Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 136 The Mysterious White Horse Knight

Chapter 136 The Mysterious White Horse Knight


Tang Xiaohu turned his head in surprise, and glanced at the steel monster beside him.

This top sports car is Tang Xiaohu's favorite. As a man, owning a car is the ultimate dream.

But at this moment, Xiaobai is Tang Xiaohu's ultimate car.


Tang Xiaohu smiled sinisterly. There was a young man sitting in that sports car, about his age.

At this moment, with a proud expression on his face, the ferocious steel beast continued to accelerate, trying in vain to get rid of the mysterious white horse rider.


Tang Xiaohu stretched out his hand and patted Xiaobai's back, feeling the adrenaline rushing rapidly.

It seems that for a long time, I haven't had a chance to experience the thrill of drag racing.

No, this time it's a galloping horse!


Xiaobai let out an angry roar, although he didn't like to listen to Tang Xiaohu's words very much, but the majesty from the emperor of the chaotic world would never allow it to be provoked.

Xiaobai lowered his head, also accelerated suddenly, and rushed forward.

Although I don't know what these big guys with four wheels are, but it is impossible for me to surpass my Chaos Realm Dabai.

350 miles!
The moment he exerted his strength, Xiaobai's speed had reached a new level, but it was not fast enough.

The ferocious steel beast beside him roared, and it was able to keep pace with Xiaobai.

Come again!

How could the arrogant King of the Chaos Realm have received this kind of stimulation? Fine nails began to appear all over his body, and these nails were distributed in a streamlined shape.

This is one of the few abilities left after Xiaobai's ability was restricted by that mysterious existence, and it can effectively explode in speed.

The ferocious steel beast beside him hadn't reacted yet, Xiaobai, who had used his big move, had already turned into a shadow and rushed out.


Zhou Yuhang swears directly, this horse is so evil, is it the Chinese version of "Super Horse"?
But getting Zhou Yuhang to admit defeat is definitely not that easy.

On the track, he is sure to win!

"Nitrogen dual-core acceleration!"

Without even thinking about it, Zhou Yuhang directly pressed the nitrogen accelerator switch.


After a more violent sound, the Bugatti Veyron dragged a long trail of flames behind it, which was nearly ten meters long.

This was caused by the fact that Zhou Yuhang's speed was too fast, and the nitrogen gas did not have time to burn fully, and a long series of burning marks formed on the acceleration trajectory.

With the nitrogen acceleration turned on, this Bugatti Veyron went straight to the top speed of 500 miles.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Tang Xiaohu was taken aback. The upper limit of the high speed was 120 mph. Does this car want to die like that?

If something goes wrong, no matter how luxurious the vehicle is, it will be a piece of meat covered with iron.

"Xiaobai, let's go!"

Tang Xiaohu, who didn't want to entangle any longer, patted Xiaobai, fighting with this kind of super runner with a chaotic mount, it was no different from a grown man fighting a young child.

It's not interesting, but it's also useless!

Xiao Bai let out a growl, and looked at that strange steel beast with contempt.

Having played enough, it's time to stop, the majestic chaotic beast, playing with this creature from the lower world is a joy, isn't this just lowering his own worth.

Thinking of this, Xiaobai suddenly exerted his strength and used the ultimate big move-chaotic fart!

With a loud noise, this person and horse disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a pile of extremely foul-smelling yellow smoke.

Xiaobai's reverse thrust was so strong that it turned into a wind shadow and sprayed out.


The Bugatti Veyron, which had turned on the air circulation in advance, escaped the stinky fart attack in time, and rushed out of the yellow smoke instantly, but there was still the shadow of the white horse there.


Zhou Yuhang's expression changed wildly, and he activated the super-gravity suspension system in an instant. The body was lowered, and he once again gained super wind-breaking ability!

400 yards!
500 yards!
600 yards!
Zhou Yuhang felt that the wheels were no longer able to grip the ground. As long as he turned slightly, the Bugatti Veyron would lose control immediately.

But with such extreme speed, Zhou Yuhang chased for almost 10 minutes, but he didn't even see the shadow of the mysterious white horse rider.


The slumped Zhou Yuhang angrily hammered his sense of direction, helplessly reduced the speed of the car, and raised the height of the car again.

This time, he failed completely!
However, Tang Xiaohu didn't know what Zhou Yuhang was thinking. He rushed all the way and arrived in Dongjiang City in less than an hour.

In a remote corner, Tang Xiaohu put Xiao Bai away, and then took a taxi to Dongjiang University.

It was already late at night, Tang Xiaohu hurried back to dormitory 606, washed up a bit and fell asleep.


"Third, do you think this news is true?"

As soon as Tang Xiaohu woke up, Wang Congcong was holding a newspaper and reading it with a strange expression on his face.

"What news?"

Tang Xiaohu took the newspaper over and read it, Dongjiang Morning Post!

This newspaper is the official mouthpiece of Dongjiang City and is very authoritative.

"A mysterious white horse rider appears on the Dongjiang Expressway, whose speed is comparable to a bullet train!"

Tang Xiaohu took a closer look, the report that Tang Xiaohu pointed to him was about what happened to him yesterday.

When did the Dongjiang Morning Post become so lax and become a general entertainment tabloid, and this kind of news was also put on the headlines.

Looking at the discussion below, Tang Xiaohu was shocked even more.

An expert commented: This may be an alien knight visiting the earth, racing with a sports car is to test the strength of the earth, and launch an attack someday!
A certain professor said: This is the latest genetic knight and genetic warrior in the United States. I didn’t like it, so I went to China to have fun!

your sister!
Tang Xiaohu couldn't help but want to deal [-] points of critical damage to these bastards and barking beasts. Don't know, don't talk nonsense, it's harming the country and the people here.

"Yeah, look at the Internet, not to mention our campus BBS, even the Dongjiang Forum is full of noise!
And this thing has a tendency to infiltrate mainstream social media. "

Fang Shan also came over and circulated it to everyone with a laptop.

The main reason is that this matter is too evil, and it looks like it has extraordinary power.

This kind of power is exposed to the public eye for the first time, and it will naturally arouse great repercussions.


Seeing the video being played on the webpage, Tang Xiaohu was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that this incident would cause such a big disturbance!

Tang Xiaohu's original intention was just to get his beloved toy, and he couldn't help pulling it out to show off his state of mind.

Now it seems that it is indeed a bit high-profile.

If the ancient martial arts expert saw this and wanted to snatch it, he might not be able to beat it.

Or there is really a sect of cultivating immortals in this world, and the appearance of such strange beasts will definitely make them jealous, and then they will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help but secretly regret it.

Maybe I should be more cautious.

But now that things have started to ferment, Tang Xiaohu didn't have any good ideas for a while, so he could only go to class with his roommates in a nervous mood.

 I'm sorry, I went out, and the update actually stuck, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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