in the live broadcast room went into a state of rampage again.

SOLO is generally carried out on the center line of the five-player battle map Summoner's Canyon, whichever is the first blood or one more head.

But the two people in front of them actually chose the most difficult wild area SOLO, which is worth seeing now!
The wild area SOLO is based on the field below the middle pawn line and above the bottom pawn line as the battlefield, and a life-and-death killing is carried out.

Games start!
Both sides have entered the Summoner's Canyon. As a bronze player, Tang Xiaohu willfully chose the flash and punishment talents, which is enough to see his arrogance.

As for the earth is eternity, the mysterious No. [-] powerhouse in the national server chose the talent of igniting and punishing.

This is the standard configuration for junglers, and it is very rigorous at first glance.

The solo of the strong VS the strong made the fans in the live broadcast room hold their breath, and wanted to watch this peak battle quietly.

Of these two people, one is an extremely arrogant and extremely popular rookie in the team, and the other is the number one player in the national uniform admired by everyone.

This duel is full of highlights!
As soon as the game started, Tang Xiaohu aggressively invaded the opponent's wild area. As a player who rose up in the bronze round, Tang Xiaohu didn't know what fear was.

A white light kicked out from Papa Lan's bushes and hit Tang Xiaohu's blind man.

It is the earth that is the eternal sky sound wave!
The fans in the live broadcast room gasped, this arrogant Tang was really too arrogant.

Could this solo be over like this?Such a question popped up in everyone's mind.

"Follow the trace and kick back!"

Brother Dasha jumped up directly, roaring excitedly, startling the fans in the live broadcast room!
Taking a closer look, the fans in the live broadcast room were surprised to find that at some point, the earth that is eternal hiding in the grass also had a fatal halo around him.

This arrogant Tang, the speed of his hand and his consciousness are as fast as the comparison.

"666, the arrogant Tang Dynasty is really arrogant, and the warriors of the land are also strong. If the two powers compete for hegemony, who is stronger, and when they meet the strong, they will be the strongest!"

"If you want to ask who is stronger in e-sports, Hua Guodong will look for Arrogance!"

Seeing that the two sides played a wonderful blow, the jokers in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back anymore, and started waves of explosive joke attacks, and the fans who watched it were very happy.

"But why didn't they kick it over?"

Some fans with slightly inferior skills couldn't understand the doorway inside, and asked depressed questions.

These two are undoubtedly top players, but after giving each other a fatal halo, instead of choosing a two-stage kick, they both retreated.

The operation of the great god, I really don't understand it!

"There's a complicated algorithm involved in this. Anyway, whoever kicks over first will inevitably suffer more damage, and it's safe to get a blood!"

"Yeah, although the Arrogant Tang Dynasty did not bring the ignition, it must be hurt, but with the flash in hand, the earth may not have a chance to be ignited by the Arrogant Datang, so this risk cannot be taken!"

There are fans of the strongest rank in the live broadcast room, who have studied this very well and gave the answer directly.

Oh ~
The fan who asked the question seemed to understand, but completely understood why he had always been in the bronze pit and couldn't get up no matter what.

This stupid calculation is too old for others!

These days, you have to use your brain for everything!

A blood!

You have been killed!

While the fans in the live broadcast room were discussing enthusiastically, the two of them had quickly upgraded to level three, and a wave of strong PK broke out!

It was another trace-following fight, but this time both sides did not hide, and directly chose to be tough.

Arrogant Datang used flash to avoid a wave of W damage.

The Earth is Eternal Ignition set adds a lot of damage.

Kill each other!

The fans in the live broadcast instantly boiled over. As expected of a top player, although they have different talents, their strength is definitely the same.

This wave of confrontation is evenly divided, and the fierce battle continues!
Kill each other!

Kill each other!

Kill each other!

Kill each other!

Kill each other!

After experiencing the first trial, the two of them directly started the rampage storm in Summoner's Canyon.

Every bush and every wild monster has been carefully utilized!
Eye-catching battles are staged everywhere in the river course and little dragons.

The two fell into killing mode completely, desperately competing with each other!

There is a battle of IQ and a competition of operation!
Accompanied by the sound effects of killing, the two of them were surrounded by a dark halo of killing.

The outcome is undecided, and the war cannot stop!
"666, the battle of the super local tyrants of the century is really exciting, rewarding the 88-seat super cruise ship of the anchor Dasha!"

"666, Super Shenhao is wonderful and rewards the anchor Dasha brother with 188 big rockets!"


All of a sudden, the fans in the live broadcast room were all excited.

In this era, what is needed is blood and passion!
Arrogant Datang did it!
The Earth Is Eternal has done the same!

Two people come and go, fist to head, staged a blood and flesh contest.

There is no dullness of high-end games, only bloody splendor.

There is no temptation of you coming and going, only desperate fighting again and again!

Even the Goddess Xueli was infected by the explosive fighting atmosphere, she couldn't help but danced in Mei Mei's figure, silently applauding for the duel of the strongest.

This is the demeanor of the first national service!
This is the true strength of the arrogant Datang!

6000 million!
The popularity of Dasha Brother's live broadcast room has reached a jaw-dropping peak again!

And it's not an accident!

In the backstage of Fat Fish's live broadcast, the old chairman excitedly smashed an LCD computer screen.

But not only did he not feel distressed, nor did he have any scruples about the dripping blood, on the contrary he looked excited.

Starting today, Fat Fish finally has its own resident legendary anchor!
Fat fish will be the only fat fish in the family!

(End of this chapter)

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