Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 172 Big Brother Takes You Fly

Chapter 172 Big Brother Takes You Fly

"Brother Xiaohu, I really don't know if you are real or not, but I promise this plan is real!"

Xu Ya had a frowning face, and now the biggest saying in the ancient martial arts world is that Wen Zheyuan is the boy in the prophecy.

But the thirteenth game didn't want to see such a situation, so as soon as Tang Xiaohu's factor appeared, Zhanying immediately saw hope.

He wants to magnify this possibility, and even make it a reality!

"To be honest, is it also your idea to lure me to Suolongjing?"

Tang Xiaohu's face darkened, they were just a few real lives.

If he had to sacrifice the lives of so many innocent people just to push himself out as a boy from Longjing, then this thirteenth game is not a good bird.

"Heaven and earth conscience, Brother Xiaohu."

Xu Ya suddenly called out to Qu Lai, those few ancient martial arts masters were actually low-level foreign cultivators, who came to hunt for treasure after finding information about the black dragons in the Forty-Nine Cities of China in their own country's records of invasion of China.

Bureau Thirteen has to capture several waves of such people a month!

But this time, just seeing Tang Xiaohu hanging behind him, the Thirteenth Bureau deliberately removed the people around Suolongjing to give them a chance to enter the well.

But no one thought that Tang Xiaohu would actually go in. They wanted to stop them, but they couldn't.

Then came an even more shocking moment, Tang Xiaohu came out alive!
You know, no one can come out of Suolongjing alive.

nobody!Tang Xiaohu was the first!
This also made Zhanying firm in his determination to carry out the Longjing plan. He couldn't help it, this Tang Xiaohu was the real Longjing boy!

"It is!"

Tang Xiaohu nodded secretly, saying that he was a boy from Longjing, that's for sure, but the statement that no one came out alive is pure bullshit.

No one came out alive, so how could there be news of the black dragon at the bottom of the well.

People, as long as they are not greedy, happy, angry, or angry, they will always have a chance to come out.He is definitely not the only one who can achieve this level.

"By the way, how can you move freely in this secular world?"

A question suddenly popped up in Tang Xiaohu's mind. According to Xu Ya, monks above the Foundation Establishment Stage couldn't come out at all, so wouldn't he be safe?

But this kid obviously only cultivated in the Qi refining stage, so how could his anti-poison ability be stronger than that in the foundation building stage?

But it seemed that he didn't know whether he was taking advantage of the vitality of the world or what, and he didn't respond to the dirty air of the secular world at all.

"Hey, I have an exclusive secret treasure!"

Xu Ya smiled triumphantly, and opened his coat with a clatter.


Tang Xiaohu's face was so bewildered that he almost blinded his titanium alloy eyes. He saw that the inside of Xu Ya's coat was full of shining jade pieces, which were hung on the inside of Xu Ya's coat in a dazzling array. Nearly a hundred.

Every piece of jade exudes a faint spiritual power, nourishing Xu Ya's body.

"No wonder!"

Tang Xiaohu had a clear expression on his face. The reason why the monks in the Qi refining period were able to walk outside was that the jade pieces they carried with them could counteract the dissipation of spiritual energy.

As for monks above the Foundation Establishment Stage, once they enter the outside world, the speed at which their aura will spread out will be greatly accelerated.Unless you are carrying a large pile of jade slabs and bricks, it is basically impossible to move an inch.

"Is this Burmese jade or Hetian jade?"

Tang Xiaohu curiously picked up a piece of jade and stroked it. In fact, he was curious when he was visiting the jewelry store. There was a faint aura in those jade and emeralds.

I want to come to this world to store spiritual energy is jade!

Those exquisitely carved bracelets and jade pendants, they thought they were exquisite, but in fact, the outer seal was damaged during carving, and the aura had almost run out.

"This is a variant of Tashan Jade, Hetian Jade," Xu Ya explained in detail.

While talking, the two of them had already entered a room where certificates were made.

There are many members of the Thirteenth Bureau who are working on errands in the room. Seeing Xu Ya walking in with a young man at this moment, they all have expressions of curiosity.

This Xu Ya can be regarded as Zhanying's number one capable general. Usually, a young general in the army may not be a fool. How could he hold this young man like a pug at this moment?

"Xu Ya, you don't think it's cumbersome to wear so much, and the big brother also feels tired for you, so how about it, wait a moment, I will put the water on and give you a gift."

Tang Xiaohu suddenly had an idea. No matter what, this Xu Ya was also his first younger brother in the thirteenth game, so it was necessary to win over him with benefits.

If I happen to be able to purchase immortal jade from Taobao in the Immortal Realm, I will buy one and give it to him!Let this little brother surrender completely.

Poor Xu Ya has been automatically assigned to his camp by Tang Xiaohu.

"Big brother?"

"Xu Ya's eldest brother?"

Seeing the young man rushing out, everyone looked puzzled, Xu Ya was already strong enough in the thirteenth game, when did he meet another big brother!
Is it even more powerful than the deputy director of Wu Shengying?Everyone couldn't help but look forward to seeing what gift this so-called powerful elder brother could give Xu Ya.

"Hey, this is for you."

Tang Xiaohu came back from the water, and directly handed a piece of jade that looked extremely ordinary to Xu Ya with his unwashed hands, with a proud expression on his face.

This is what he snapped up with the speed of sprinting!One of ten thousand soft girls, from the Taobao shop of Barefoot Daxian.

Although other stores also sell it, Barefoot Daxian is used to it here, so don't worry.

Although Tang Xiaohu, who has ten thousand soft girls, feels distressed, but if he can get a loyal younger brother, it will definitely be worth it!

"It's just ordinary jade!"

"It's only such a small piece, this big brother is really good!"

Everyone looked disappointed, thinking that this big brother would bring them some surprises.

After all, it was a stunned head who didn't even have full hair, and deliberately made some gimmicks to attract attention.

These people in the Secret Service love to do sensational things.

Thinking of this, everyone lowered their heads one after another, busying themselves with their own affairs.

"Brother Xiaohu, no need, I can afford this piece of jade."

What Xu Ya said was the truth, in this secret service, the salary is not much, but the cost is really not low.

The whole body of jade pieces alone cost close to 1000 million yuan, and it was only enough to consume for three months.

Fortunately, there is a bounty offered for every task completed, and if you take a few more tasks, the consumption of this jade can still be supported.

"How can I do that, brother Xiao Hu gave you something, you must accept it."

Tang Xiaohu's face turned dark and firm.He shook his head at those people who were secretly paying attention to this side.

This big brother is also the best, a piece of broken jade, I don't know what kind of modesty he has.

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful."

With so many people watching here, Xu Ya couldn't stand it any longer. With a sour expression, he stretched out his hand and took the piece of jade from Tang Xiaohu's hand.

Xu Ya's actions were casual, apparently he didn't pay too much attention to Tang Xiaohu's gift of jade.

After all, he has all the information about Tang Xiaohu, and his career has just started. Like himself, he is poor, and he has no money to buy high-quality jade.

But I must accept this kindness of others!


The moment his fingers touched the piece of jade, Xu Ya was stunned, and his whole body froze on the spot.

He felt a refreshing force coming from his fingers, going directly to the brain along the major central nerves.

The moment this refreshing energy entered the brain, the whole body was filled with excited notes, rhythmic, trembling, and uncontrollable.


Xu Ya yelled at the void in front of him in a daze, and a certain organ in his body couldn't hold back anymore, and sprayed directly!

(End of this chapter)

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