Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 170 Locking Longjing - Part [-]

Chapter 170 Locking Longjing - Part [-]

"Like a magic circle!"

Tang Xiaohu picked up the jade brick and carefully considered it.He has a set of formations in his mind, which is the "Fairy Fascination Formation" given by the big-headed soul-caller.

This formation was well understood, and Tang Xiaohu immediately saw that the people who came in earlier were probably setting up a formation.

The function of this jade brick is not only positioning, but also the effect of supplying energy for the formation, which is the same as the fairy jade in the fairy world.

Tang Xiaohu felt it, this piece of jade contains a lot of aura of heaven and earth, it seems that the immortal jade on the earth refers to jade.

"Wen Yu raises people!"

Tang Xiaohu finally understood the origin of this allusion. These jade stones contain aura, and they are carved into accessories to carry around with them. They will naturally benefit the human body a lot over time. This is the truth about how Wen Yu nourishes people.


Tang Xiaohu suddenly realized that arranging a magic circle was obviously not a means that a strong ancient martial artist could possess. Could it be that these people were disguised by immortal cultivators?

The word "Wang" in his qi movement technique can't see through its true meaning. It seems that these people are not low in strength.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Xiaohu became more cautious, no longer groped forward, but quietly backed away with a jade brick in his hand.

This place is weird, it's better to be careful, Tang Xiaohu doesn't want to capsize in this underground gutter of thousands of feet just after his debut.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the clouds and mist in the underground world were stirred up by a huge hole like a whale swallowing silkworms. They oscillated violently for an instant, and then gathered directly into the deep hole like a long thread.

"what is this?"

The clouds and mist were lingering, and the first thing that leaked out were two huge pitch-black copper balls, standing in mid-air.

There seemed to be a spirit in the copper ball, Tang Xiaohu felt a feeling of heart palpitations at a glance.

Feeling something was wrong, Tang Xiaohu backed away quietly again, this place was really weird.


Having retreated to the drooping copper chain, the huge underground space finally revealed its entire face. This is a huge underground space with a length of several thousand or even tens of thousands of feet. There are countless dark rivers interspersed in it, and there are traces of artificial excavation on the roof of the cave.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a huge creature in the ground. The two huge copper balls that Tang Xiaohu saw are just the eyes of this creature.

"Black Dragon!"

In this underground world, there is actually a huge black dragon that is several thousand feet long locked, and the long beard alone is hundreds of feet away.

This black dragon is not the image of the dragon king in the fairy world, but an image similar to the totem of Chinese civilization.

With huge copper bell eyes, flying beards, thick limbs, and a jet-black radiance all over his body, he is a thousand feet long.

At this moment, the black dragon was lying coiled up in this huge underground space, its pitch-black eyes were devoid of any emotion, but Tang Xiaohu felt that he was staring at him, this feeling was creepy.

The cloud and mist that filled the entire space was absorbed and swept away by the black dragon's giant mouth in one breath.

"Ride the clouds and ride the fog!"

It seems that the legends about the dragon in the Huaxia totem are all true. Tang Xiaohu actually saw a living black dragon underground in the capital.

This world is going crazy!
The copper chain hanging down from the mouth of the well is currently wrapped around the black dragon's neck, and in the enclosed space around it, six huge copper chains protrude from the surrounding rock walls.Locked the black dragon's limbs, torso and tail respectively.

What crime has this black dragon committed to be locked here?

Tang Xiaohu had a big question in his heart. There was a dark aura lingering around this black dragon, and he didn't look like a kind character at all.

"Tianzi Dragon City" is a legend passed down from ancient times in the capital. Tang Xiaohu has also heard of it. Could it be that Dragon City refers to this black dragon?


When Tang Xiaohu was surprised, those thieves who came in earlier had already noticed something was wrong, and immediately gave an order to activate the magic circle they had set up.

It seems that they should have some understanding of this underground dragon well, and the magic circle they set up has a psychedelic nature.

Sure enough, with the magic circle, the huge underground space gathered clouds and mists again, and the figures of these people gradually disappeared, and they were vaguely seen no longer real.


Tang Xiaohu was taken aback. These people obviously didn't speak Chinese dialect. Could it be that capable people from abroad pretended to be Chinese warriors and sneaked in.

No matter whether this black dragon is good or bad, it belongs to the country of Hua after all, and foreign barbarians are absolutely not allowed to touch it. Tang Xiaohu just wanted to take action.

What a coincidence!

Because Tang Xiaohu took a jade brick by coincidence, the psychedelic magic circle could not be completely formed, and a broken corner was exposed, completely unable to hide the traces of those so-called strong men.

The black dragon's huge eyeballs finally had a look of sarcasm!
Even if this psychedelic magic circle is complete, I am afraid that in the eyes of this black dragon, it is as ridiculous as playing tricks.

All creatures are ants!

The black dragon's huge right paw pressed heavily on the ground, and its lying body slowly stood up, scanning the few tiny creatures in front of it with icy eyes.

The entire city of Tianjing shook violently a few times!
Zhongnanhai, inside a certain mysterious building.A group of people suddenly stood up, and a man who looked like a leader said: "Go and see, who alarmed that black dragon!"

Xiangshan, a secret room in the manor of the Li family in Tianjing.A white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes, two beams of divine light shot out, and then disappeared into the endless void.

After a while, the old man said to himself: "Here we come, what should come will eventually come, and what shouldn't come will always come!"

The Wen family, Ma family, and Yan family all turned their attention to the direction of the ancient capital, the imperial city.

There is a legend that has been circulating at their level for too long, is it really going to come true?
At this moment, Tang Xiaohu had no idea how the whole Tianjing City was shocked by the black dragon's stomp, and he couldn't care less about it.

Because at this moment Tang Xiaohu encountered the biggest crisis in his life.

"Black Dragon Breath!"

The scenes in the novel actually happened in front of Tang Xiaohu, not gorgeous at all, but fatally dangerous.

The huge head of the black dragon was lifted up, the dragon's mouth opened, and a wave of black strange energy swept over.

This is the dragon's breath of the black dragon. It is hot and cold, and this strange mixture of yin and yang makes people vomit blood uncomfortably. Tang Xiaohu can't bear the breath just by feeling it from a distance.


Tang Xiaohu saw with his own eyes that a thief was swept by the dragon's breath, and the flesh and blood exploded and melted in an instant, leaving only the entire skeleton, which was dyed with a jet of black light.

Tang Xiaohu finally knew how the bones all over the place came from. These were the bones of the greedy.


Tang Xiaohu didn't even think about it, he directly launched the magical skill of Hua Quan Embroidering Legs, and instantly rushed up the huge copper chain like a rocket.

(End of this chapter)

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