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Chapter 162 Chapter 164 The Mysterious Voice

Chapter 162 Chapter 164 The Mysterious Voice

"who are you?"

After regaining his sanity, Tang Xiaohu finally came to his senses.It seemed that a voice rang directly in his mind just now, guiding him through the catastrophe.

What kind of magic is this, so powerful!

"I don't even know who I am?"

That childish voice sounded again, with a trace of distress and entanglement.

"Then where are you, is it the fairy world?"

Tang Xiaohu's first impression was that the person who helped him was a god.

But Tang Xiaohu was deeply curious, isn't it true that immortals will be separated forever, when can immortals descend to the mortal world?

"I'm in a rock."

There was a hint of depression in that immature voice, but soon became happy again.

"I know you, Tang Xiaohu, you are my choice, you are very interesting!"

"Stone? Choice? You are Sun Dasheng!"

Tang Xiaohu became excited instantly. Could it be that this mysterious voice is Monkey King, Monkey King?
I remember that the one who jumped out of the stone in the Three Realms was Monkey King, Monkey King.

Unexpectedly, Sun Dasheng would personally come to point him out. If this is said, the whole earth will be a sensation, and many big and small friends will be envious.

What does it mean to choose yourself? Does Sun Dasheng want to teach himself two hands.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaohu immediately became excited, and he didn't care why Sun Dasheng's voice was so immature, so he called his brother directly.

"Brother Sun, thank you for taking me to pretend to fly!"

"Sun Dasheng, Brother Sun? Who is that?"

There was a hint of curiosity in that voice, obviously he didn't understand why Tang Xiaohu recognized him as Sun Dasheng.

"Uh, aren't you Monkey King?"

Tang Xiaohu was a little stunned. Could it be that there are still immortals jumping out of stones in the fairy world?

"Oh~ you're talking about Sun Wukong, I know him, but I'm not!"

There was a tinge of joy in that voice, but also a tinge of banter, apparently worried about Tang Xiaohu's IQ.

"Then who are you?"

Tang Xiaohu didn't dare to guess. Although this person's voice was a little childish, he was obviously very powerful.

The sound can break through the unknown space and descend to the lower realm, which is probably much more powerful than ordinary gods.

"It's boring, you don't need to guess, let me tell you, I'm inside the Chaos God Stone..."

"Chaos Divine Stone!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was filled with shock, could it be the origin of the Chaos Immortal Net, that strange stone from the sky that flew from the Chaos.

As if knowing Tang Xiaohu's inner thoughts, that immature voice became visibly cheerful.

"You guessed it right, I'm right here!"

"Chaos creature!"

Tang Xiaohu was shocked again, what kind of place is this chaotic world, there are so many kinds of magic.

Great gods like Pangu and Nuwa back then came from the realm of chaos.

Later, a strange chaotic stone flew from outside the sky, which gave birth to Monkey King, the Monkey King who jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements, and almost turned the heaven upside down.

Now, there is Xiaobai, a strange chaotic beast in front of him, and a mysterious creature is actually bred in the chaotic god stone behind him.

There are so many mysteries in this chaotic world!Tang Xiaohu couldn't help being deeply curious about this chaotic world.

While Tang Xiaohu was thinking wildly there, the mysterious creatures over there had already started thinking about it.

Tang Xiaohu figured it out, this mysterious creature was a chatterbox, maybe it was held back for too long, it would be endless to talk about it, but it also made Tang Xiaohu understand a shocking fact.

It turns out that this mysterious creature was not born in this divine stone.

Just a few months ago, he finally awakened his consciousness, thereby unlocking the memory inheritance in his mind, and finally understood his origin.

It turns out that this mysterious creature has not yet hatched, but is just in the form of an egg.

He comes from the chaotic holy dragon family in the chaotic world. This family is very sacred, but the population is sparse.

In Xiao Shenglong's memory, he and his parents lived a happy life, but one day, this happiness was broken.

A group of villains broke into the house. In order to protect themselves, parents poured most of the chaotic holy power into their own dragon eggs, and then sealed themselves with the chaotic god stone, smashed the void and sent themselves out.

Then Mom and Dad lured away the pursuers, so as to give themselves a chance of survival.

The little holy dragon wandered in the void for tens of thousands of years, and finally broke through the wall of chaos one day and came to the fairy world.

Tang Xiaohu also basically understood the following things. This chaotic god stone was captured by the Taishang Laojun, but he devoted 3000 years of research, but he didn't even find a single one.

And the chaotic fairy net is actually the thinking of the little holy dragon!

After the little holy dragon woke up, his thoughts automatically diverged and spread throughout the fairy world, and only then did the Chaos Immortal Net be born.

In fact, there is no such thing as Taishang Laojun here at all, and even the fairy network signal base station carried by the third prince Nezha this time was only created by the little Shenglong deliberately guiding Taishang Laojun.

To put it bluntly, it's just that Xiao Shenglong's consciousness and thinking are stronger, and he can already cover more places.

"So awesome!"

Tang Xiaohu's face was shocked, he didn't expect that this chaotic fairy net connecting all the heavens and worlds in the fairy world was actually the thinking of a chaotic holy dragon egg.

This chaotic holy dragon egg is so powerful!
"Could it be that this chaotic holy dragon has any connection with Huaxia?"

Tang Xiaohu suddenly had a doubt. Huaxia's totem is a family of dragons, but the image of this dragon is very different from that of the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Tang Xiaohu once saw a picture of the Dragon King of the Four Seas in the Immortal Realm chat group, and it was not on the same channel as Huaxia's totem.

The Shenlong clan worshiped by the Chinese nation has another mystery!

"Is it my parents!"

Xiao Shenglong's voice sounded in Tang Xiaohu's mind again, with a hint of panic.

He is just an egg now, not even a child, and he has just regained consciousness, how can he miss his parents.

"Can you perceive my thoughts?"

Tang Xiaohu was a little shocked again. This mysterious little holy dragon has sensed his own thoughts for the second time. This ability is too evil. It feels like being stripped naked in front of others. I'm upset.

"Tch, not only can I see through your thoughts, I can see through your world!"

With a touch of contempt in Xiao Shenglong's tone, he caused tons of critical damage to Tang Xiaohu.

But this guy is a small talker, and he quickly revealed it all.

It turned out that after the little holy dragon woke up, he sent out a thought to wander around, looking for those corners and corners.

Finally, one day, the little holy dragon's thinking broke through a certain node, and he came directly to a mysterious world, that is, the earth.

But after the little holy dragon's thinking came to this space, it was no longer under his control, and was directly sealed on a mysterious thing.

This thing is called a mobile phone.And this phone belongs to Tang Xiaohu!
In this way, it is not a lie that Xiao Shenglong "actively" chose Tang Xiaohu.

(End of this chapter)

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