Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

"Take some spare!"

With a thought, Tang Xiaohu took out the eight-treasure glass bottle from the Guanyin Bodhisattva's red envelope from the treasure bag.

This eight-treasure glazed vase claims to be able to hold everything, but I am worried that I can't find a use for it, so it just happens to be used.

In fact, Tang Xiaohu didn't know that in the fairy world, it was also the Eight Treasures Glazed Vase that the Bull Demon King used to hold the glue.

There is really nothing more suitable for this kind of glue.


With a thought in Tang Xiaohu's mind, he used the word "suction" in the qi movement technique to form a suction shock with the energy in his body, and move towards the puddle of glue.

The glue filled with tree holes instantly turned into a long dragon and poured into the Eight Treasures Glazed Vase in an instant.

This Eight Treasure Glazed Vase is also really mysterious, it doesn't look big, but it has been filled for a long time without seeing the bottom.

Anyway, the colorful banana tree was still producing this kind of glue, Tang Xiaohu was not polite, and directly scraped off the glue in the tree hole.

Tang Xiaohu learned from the knowledge of cultivating immortals that it is best not to keep this glue in the tree hole, as this will not be conducive to the growth of the colorful banana tree.

Looking at the Eight Treasures Glazed Vase in front of him, Tang Xiaohu was very satisfied.

This kind of joy of the farmer's uncle's harvest is beyond the comprehension of those who have not experienced planting.

Especially Tang Xiaohu's harvest, strictly speaking, is the fruit of the fairy world.

After tidying up the tree hole and putting the brown bark back in place perfectly, Tang Xiaohu began to look at his orchard.

As a result, Tang Xiaohu was full of admiration when he saw it.

During this period of time, the orchard has been well taken care of. Within the planting range of the elementary fairy array, Tang's father and Tang mother planted two more grapes.

You must know that this season is already a bit cold, and it is not a suitable season for planting grapes.

But in this fairy array, due to the existence of aura, it has always maintained the effect of spring like four seasons.

Tang's father and Tang's mother should have discovered this, so they came up with the idea of ​​planting grapes.

In fact, Tang's parents and mothers don't plant these grapes, and Tang Xiaohu doesn't intend to let this precious planting land sit idle.

It is a natural process that the fruit needs to go through when the melon is ripe and the stem falls.

But under the nourishment of the primary fairy array, this effect has been greatly extended.

Folks in Tangjiawan, all the overripe apples fell off and had to be thrown in the fields.

But the apple trees in the primary fairy array, because they are nourished by spiritual energy, the apples hanging high on the branches at this moment are eagerly absorbing the nutrients from the sky and the earth, so they are not willing to drop them.

Even if there were one or two that fell, there was no sign of decay at all, but full of vitality.

Tang's father, Tang's mother and little sister look good, plump and healthy, and it seems that they have eaten the apples here.

Isn't it the greatest pursuit of being a child to make parents healthy and healthy?

Tang Xiaohu, immersed in happiness, had waves of smiles on his face.


Tang Xiaohu, who came back to his senses, waved his hands, and the apples on the tree turned into dragons, all of which were poured into the treasure bag in Tang Xiaohu's mobile phone.

Tang Xiaohu has a brand new plan for these apples!

Of course, Tang Xiaohu didn't collect all of them. He left an apple from the apple tree for Tang's father, mother, and younger sister Tang.

Relatives always occupy the most important position in Tang Xiaohu's heart.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaohu stared at his surroundings and couldn't help frowning.

These things are a bit garish, and we still have to find a way to cover them up.

The villagers in Tangjiawan are simple and kind, and they don't know what to say. What Tang Xiaohu wants to guard against are outsiders.

The range here is not large, and there is no need for an overly powerful deceptive magic circle.The "Fairy Fascination Formation" array that the big-headed ghost once gave him can cover an area of ​​several kilometers, and the layout is extremely expensive.

Therefore, it is better to go to Taobao in the fairy world to find a cheap one.

Thinking in this way, Tang Xiaohu boarded Alipay in Immortal Realm.


Tang Xiaohu didn't waste any time, and directly chose the keyword search.

Fuxi Subduing Demon Formation!

Xiaoxitian 108 Arhat Wandering Dragon Formation!

Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Lost Formation!
Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles Peach Blossom Formation!

Tang Xiaohu couldn't help but salivate when he saw the large formations retrieved.

The names of these large formations will blow the sky away, and the effect will definitely be overwhelming.

It’s just that the price of each one is very touching!

To put it bluntly, Tang Xiaohu couldn't afford one!
"Little Lost Array!"

Tang Xiaohu searched for a long time, and finally his eyes lit up, and he found a magic circle that suits him.

The important thing is that it is not expensive, the price is only 299999 merits!


But when he saw the producer, Tang Xiaohu's face instantly ached, and he felt like his chrysanthemum was tightening.

This producer is actually a barefoot fairy!
Tang Xiaohu had an ominous premonition for a moment, and quickly looked through the details of the pictures and texts.


Produced by Barefoot Daxian, it must be a masterpiece!
Little Lost Formation: The barefooted fairy turned into a big man who ran away in the three worlds. One day, he met a Taohuawu and saw a beautiful fairy in the dock.

The barefoot fairy immediately picked his feet and turned into a male god, and entered Taohuawu to chase after the fairy.

Helplessly, there is a very powerful ancient ecstasy formation in Taohuawu.

In the end, the barefoot fairy didn't catch up with her, but she had an epiphany and created the little ecstasy formation.

The array works at a distance of 100 meters, and can effectively cover land, sea and air three-dimensionally. It is a must-have god-level array for traveling at home, killing people and stealing goods!

Service life: one year, it needs to be supplemented with jade flakes before it can continue to be used.

A big man who picks his feet becomes a god?
God-level magic circle?

Tang Xiaohu's face hurt, this barefoot fairy is really barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, he can boast.

If you sell a god-level magic circle for 30 yuan, it will be a Chinese cabbage!


But there is really no better choice, Tang Xiaohu can only choose this little ecstasy array produced by the Barefoot Immortal.


Although this barefoot fairy is bragging, he is still reliable. He knows what kind of group his little ecstasy formation is facing, and each set of small ecstasy formations is equipped with five disc guides.

This disc guide is actually a small piece of jade pendant, which can help the wearer to move unimpeded in the small ecstasy formation.


Tang Xiaohu directly chose the small ecstasy formation in the treasure bag, and immediately arranged it after extracting it.

With a soft sound, a stack of jade flakes appeared in Tang Xiaohu's hand, with five small jade pieces on it, and a Ruyi statue engraved on the jade, which looked very auspicious.

Along with the appearance of this piece of jade, a formation formula appeared in Tang Xiaohu's mind at the same time.

This formation formation method is easy to understand and easy to use. Tang Xiaohu mastered it in a short time once he had the foundation of Qi movement.

Not bad!

Tang Xiaohu couldn't help admiring, after all, this Yu Ruyi came from the fairy world. Although it is a little smaller, it has many benefits for the human body when worn.

When the time comes, give the parents and the younger sister a piece each, so that they can enter the orchard and benefit their health, which is really a great thing!

This barefoot immortal is not too bad.


After sorting everything out, Tang Xiaohu didn't hesitate any longer, and directly pinched his fingers to do the trick, and punched out jade pieces one after another, forming a small ecstasy formation in an instant.

This little ecstasy formation was created by Tang Xiaohu, so naturally it doesn't work on him.

But when others come in, they are absolutely dizzy and can't find the south, east, north, and south.

As for the orchard of the Tang family, from a distance, it was just an ordinary orchard, and there was nothing unusual about it.

This is the magical effect of the little ecstasy array!

(End of this chapter)

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