Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 147 Crossing the River Single-handedly

Chapter 147 Crossing the River Single-handedly (For First Order)

"You spy on me!"

Bai Xu's expression changed, his sleeves trembled, and his whole body was agitated with zhenqi, which immediately shook Tang Xiaohu's spiritual consciousness out of his body.

"It was discovered!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was embarrassed, but at the same time he was a little shocked. This was the first time that the "Wang" tactic from Xingqi Art failed. It seems that the martial artists in the world should not be underestimated.

"Seniors, sit in front."

Zheng Dahai saw that the two seemed to be at odds with each other, so he hurried out to continue smoothing things over.


Bai Xu's sleeve robe trembled, and he let out a cold snort, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and he shook his head and returned to his seat.

There is an unwritten rule in the ancient martial arts world, it is strictly forbidden to use means to spy on other people's cultivation, Tang Xiaohu has committed a big taboo this time.

It's no wonder that Bai Xu is angry. Anyone who is stared at by others as if they are naked will not be too happy.

Tang Xiaohu smiled sheepishly, and couldn't help touching his nose. He also knew that this matter was a bit disgraceful.

Seeing that Bai Xu didn't want to talk to him, Tang Xiaohu didn't want to make fun of himself either, so he found a place to sit down on his own.

Not long after, Mr. Yu also came over, and the circle of Dongjiang ancient martial arts was complete.

Looking at the ancient martial arts experts around him, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help sighing that the ancient martial arts circle in Dongjiang was really too small.

Among the people present, apart from Bai Xu from Chuzhou, none of them were even in the realm of a master.

It seems that Martial Saint Ye Nantian's shock to the ancient martial arts world is not so great.

It's just that, in such a situation of barbarian invasion, I don't know if Ye Nantian will take the responsibility he should.


Tang Xiaohu was thinking about it, when someone next to him suddenly yelled loudly, with quite a bit of surprise in his tone.

"what is this?"

When Tang Xiaohu raised his head, he was suddenly surprised.On the foggy and misty lake in front of him, the clouds suddenly surged up, as if they were being rushed by something, they were pushed away to both sides.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of extremely fast surfing on the surface of the lake, and a figure rushed out of the mist, it was a Japanese samurai.

The Japanese samurai held a samurai long sword in his hand, and every time he was exhausted, he swung the sword and slashed back.

Every time the knife was cut, there was a powerful sound wave. With this recoil force, the Japanese samurai disappeared without a trace.

Appeared again, already a few meters away.

After a few ups and downs, the Japanese samurai had already approached the island in the middle of the lake.

"Is that human being?"

"Is this ninjutsu?"

A group of ancient martial arts masters couldn't suppress the vibration in their hearts, and couldn't help standing up.

Based on their knowledge, they have never seen anyone who can ride the waves without the help of a boat. Could it be that Tokugawa Ichiro has already broken through the realm of martial saints?

"Then what a fart!"

All the thoughts in the hearts of the people were all hopeless. Confronting the Martial Saint, the crowd tactics were totally useless.

Unless Ye Nantian came in person, he would definitely lose this fight. Could it be that Dongjiang will be reduced to the Dongying people's world from now on.

"Crossing the river with one sword is a good way!"

Bai Xu raised his eyebrows with a look of disdain.

"Senior Bai Xu, do you think you can do it too?"

Hopes arose in everyone's hearts. What is the difference between these methods and the methods of gods and ghosts crossing the river with one reed in martial arts novels.

Judging from what Grandmaster Bai Xu meant, he also has this ability, so such words may not be without the power to fight.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Bai Xu stomped his feet violently, and the vitality in his body swelled without wind, and then he stretched out his hands, and an invisible wave of air swept away.

Stretching forward with both feet, he just walked through the void without using any tools, as if there were steps hidden in the air, and he walked up the ring slowly.

"Half step void!"

The eyeballs of Zheng Dahai and Yu Chun's group were about to pop out of shock. This half-step emptiness is a very powerful method that martial arts masters can only practice after they have completed their realm in the middle stage.

Unexpectedly, this senior Bai Xu turned out to be a mid-stage martial arts master!
"Half step void?"

Tang Xiaohu was also curious. The abilities shown by these people were already close to that of ascetics.

You must know that even if people in the fairy world want to fly, most of them rely on magic weapons.

Like Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake and Monkey King's golden cudgel, they can all be regarded as sharp weapons for flying.

But walking through the void like a warrior would consume a lot of energy, so ordinary gods would not do this.

"This Bai Xu, wouldn't it be for the sake of comparison!"

Tang Xiaohu's expression changed, and he thought of an impossible possibility.

Crossing the river alone should be barely possible with one's own strength, but it is difficult for a half-step Void like Bai Xu to do it without a unique technique.

"Tokugawa Ichiro is visiting, it seems that there are still many masters in Huaguo, please enlighten me!"

The Japanese warrior flying over from the waves let out a long roar, twisted the blade of the warrior, and instantly disappeared into the void. When he reappeared, he had already appeared above Bai Xu's head, and the warrior swung the sword towards Bai Xu Chop off his head.


The ancient martial arts experts present stood up angrily, with angry expressions on their faces, this little Japanese hit him whenever he wanted to, and he didn't respect the morals of the world at all.

"Sakura one-shot style!"

Mr. Yu's expression changed. As soon as Tokugawa Ichiro came out, he used his famous stunt. It seemed that he wanted to give everyone present a bad impression.

"Good come!"

As expected of a master, Bai Xu didn't mess around at all at this moment, he clasped his hands together, and slapped the incoming samurai sword lightly.


With a soft sound, Bai Xu's fingers flicked on the back of the samurai sword. With the help of this recoil force, Bai Xu instantly floated to the side, avoiding the fatal blow.

This on-the-spot kung fu really has the strength of a master.

"Tokugawa Ichiro asks again!"

Tokugawa Ichiro smiled strangely, disappeared again, and when he appeared, he flew over the sky above Bai Xu's head again, and slashed down again with the same knife.

"Fuck, this little Japan is so wretched!"

Tang Xiaohu's eyes lit up, this little Japan looks disorganized, but actually has a lot of wisdom, I'm afraid this Bai Xu will suffer.

Sure enough, when Bai Xu saw the same slash, the contempt in his heart became heavier.

These Japanese pirates in Japan are out of their wits so quickly?

Immediately, he clasped his fists with both hands, and a wave of true energy shot out in an instant.

Mid-range and long-range attacks with the released true energy are exactly the means that only martial arts masters have.

"not good!"

Just as Bai Xu used this move, he immediately felt something was wrong. The power of Tokugawa Ichiro's move was more than ten times stronger than before.

"Bitter too!"

Bai Xu cried out, he had already launched his attack, and he was absolutely unable to take it back. At this moment, he could only watch helplessly as the strange knife pierced through and instantly split the zhenqi he had shot out, turning into a lightning version of the slash.

This Tokugawa Ichiro didn't intend to give Dongjiang ancient martial arts a blow at all!He wanted to wait for the opportunity to kill the strongest force among these strong men, forming an absolute deterrent, and laying a good foundation for the Yamaguchi-gumi's gradual entry in the future.

This person is really insidious and terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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