Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 168 Something Happened

Chapter 168 Something Happened
The call is coming!

Tang Xiaohu didn't go out to class these few days, and he had been familiarizing himself with the three-level cultivation of Qi refining he had just mastered and the second form of the basic chapter of Tiandao Yulei Zhenjue, pointing out thunder in the Huwei Brick Kiln Factory.

Seeing the phone ringing at this moment, Tang Xiaohu stretched out his hand to copy it, and took the phone in his hand.

Looking down, it was Ye Xiu!
"Tang Xiaohu, it's too bad, Li Xiaowei was taken back by the Tianjing Li family!"

Ye Xiu's voice on the phone was a little anxious. Obviously, the incident happened suddenly, and he didn't think it through.

"what happened?"

Tang Xiaohu's expression darkened. He had just discussed with Li Xiaowei that he would go to the coming-of-age ceremony with her.Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Li Xiaowei was arrested and brought back to Li's house in Tianjing.

It turned out that just this morning, Li Xiaowei's second uncle, Li Bowu, suddenly took a group of Li family experts, handed over Li Xiaowei's communication tools, and sent her to a special plane to fly directly to Li's house in Tianjing.

Moreover, Li Bowu warned Ye Xiu that the Li family already knew about the good deeds he had done, and if he was let off for the time being, the Li family would definitely ask him to punish him severely.

This made Ye Xiu very angry, this Li Bowu had always been the most arrogant and domineering, fighting openly and secretly with Li Xiaowei's father Li Bowen for the position of Patriarch.

And this Li Bowu is the hard-core candidate who strongly advocated that Li Xiaowei marry the Wen family in Tianjing.

It is estimated that he secretly made some secret deal with the Wen family, asking his cousin to marry someone he did not love, Ye Xiu would never agree to it.This is also the fundamental reason why he has always disliked Li Bowu.

Although Li Xiaowei's father, Li Bowen, also wants his daughter to be happy, but in a big family, women are just tools for binding political chips.

Like Li Xiaowei's mother Ye Wan'er, she was also traded.Fortunately, the two fell in love at first sight, and they lived happily ever after.

Li Bowen wanted to help his daughter, but as the acting patriarch of this generation, facing the decision of the entire family clan, even Li Bowen, as the acting patriarch, had no right to deny it.

Now Li Bowen's only hope is that Li Xiaowei's grandfather will come out on the day of Xiaowei's coming-of-age ceremony, and come to attend the coming-of-age ceremony of his most beloved granddaughter.

I only hope that he can see Xiaowei's pain when the time comes to change this political marriage and Xiaowei's fate.

So before that, Li Bowen used his own power, consulted the wishes of his precious daughter, sent her to Dongjiang University, removed the bodyguards, and left only his cousin Ye Xiu to protect her secretly.

In order to let her spend the best three years of her life!
But just yesterday, a document was put on Li Bowen's desk by Li Bowu, and it was put on the clan meeting.

The whole family was furious!
The elders of the clan directly bypassed Li Bowen, the acting patriarch, and appointed Li Bowu to come to Dongjiang with full authority to capture Li Xiaowei back to Tianjing and accept the arrangement of fate.

And Li Bowen was also temporarily monitored. It was because he quietly passed on the news while eating and told his wife Ye Wan'er about it.

Ye Wan'er hurriedly informed Ye Xiu, but her haste was a step too late. Li Xiaowei had already been brought onto the plane by Li Bowu's people.

"Who told the secret, have you found it out?"

Tang Xiaohu didn't panic, nor did he try to contact Li Xiaowei.He had to sort out the ins and outs of the matter, at least before the coming-of-age ceremony, he had a chance.

"It's Wen Zheyuan. He and Li Xiaowei have already boarded the special plane to Tianjing!"

Ye Xiu's expression was gloomy. He never thought that Wen Zheyuan would be such a villain, and would inform the Li family.

"Okay, I see. Wait for me to prepare. Let's set off for Tianjing immediately tomorrow."

Tang Xiaohu put down the phone after he finished speaking, he couldn't stand the slightest hesitation now that he couldn't wait any longer.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Tang Xiaohu fell into deep thought.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Tang Xiaohu's heart ached, he didn't expect Li Xiaowei to endure such great pain.

She knew that there was no future with her, but she still loved her without hesitation!

This love is my eternal heart!

"Xiaowei, wait for me! I will definitely bring you back."

Tang Xiaohu's face turned cold, there is a sentence he has said many times.

The dragon has reverse scales, you will die if you touch it!
Now this Wen Zheyuan has violated his inverse scale.

To be honest, Tang Xiaohu has never paid much attention to this Wen Zheyuan. Although he is a child of a super family, in Tang Xiaohu's eyes, he is no different from an ant.

A person who has been inherited from the fairy world, even if you are the pinnacle of martial arts, how can I care!
But this Wen Zheyuan was so despicable, constantly touching Tang Xiaohu's bottom line, it was no different from hurting Tang Xiaohu's relatives.

Tang Xiaohu's mind had already moved to kill him.

After thinking about it, Tang Xiaohu called the school and home respectively.

There is still nearly a month before the Laba Festival, and he must rush to the capital as soon as possible to start his own deployment.

Called Dongda University, and asked for leave very smoothly. Tang Xiaohu is now the entrepreneurial star of Dongda University, so please take a leave of absence.

Then Tang Xiaohu called his family again, explaining that he would not be able to go home for the New Year until a little later.

Tang's father and Tang's mother knew that Tang Xiaohu was developing his career, so they naturally understood.


Early the next morning, Tang Xiaohu and Ye Xiu were already on the bullet train bound for Tianjing.

Tang Xiaohu of the Huwei Brick Kiln Factory temporarily let his second uncle take care of it for him. After all these worries were relieved, Tang Xiaohu directly embarked on the journey to Tianjing.

After getting off the bullet train, Ye Xiu went to Li's house in Tianjing, while Tang Xiaohu found a hotel to temporarily settle down.

It's pointless to go to Li's house now, I'm afraid they won't even be able to enter the door, so it's better to let Ye Xiu go to find out the news.

And Tang Xiaohu also has his own plan, he wants to take advantage of this time to familiarize himself with the situation in the capital.

At the same time, Ye Xiu was given enough time to infiltrate the Li family to inquire about news, and it would be best if he could get an invitation for himself.

Of course, the most important thing is to tell Li Xiaowei that she has come to Tianjing, so she should not worry.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help but look forward to what kind of excitement the collision with these giants of the Guwu family would be.

Moreover, Tang Xiaohu also heard from Ye Xiu that the Tianjing Li family has a lot of master martial artists at the elder level.

It is at the level of Wusheng, but it is rare.

On the current earth, there are basically very few cultivation resources available. Even if these people have a long inheritance, it is difficult for them to practice at a high level.

This is determined by the external environment and cannot be resolved by manpower.

The confrontation between ancient warriors and immortal cultivators depends on who is stronger!

In the next few days, Tang Xiaohu seemed to be a tourist who came to visit the mountains and rivers, and visited the ancient and fragrant Sijiu City all over.

In the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of Jiudaling, and the old Tianjing courtyard, Tang Xiaohu is like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and it is a joy to watch.

But the string in his heart was tight, waiting for news from Ye Xiu at any time.

Three days have passed, and there is still no news from Ye Xiu.

"Being watched by someone?!"

On this day, Tang Xiaohu felt a wave of energy catch up with him, and couldn't help being surprised, did he leak the news?

 Thanks to Time Machine i for the two consecutive red tipping rewards, the first red tipping reward of the royal family, continue to add more!
  Thank you all for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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