Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 123 Taishang Laojun's deceitful plan

Chapter 123 Taishang Laojun's deceitful plan (third update)

"So you are such an old gentleman!"

After the Taishang Laojun babbled for a long time, Tang Xiaohu finally understood.

It turns out that this old-fashioned old man is planning for a rainy day!

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed between immortals and mortals, and the control of the immortal world over the mortal world has been weaker than ever.

According to Taishang Laojun, Tang Xiaohu is now the spokesperson of the immortal world in the mortal world, responsible for communicating with the immortal world and the mortal world, laying a solid foundation for the future reunion of immortals and mortals.

To put it simply, it is for Tang Xiaohu to vigorously develop in the mortal world and strive to gain a huge influence.

"It's easy!"

Tang Xiaohu was overjoyed, the Taishang Laojun, an old man with a nose and a nose, thought of going with him.

In fact, even if he doesn't say anything, he still wants to develop vigorously.

Getting rich and becoming well-off is the dream of me, a farmer college student, for a long time.

But it's different now, I represent the heaven and the fairy world, the nature of this is quite different.

This business can't be done in vain, and the spokesperson still has to charge endorsement fees. Does the Heavenly Court need to provide some support funds?


Taishang Laojun was a little confused, and found that he had spared himself into the pit after a long time.

At the beginning, he praised this big boss of the fairy world too much. Isn't it an honor for mortals to do things for the heavens?
"Under the rules of the Dao of Heaven, the Heavenly Court cannot directly provide assistance.

How about this, boss, from now on, whatever you snatch from the Immortal Realm chat group will be yours.

Then I will try my best to give you a discount when you buy things on Taobao in Immortal World, this is the biggest discount that Heavenly Court can give you! "

Taishang Laojun has an internal wound on his face, you don't know how this chaotic fairy net fell on such a mortal, it is good or bad.

But this fairy world boss is a profiteer, that is beyond doubt.


Tang Xiaohu is also very painful, what do you think this is all about.

Do you want to take back the red envelopes you snatched?

But people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. In case the old man Taishang Laojun really takes back Alipay from the fairy world, he probably has no future.

"make a deal!"

So the first meeting between the immortal and mortal realms reached a consensus and cooperation without both sides taking advantage.

After the cooperation was concluded, the two sides exchanged the basic situation in a friendly manner.

Tang Xiaohu was very curious about today's fairy world, and after chasing after the Taishang Laojun, he finally learned a lot.

In fact, the current fairyland is similar to that in Journey to the West and Fengshen Bang, but now it is the calendar of heaven, and some old gods in the previous cut and explain teachings are no longer there.

As for the situation of the earth, Tang Xiaohu only vaguely revealed a few words, introduced his basic situation, and didn't say much about the rest.

After all, in this era where information is king, I am the only half-immortal who has mastered the information of the earth. There are many places where the old master is begging for himself.

If you pay less now, you can earn more in the future!

"Xiaohu, to the immortals in the heavenly court, I will help you get around, don't reveal your mortal identity for now, the time is not yet ripe.

God knows this matter, you know me, okay? "

Although Taishang Laojun hated Tang Xiaohu so much, he really had to support him.

Now is far from the time to reveal Tang Xiaohu's identity!
The reunion of immortals is destined to be a major event across the ages. Taishang Laojun must think through every step before he can be honest with the immortals in the immortal world, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

no problem!
Tang Xiaohu naturally agreed to this with all his heart. If he let those immortals, Buddhas, Taoists and demons know that he is a mortal, he might not be able to grab the red envelope happily.

In order to be able to continue grabbing red envelopes, I should choose to hide the fact that I am a mortal.

After the two agreed on the details, they returned to the Immortal Realm chat group together.

At this time, the Immortal Realm chat group has been @不出仙界大少人, and it's almost utterly noisy.

Some gods even said that they would go to the border of Tianwaitian, please go back to the roaring dog, trace the source, and see who this fairy world boss is.

Taishang Laojun @All Immortals, Buddhas, Daos, Ghosts, Ghosts: Quiet, I have something to say.

Don't say it!
Taishang Laojun is a bull. He has always been @everyone when he came out, but the effect is also great. The originally noisy chat group in the fairy world immediately quieted down. The group of immortals is like a good baby, waiting for Taishang Laojun Your teacher lectures.

Tang Xiaohu had no choice but to accept the bullishness of Taishang Laojun.

"Old Monarch, is there any news about that Chaos Strange Beast?"

Seeing that the group was quiet, the Jade Emperor asked respectfully.

The Taishang Laojun is the incarnation of Daode Tianzun, the chief disciple of the ancestor Hongjun, and his seniority is a few generations higher than the Jade Emperor.

In order to show respect for the rule of the Heavenly Court, the Taishang Laojun played a role similar to the general counsel in the Heavenly Court.

But its status is so lofty that even the Jade Emperor must respect him and dare not be disrespectful.

"Everyone, don't panic, the boss of the fairy world is not what everyone thinks, you can rest assured to get acquainted.

Its status is respected but special, but my old gentleman can guarantee that his status is worry-free! "

"Why is Laojun guaranteeing for the big boss of the fairy world? It seems that this big boss of the fairy world is really a great person!"

"That's right, the old gentleman is a moral god, and he was the leader of the older generation before he became a god. What he said is credible!"

"It seems that this big boss in the fairy world is not well-known, and he is probably a great god at the same time as Laojun. Otherwise, why would he have so many magical methods!"

"Brother, you are right, but most of the great gods of the older generation mysteriously disappeared with the eternal separation of immortals. Could it be that this immortal boss knows the reason for the separation of immortals?"

As soon as Laojun's words fell, the chat group in the fairy world was full of discussions, and various versions of guesses came out all of a sudden.

But there is one point of argument that everyone is surprisingly unanimous, and Laojun can guarantee that he must be a great figure in the fairy world.

"So the boss is such a boss!"

Hong Haier's face was full of regret, feeling that he might lose a thick leg for his momentary recklessness.


The armor-piercing monster hid behind the fairy machine, and wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist in the first place.

If he was fooled by the boss of the fairy world just now when he was clamoring in the group, he would not be sprayed into scum at this moment.

It seems that in the future, when the big guys come to the store to spend, there will only be more discounts, not the best discounts.

"Is it the boss of the fairy world?"

In the distant Guanghan Palace, a cool and beautiful figure sat on the railing, staring at the chattering chat group in the fairy world, thoughtful.

"The boss of the fairy world!"

The Jade Emperor let out a heavy breath and remembered the unique name.

He always had an inexplicable premonition that the blue sky of the three worlds would cause waves because of this unique ID.

All of a sudden, because of the boss of the fairy world, the chat group in the fairy world was very lively and lively.

(End of this chapter)

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