Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 140 You Are Amazing, My Brother!

Chapter 140 You Are Amazing, My Brother! (Please order first)

Yu Chun looked at Zheng Dahai's embarrassed expression, but he got used to it.

Once upon a time, when I drank that fairy mist tea, didn't I look like this.


Mr. Yu didn't think too much, he picked up the apple in his hand and bit it down.

"Hmm, it's so beautiful!"

Yu Chun closed his eyes, the tender flesh flowed between his lips and teeth, with a faint fragrance, a cool aura rushed straight into his lungs, instantly his whole body was like a wave of cool air rushing into the dog's day, his whole body became transparent.

"what 's wrong?"

The group of ancient martial arts experts who followed Zheng Dahai were a little confused, and they all looked at the apple in their hands in surprise.

If it is said that Sect Leader Zheng didn't investigate and was drugged by this young man, it would still be reasonable.Why does this Yu Chun also eat this apple with medicine?

Should not be!

"Well, it's really delicious!"

"Senior Xiaohu brings a lot of surprises every time!"

"It's delicious, senior Xiaohu, I accept it!"

These ancient martial arts experts were even more surprised, and even jaw-dropping things happened.

People on Yu Chun's side, such as Niu Laogen from Mammoth Dairy, Dongjie from Getiao Electric, and Lao Zong from Wahehe Group also picked up the apples in their hands and ate them.

Under their leadership, all the ancient warriors on Yu Chun's side began to gobble up.

At the beginning, this group of people could comment a few words, but later they couldn't take it into account at all. After a few mouthfuls, they didn't say anything. Some of them were meticulous, and they even carefully licked clean their fingers that were stained with apple juice.


"Is it really that delicious?"

The ancient martial arts masters on Zheng Dahai's side swallowed unconsciously, appearing extremely moved.

"Look at Sect Master Zheng!"

A sharp-eyed person noticed the change on the side of Sect Master Zheng, and quickly pointed it out to let everyone pay attention.


I saw that Zheng Dahai took a horse stance with his legs, and his upper body was walking around the dragon, with a crackling sound, and he used the legendary "Xingyiquan"!
"The Dzogchen Realm in the Late Stage of the Martial Artist Realm!"

"Great, my brother!"

The ancient martial arts powerhouses on Zheng Dahai's side were all shocked. Zheng Dahai was their backbone, and they couldn't be more clear about his cultivation. He had just stepped into the late stage of the warrior state half a year ago.

If there is no accident, it will take three to five years to polish yourself before you can cultivate to the state of Dzogchen in the later stage, and then launch an impact towards the state of venerable.

But today, he simply ate an apple, and he actually pushed forward a realm, which is really terrifying.

The fruit of heaven and earth!

A bold guess surged in the hearts of all the ancient martial arts experts. Could it be that what looks like an apple is actually a legendary fruit from heaven and earth?

There has always been a legend circulating in the ancient martial arts world, saying that in this world, there are always some blessed places where this kind of heaven and earth fruit grows.

Once this kind of heaven and earth strange fruit is taken, it can improve the martial arts cultivation to several realms.

Among them, the most famous ones are Zhu Guo and Tianshan Saussurea!
But wave after wave of ancient martial arts masters went to Tianshan Mountain to hunt for treasures, but none of them saw this legendary treasure of heaven and earth.

Legends are just legends!
But today, this kind of strange fruit that can improve the cultivation level actually appeared, and there were dozens of them at once!

Although the improvement rate is not large, it can still be worth three to five years of hard work.

Life is only a hundred years, and there will be a few three to five years!
"Look there!"

A scream woke up a group of ancient martial arts masters who were imagining, and when they looked up, they saw a scene that they would never forget.

The light effect is all kinds of realm improvement!
Infuriating, infuriating everywhere!
Action, surrounded by all kinds of performances!

As long as there are ancient warriors who ate this fairy apple, everyone's realm is slowly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone is busy adjusting their qi to maximize the effect!

Against the sky!
These ancient martial arts masters who were still on the sidelines finally reacted, and a look of fanaticism flashed in their eyes.

Facing the small apples in their hands, each of them is like a ferocious Nanshan tiger, gluttonous for this delicious food!


Tang Xiaohu looked smug, looking at the ancient martial arts masters who had fallen into madness in front of him, he felt that his plan had been more than half successful.

The effect of this fairy apple is so heaven-defying, Tang Xiaohu dared to take it out, so how could he have no support.

This fairy apple is useful to these ancient warriors, the most important thing is the aura of heaven and earth contained in its pulp.

Although the aura of the heaven and earth is strong, it is too little after all, and the pulling effect on these ancient martial arts powerhouses is limited.

Tang Xiaohu asked Mr. Yu to test it. Only the first time he ate this fairy apple had miraculous effects, and the effect after that was mediocre. This is the fundamental reason why Tang Xiaohu dared to sell this fairy apple.

After all, this fairy apple is a semi-finished product of the fairy fruit that Tang Xiaohu himself fiddled with, and it is incomparable with the real fairy mist tea from the fairy world.

But its effect on ancient warriors is huge. Even if the second time does not have such a big pulling effect, long-term consumption will also have a huge effect of strengthening the foundation and strengthening the vitality.

Do not underestimate!

Consolidating the foundation and cultivating talents can make a person go further.

To put it simply, ancient warriors with the same talent.Those with a poor foundation may end up in the realm of the venerable, but those with a solid foundation are likely to reach the realm of the master.

"Thank you, Senior Xiaohu!"

"Thank you, Senior Xiaohu!"

After a long time, this group of ancient martial arts masters finally consolidated their realm, and hurriedly came up one by one to thank them.

This kind of strange fruit can be encountered but not sought. This young senior actually didn't take any money, and directly gave it to himself and the others.

This kind of demeanor and mind is really admirable.

Where there are those who are convinced, there are those who are jealous. This is an eternal truth.

Zheng Dahai didn't have anything yet, but his counselors were like Chen Ou, and there was a clear expression of emotion on their faces at the moment.

No matter how strong this so-called senior Xiaohu is, he is only one person.

He must have more fairy apples of this kind in his hand, a hero is hard to beat with four hands, if he unites everyone to take down this young man, no matter how many fairy apples he has in his hand, he will still be in the pocket of himself and others .

Tang Xiaohu didn't seem to notice the change in everyone's expressions, and slowly picked off the flowers of a peony flower in a pot next to him. With a revival of vitality, the peony flower immediately flew out like a bullet with lead.


The window lattice on one side of the hall was instantly shattered by the peony flower, stirring up dust in the sky.

"Flying flowers and picking leaves can become a weapon!"

"Grandmaster level expert!"

The corners of everyone's eyes contracted extremely, and they all twitched. The young man in his twenties in front of him turned out to be a great master of martial arts!

Those few people with ulterior motives immediately put away their thoughts that they shouldn't have, and played tricks with the martial arts master, so as not to die too quickly.

In the face of pure power, all conspiracies are extremely ridiculous!


Tang Xiaohu watched with satisfaction the changes in the expressions of the ancient martial arts experts present, but how could he know what level he was in the martial arts.

But this flying flower and picking leaves can be turned into a weapon, but it is the unique method of my skillful use of Qi Xingshu.

One of a kind, no semicolons!

(End of this chapter)

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