Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 127 Contemptuous Little Eyes

Chapter 127 Contemptuous Little Eyes
Tang Xiaohu first asked the school for a week's leave. As the current figure in the campus of Dongda University, the teacher definitely gave Tang Xiaohu the green light all the way.

Then he reported to Senior Colonel Li for some money, and in exchange for a big sanitation ball by Senior Colonel Li, Tang Xiaohu set off contentedly.

On a whim, Tang Xiaohu wanted to try Xiaobai's ability, so he strolled all the way to the edge of the city.


Released Xiaobai from the treasure bag, ignored its humiliating eyes, threw Xiaohe onto its back, and straddled it himself.

This is how the earth debut of the first fairy beast mount under modern technology kicked off.

Masked Man!
After running in the mountains and jungles for a while, Tang Xiaohu, who was not satisfied with the speed, directly pulled out a towel to cover his head, turned into a masked man, and drove Xiaobai onto the highway.

This expressway runs through the entire territory of Dongjiang, is the main artery in the province, and passes through Heshui County.

From this expressway, you can reach Heshui County in two hours.


Zhou Yuhang is an out-and-out rich second generation, but he has some special hobbies.

First, he doesn't like to pick up girls, and second, he doesn't like to spend money. His only hobby is the game that can make the adrenaline soar - racing!

But the ordinary racing track can no longer accommodate his wild heart!
Today, Zhou Yuhang and a group of brothers drove their luxury car onto the Dongjiang Expressway.

Zhou Yuhang's car is a Lamborghini Daniel, a super-powerful supercar with a top speed of 500 miles per hour.

The limit speed is comparable to that of an airplane, and the roaring sound waves can easily make other people's supercars eat dirt all the way.

"Beyond them!"

As soon as he entered the Dongjiang Expressway, Zhou Yuhang's passion began to burn, the accelerator was opened to the maximum, and in an instant it soared to more than 200, easily leaving other vehicles far away.

"How about it?"

Staring at the alluring racing girl on the co-driver as if showing off, Zhou Yuhang had a smug expression on his face.

Although she is not a womanizer, the beauty Xiangche has always been the best stimulant for burning passion.

Zhou Yuhang frowned, his face slightly worried.

On weekdays, this voluptuous racing girl should have an adoring look on her face, and she would rush forward to hold her arm, and couldn't help coquettishly praising: "Brother Yuhang, you are so good."

Although Zhou Yuhang didn't like it, this kind of compliment was indispensable.

This is a recognition of one's own strength!

But today, the little hoof was staring at the rearview mirror with a suspicious expression on his face, not paying attention to himself at all.

This Nima script should not be like this!

"Did you encounter a strong opponent?"

Zhou Yu likes passion, but that doesn't mean he's a fool, on the contrary, he's calm and terrifying.


But looking back through the rearview mirror, Zhou Yuhang, who was as calm as Zhou Yuhang, couldn't hold back no matter what, and sweared directly.

In the rearview mirror, a creature like a white dragon horse, with a person riding on it, quickly followed up.

"Such a fast horse?"

Zhou Yuhang was shocked, as if he couldn't accept the reality. His speed was already close to 300 mph.

What kind of horse is this!He ran all the way to catch up.

This speed, even if it is 400 miles!

been ignored!

The big white horse passed in front of Zhou Yuhang's super luxurious car Daniel, and the rider on that horse didn't even look at Zhou Yu's Daniel.

This is the inevitable result!
Riding a cool chaotic beast, no one would have the slightest interest in this steel sports car.

But what made Zhou Yuhang depressed was not this, but a fat, round little dirt dog lying lazily on the back of the white horse.

The earth dog looked calm, with a wide mouth, no matter how you looked at that dog mouth, it was an expression of contempt.

What was even more exaggerated was that when the white horse passed by his sports car, it glanced at Zhou Yuhang lazily and leisurely.

The two eyes were completely out of focus, as if telling Zhou Yuhang nakedly: You are so despised!
Then he left Zhou Yuhang with a snow-white rear, and walked away.

Please forgive Zhou Yuhang's poor eyesight, he can't even tell the difference between a mythical beast and a white horse.


Zhou Yuhang could no longer suppress the irritability in his heart, and suddenly turned on the nitrogen accelerator.

This can still make a dog and a horse despise today, and this matter must be recovered no matter what.

Zhou Yuhang doesn't need to care about other things, but on the track, Zhou Yuhang will definitely be king!
320 miles!
350 miles!
400 miles!

The extreme speed made the alluring girl on the co-pilot scream in horror.

The limit speed of these supercars is the speed in the theoretical state of the laboratory, and no one dares to run at such a speed.

But today Zhou Yuhang relied on the nitrogen gas accelerator to accelerate crazily, and wanted to compete with this white horse.

"Teasing you?"

Tang Xiaohu noticed a roaring sound coming from behind, and turned his head to see that the Lamborghini bull was not very convinced by Xiaobai, and he slowly caught up with a frenzied acceleration.

"Little Bai, don't underestimate your reputation!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was full of excitement. This supercar that he had envied before was not just eating dirt behind his ass now.

This comfort is absolutely indescribable in words.


Xiaobai raised his tail and let out a loud fart.

With the help of this fairy fart bonus from the Chaos Realm, Xiaobai also exploded with absolute speed, and flew out instantly.

"This is too stinky!"

The Lamborghini Daniu with the air circulation turned on was unfortunately hit, and the car was full of unsavory fart smell.

Zhou Yuhang was almost fainted by the smoke, and hurriedly slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped with sparks overflowing.

"Your sister!"

Seeing the white horse galloping away, Zhou Yuhang viciously gave the middle finger to the sky.

This white horse ruined everything with one ass, no matter how powerful it was, Zhou Yu didn't bother to continue competing with him.

"Did you take a picture?"

Zhou Yuhang looked excited, the appearance of this white horse is really strange, and there is such a mysterious knight.

If it is placed in the racing circle, it will definitely be a big news.


The racing girl on the co-pilot had a pained expression on her face and kept retching.

As for the high-definition DV recording Zhou Yuhang's racing demeanor, at this moment, he collapsed on the floor of the passenger seat and was covered by a pile of vomit.


Zhou Yuhang was confused for an instant, but then a trace of firmness appeared on his face.

He had a premonition that this mysterious man and horse would come back sooner or later.

He also has a more powerful car, and then he will compete with this mysterious knight.

On this track, I must be the unique king!
Naturally, Tang Xiaohu didn't know that the young man in the Lamborghini bull who was eating dirt behind him was planning how to take revenge.

He drove Xiaobai to Heshui County in less than an hour.

Except for a contest with that Lamborghini bull at the beginning, Xiaobai has completely become a shadow in the later stage.

Not to mention the surveillance camera, even the moving vehicle, it just swished and felt a gust of wind rushing past.

Then, there is no then!
Arriving in Heshui County, Tang Xiaohu found an unobtrusive place, put away Xiaobai and Xiaohei, and entered Heshui County.

Since Alipay was upgraded, this treasure bag has become Tang Xiaohu's personal storage bag, which is very convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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