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Chapter 114 Shocking the Ancient Martial Arts Circle

Chapter 114 Shocking the Ancient Martial Arts Circle (Part [-])
"Senior, do you want to give me a present?"

Mr. Yu was surprised. Originally, Tang Xiaohu's participation in this auction had already given him great face, but unexpectedly, the senior also brought a congratulatory gift.

"Bring the tea set."

Tang Xiaohu's face was full of mystery, as if he deliberately pressed the answer to the last to reveal it.

"Go, get my best purple dragon cloud sand pot."

Mr. Yu immediately ordered his subordinates to bring over his beloved Zilongyun sand pot.

This purple dragon cloud sand pot can be regarded as a rare treasure, it was bought by Mr. Yu from the antique market by accident in his early years, and it has extraordinary efficacy.

"Purple Dragon Cloud Sand Pot? This is Mr. Yu's most beloved treasure!"

"I heard that this purple dragon cloud sand pot can nourish true energy, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

"Mr. Yu has really lost his blood this time. He actually attaches so much importance to this senior!"

"Although senior is so young, I'm afraid he has already reached the realm of a master in martial arts!"

People around talked a lot, obviously they were very curious about what gifts Tang Xiaohu could offer.

From these conversations, Tang Xiaohu roughly understood the division of power in the ancient martial arts world today.

Those who have just cultivated true qi are called disciples, and they are the most basic state.

Afterwards, those who can skillfully control the true energy and use it proficiently so as to have a certain strength are the realm of warriors.

After that, the real energy will continue to grow, and the combat power will also increase greatly. If you are lucky enough to be able to overcome the shackles of the realm, you will be able to reach the realm of the venerable.

If you are in the Venerable Realm, you are qualified to become a powerful party!
In the ancient martial arts world, the existence of the Venerable Realm is already rare. Basically, there are only a few in each ancient martial arts family, and they are generally the existence of the elders.

As for the more profound guru realm, it has reached the realm where flying flowers and falling leaves can hurt people.

In this realm, one has reached the level of listening to the heavens, can freely control the true energy, and merge with the heaven and the earth.

To put it bluntly, the division of strength in the ancient martial arts world is disciple-warrior-sovereign-grandmaster!


Hearing this, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help being secretly shocked in his heart. According to what they said, wouldn't it be possible for a master to rival him.

No wonder Mr. Yu said that he was a master when they met for the first time. Didn't he show off his kung fu of flying flowers and picking fallen leaves at that time?

And Tang Xiaohu knew from their mouths that this Ye Xiu looked like he was in the late stage of the Warrior Realm, but because of the bonus of his family's skills, his combat power was also quite powerful.

Absolutely capable of crushing the Venerable Realm of these small families present.

Now that he knows the division of strength, Tang Xiaohu will be much easier to handle.

Qi technique!
Tang Xiaohu used the word "Wang" in the Qi Xing Technique, swept it across the crowd, and immediately saw the difference in strength.

Mr. Yu should have just stepped into the Warrior Realm not long ago, while Ye Xiu was already in the late Warrior Realm, looking like he was about to step into the Venerable Realm anytime.

This is the horror of the family background!
There was a difference of more than 40 years, but Ye Xiu, a young man, surpassed Yu Chun by a lot.

However, in my hands today, all this will be reversed!

Tang Xiaohu was so ambitious that he picked up the Zilongyun sand pot that he handed over.

Tang Xiaohu was a little surprised, this purple dragon cloud sand pot was actually a low-level magic weapon, but the magic circle on it was incomplete, and only a little vitality remained at this moment, which made this purple dragon cloud sand pot have all kinds of miraculous effects.


Tang Xiaohu was startled, the people in front of him didn't know what to do, but he knew it.

It seems that there really is an inheritance from the fairy world in this world!
Now a grandmaster in the ancient martial arts world can even fight with him, and the real fairy will not be finished when he comes.

It seems that we must be careful in the future!

"This is the gift I want to give you!"

Tang Xiaohu took out the handful of Xianwu tea wrapped in newspaper from his pocket.

"What is this, I have the best Dahongpao for tea!"

"Yeah, what good is such a little tea, I have plenty of tea!"

"Don't worry, take a look and talk, senior has his own deep meaning."

Seeing that Tang Xiaohu actually took out such a crude tea, and there were so few of them, the ancient warriors around couldn't help but start talking about it.

This senior is really picky!
"Tang Xiaohu, I have kung fu tea that nourishes the true energy!"

Ye Xiu also had a face full of ridicule, this Tang Xiaohu really thought that he could show off in the ancient martial arts world after learning two skills.

I don't care about the class gap, but it doesn't mean those aristocratic families don't care.

"Drink slowly, it burns your mouth!"

Tang Xiaohu didn't care about the suspicious eyes around him at all. From Ye Xiu's reaction, he knew that Wen Zheyuan might never have regarded himself as an opponent. This was contempt from the class level.

but it does not matter!
From now on, I will step by step startle the eyeballs of all those who look down on me.

"Zi Liu~"

Seeing what Tang Xiaohu said was true, Yu Chun half-believingly picked up the teacup, tried to take a sip, and slowly savored it in his mouth.

This is also the correct way to drink tea!
"How about it?"

Everyone looked at Yu Chun eagerly, wanting to see his reaction.

Even Ye Xiu looked eager to try, this Tang Xiaohu was really good at bragging, let's see how he got slapped in the face.

"Damn it, it's so fucking delicious!"

Yu Chun's eyes widened, as if he had drunk something incredible.

Nima, is it really so delicious?
Strong doubts arose in everyone's hearts, and even with Yu Chun's calmness, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He even burst out with foul language in public, which shocked the eyes of all the ancient warriors.

Is this still the highly respected old man Yu?

Yu Chun couldn't stop at all, and directly started to swallow the tea in his hand, not caring that it was a cup of boiling hot tea.

Three seconds!
Yu Chun swallowed a whole cup of hot tea, what's even more exaggerated is that he even swallowed the tea leaves!


Is it that delicious?Everyone looked skeptical, this Yu Chun couldn't be deliberately praising this senior, right?

This cost is too big!

Mr. Yu stroked his stomach excitedly, with a look of unsatisfactory expression on his face, he spit out a mouthful of foul breath.

What the hell!

The surrounding ancient martial arts masters were all shocked, and with the opening of Old Master Yu's mouth, a long white wave of true energy spewed out from his mouth.

Exhale into waves!

This is the strength that can only be possessed by the Venerable Realm!
"Puff~ bang~!"

While everyone was in shock, Mr. Yu's stomach suddenly trembled, followed by a loud fart.

Too Nima stinks!
All the ancient martial arts masters couldn't take it anymore, and ran out of the auction hall as if fleeing.


Mr. Yu's stomach kept growling, with a constipated look on his face.

Finally, old man Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and ran into the inner room holding his stomach.


The early stage of the Venerable Realm is a small Ruyi Realm!
Seeing Mr. Yu reappearing, everyone could stuff a duck egg with their mouths open.

In this martial arts, each realm is divided into three stages, namely the initial Xiaoruyi realm, the middle stage mellow realm, and the later stage Dzogchen realm.

Mr. Yu appeared in front of everyone again, already in a brand new Tang suit.

But that's not the point. The point is that old man Yu is vigorous and full of energy at the moment, and he looks at least ten years younger.

The aura she released while walking around at will is already the realm of Xiaoruyi in the early stage of the Venerable Realm.

"Three flowers gather at the top!"

Another expert in the ancient martial arts discovered something important, and everyone hurriedly looked over Mr. Yu's head.


Everyone looked up at the top of Mr. Yu's head, and couldn't help swearing together.

What happened today is one shock after another. After so many years in the ancient martial arts world, everyone has seen what is called a miracle this time!
In the past, there were miracles with great strength, but this time it was senior Xiaohu who performed miracles!

I saw the white air rising slowly above Mr. Yu's head, forming three smallpox three inches above Mr. Yu's head.

Three flowers gather at the top, this damn is a sign of going to the middle stage of the Venerable Realm, and even the later Dzogchen Realm!
Everyone looked at Tang Xiaohu like a monster!

(End of this chapter)

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