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Chapter 145 Martial Saint Ye Nantian

Chapter 145 Martial Saint Ye Nantian

"Little RB!"

Tang Xiaohu stood up immediately, if there was a race in this world that Tang Xiaohu could hate, it would be Little RB.

It's not that Tang Xiaohu is an angry youth, but that Tang Xiaohu has a deep hatred for this nation.

Back then, Tang Xiaohu's grandfather and grandmother were killed by the Dongying people who were invaded during the Anti-Japanese War.

Tang Xiaohu will not let Wang Yishui hurt Tang's father and mother, let alone this nation with blood feud.

"Does Dongjiang not even have a master level master?"

After calming down, Tang Xiaohu suddenly thought of the key to the problem.

It seems that since he stepped into the ancient martial arts world, the highest he has seen is only a martial artist with the cultivation level of the Venerable, and he has never seen what a master looks like, and Tang Xiaohu has never known what level his strength is.

Could it be that the ancient martial arts world in Huaguo has withered so far?
Tang Xiaohu inevitably had some doubts in his mind.

"No, the reason for all this is because there is a martial saint in Dongjiang!"

With a face full of respect, Yu Chun told the truth.

"Wu Sheng!"

Tang Xiaohu was shocked. People like Yu Chun kept saying that he was a martial arts master.

Then if there really is a martial sage, wouldn't this person be someone who can crush himself!
Tang Xiaohu couldn't help feeling uneasy: "Who is this person?"

"Dongjiang Military Region, Ye Nantian!"

Seeing that Tang Xiaohu was a little puzzled, Yu Chun continued on.

It turns out that Ye Nantian can be regarded as a legend!
He was originally a young boy from an ordinary family, but he was selected by the country at the age of three and entered the secret "Star" project.

This "star" plan is a national strategic consideration.

With the strength of the ancient military force, it has posed a huge threat to the state power.

In order to solve this situation, Huaguo's high-level officials used the resources of the entire country to launch the "Star" project.

Its purpose is to cultivate ancient warriors who are absolutely loyal to the Hua Kingdom.

Nearly a thousand young children were selected for this program and experienced unimaginably cruel training, but the results are truly remarkable.

The "Star" project has been carried out until now, and four top talents have been successfully cultivated.

These four people have all rushed to the realm of martial saints in just 30 years!
Now Huaguo has four major military regions, namely Tianjing Military Region, Dongjiang Military Region, Xilan Military Region, and Jinling Military Region.

Each of the four major military regions has a Martial Saint, and Ye Nantian is the Martial Saint of the Dongjiang Military Region.

It is precisely because of such a situation that the power of the ancient martial arts family has been greatly suppressed, and the will of the country has returned to the normal track.

Yu Xiaoying, the grandson of Mr. Yu, is actually an ancient military soldier, and he is currently being trained in Ye Nantian's youth training camp, so Yu Chun knows so much.

"I see!"

Tang Xiaohu was still wondering that his little fan had been missing. It turned out that he was a soldier.

As for Dongjiang Province, precisely because of Ye Nantian's existence, all the super families are hidden from the world and don't care about world affairs at all.

That's why there is such a strange phenomenon now. Dongjiang Province, the top three super provinces in the country, is controlled by an ordinary family in the ancient martial arts world like Mr. Yu.

But those super families are nowhere to be seen.

I believe this is also the situation that the country hopes to see. Power is controlled by people who can control it, which is conducive to harmony and stability.

But in this way, problems also arise, just like the attack of Tokugawa Ichiro at this moment, there is not even a single person in the Dongjiang ancient martial arts world who can make a move.

"No problem, I'll take it!"

Tang Xiaohu's face turned serious, and he agreed to Yu Chun directly.

This matter is also a challenge for him. Ever since he became an immortal cultivator, Tang Xiaohu has never known what level he is at. This time, he will use Tokugawa Ichiro to verify it.

This person is likely to be an opponent who can match him, so don't be careless.

Next, it was Tang Xiaohu's personal will: "Those who offend Huawei will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

At the same time, Yu Chun also told Tang Xiaohu that Zheng Dahai seemed to have invited a master who traveled here, probably also a martial arts master.

The gathering of two martial arts masters this time will definitely make this Tokugawa Ichiro come and go.

Huaxia's dignity is definitely not something anyone can trample on, even if you are a big boss.


After discussing with Yu Chun, Tang Xiaohu started busy preparation work.

After all, I have never seen the strength of a real martial arts master.

According to Yu Chun, from the warrior state to the venerable state, it is a step of one to ten.

And from the realm of the venerable to the realm of the master, it is a leap from ten to a hundred.

There is a huge gap from a hundred to a thousand from a master to a martial saint.

One step at a time, the gap in the realm of martial arts is a gap that no one can bridge.

Therefore, Tang Xiaohu did not dare to underestimate Tokugawa Ichiro from Japan.

Flower boxing embroidered leg magical skills, crossing gold needle qi technique, thunder and lightning spirit species!
After sorting out the means he currently had, Tang Xiaohu set his sights on the Thunder Spirit Seed.

This thunder and lightning spirit seed is the supreme spirit seed conceived in the ten thousand zhang thunder, and it can possess its own spiritual consciousness at the later stage of cultivation.

And it contains a power of rules left by the Heavenly Dao, "Tiandao's True Art of Thunder Control"!
This heavenly law evolved into a formula, which Tang Xiaohu had read before.

This Heavenly Dao and Thunder Control Secret Art is obscure and difficult to understand, and it is very difficult to practice, so Tang Xiaohu has never tried to practice it!
But today, Tang Xiaohu had to practice hard.

"Thousands of thunders in the sky, the majesty of the gods are brilliant, and the heavens are the guide...."


After reading through the Heavenly Dao and Thunder Control Secret Art, although Tang Xiaohu still found it a bit difficult to understand, he already had a lot of confidence in his chest and abdomen.

This Tiandao Thunder Control Secret Art is divided into basic chapters, introductory chapters, proficient chapters and heavenly chapters.There are nine styles in this basic chapter, and the styles are astonishingly powerful, and they are the evolution of the rules of the way of heaven.

Moreover, this Tiandao Thunder Control Secret Art was originally born to cooperate with the Thunder Spirit Seed, as if it was created for Tang Xiaohu.

Even if other people get this Heavenly Dao Thunder Control Secret Art, they have no way to practice it, because they don't have Thunder in their hands.

And Tang Xiaohu, who holds the Thunder Spirit Seed in his hand, contains thousands of thunder origins, and is the best weapon for practicing the Heavenly Dao of Thunder Control.


Tang Xiaohu put away his flying thoughts, closed all the Qi machines in his body, and began to concentrate on studying the true meaning of this thunder method.

As Tang Xiaohu devoted himself physically and mentally, the Thunder Spirit Seed deep in his heart began to release waves of the source of thunder, roaming around Tang Xiaohu's body, helping Tang Xiaohu feel the power of the source of thunder!

Tang Xiaohu, who had been sitting with his eyes closed for a long time with his spiritual consciousness closed, suddenly opened his eyes, parted his lips slightly, and spit out the word thunder.


With the utterance of this syllable, countless sources of thunder flashed in Tang Xiaohu's eyes, and then there was a loud bang, and the window of the office was directly exploded by a thunder that appeared out of thin air.

"Tongue Blowing Thunder"!
This is how Tang Xiaohu practiced the first form of the basic chapter of Heavenly Dao Yu Lei Zhen Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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